One of the consequences of the homogenation of the world's culture is that it makes gloal government possilble through media and industrial
If you make a world where the entire population is FREE ENOUGH to buy and sell in industrial consumption-based economies of the west, then you make
the western way the dominant force in the world. Western forces are not just economic, the introduction of modern market-based cultures into a newly
industrialized nation can result in instability, social upheaval, and cultural disintegration.
The additional problem of globalization is the emergence of forces and powers that have set their activities upon the profiting of this newly
developed dominance, and their aims are less than holy. Indeed, their intentions are devoid of any grace or philosophy whatever, and cannot hope to
achieve anything but harm to the fabric of the world and the health of its nations.
It is not a matter of religion. Social engineering and nation-influencing is really heavy stuff, and should only be ondertaken by an equally weighty
intellect, and matching good will. If not, the product is war, decay, and confusion.
The forces acting upon theorganization of this world are not regal eagles dwelling in some enlightened spendor. They are servants to the most base
and unrefined of human spirits, they feed from their product, and the increase after their own kind of mind, which is without any dignity or moral
code, but is a dangerous sort of lawlessness, a dubious mixture of appearances and deceptions, while inwardly hiding the monster that is the desire
and want this kind of society instills in its citizens.
That is the well known truth from long ago. Long ago there were whole nations that were enlightened. During the time of the Muslim Empire, its was
quite common for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live in the same ocmmunities, quite at peace with one another, because justice and law was in the
hand of the Sultan, or the Shah, and it was rigorously enforced.
As you can see, there are certain principals and philosophies that are required to be in the minds and policies of the rulers of any given
civilization, or the civilization will decline and fail.
If these guiding lights are not found among the people, or have been driven out of their common understanding, then the nation has become hopelessly
fallen, and is ready to be buffeted by the great and natural forces of consequnce and karma.
You cannot exist as a nation if you constantly work at personal corruption, evil, and deception. You cannot associate with the negative forces of the
universe AND expect to enjoy the fruits of a peaceful, rational civilization for long. The two canot coexist, as ignorant, evil, and vice is
antagonist to all civilization, and causes decay of all aspects of human character.
Americans have a very basic choice - either the good minded and Liberty-minded citizens that control of the direction of their country -- or the evil
forces of corporate and financial power will forever sieze the reigns of our nation. And under their rule, the world will suffer, we will decay as a
people, because we will have no escape from the effects of their total control of our environment.
Americans are not an evil-minded people, as a whole. Virtue has not vanished from them entirely, it has just ceased to be at their head. No more are
the shining virtues of humankind found at the heads of power, industries, and governments, but instead the most indecent sorts of vice have roosted in
the places formerly held by the intellects of greater times.
Now it is possible for a thing of nature to live a little bit without its head, but I would not expect much length to its career. In no circumstances
would I expect a headless animal to prognosticate well, much less of a decapitated nation, especially one with so many forgeign entanglements.
Now the nature of the world is such that it cannot be properly governed by the opression of military force, either you go broke or get tired juggling
the various lands and peoples. The only successful nations of late are those which have granted liberty to the capital monies and properties of the
land. Gradually, the rest of the world will begin to resemble the winners, and the forces that prevent their more general convergance will
While it is inevitable that this republic will generate great power and wealth among its people, it is generally accepted among the finer peoples of
the world that this would tend to increase the finer graces of human development, especially the need and ability to advance the sciences.
I would even say that it is part of the social contract that obligates the wealthy and powerful to utilizae their consider power and influence to
advance their surroundings, either by their activities or direct intentions.
If the reverse begins to take place, where the activities and efforts of the governing forces of society begin to discourage and retard the healthy
traits of a free republic, and cause its people to decline, then the whole of the nation is plunged into regression, and its society becomes more
brutal and less inviting to the development of greatness. Its citizens no longer appreciate or practise any virtue or judgment, so they lose the
ability to recognize these things.