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UK's Islam Channel Censured for Guests Advocating Marital Rape

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:17 PM

UK's Islam Channel Censured for Guests Advocating Marital Rape


Britain's Islam Channel broke broadcasting regulations by condoning marital rape, encouraging violence against women, and promoting an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas line, the country's broadcast regulator Ofcom ruled Monday.

One violation came during an advice program in which a female caller asked if a woman could hit her husband back if he was beating her. The host, as part of his answer, said the most a husband could do was hit her with a stick the size of a pen "just to make her feel that you are not happy with her."

The same host said in another program that for a woman to wear perfume
(visit the link for the full news article)

+10 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Well here's something else for the Islamic community in the UK to start protesting about.

I find it disturbing that any religion would advocate the beating and raping of a wife. Don't tell me that it's within the Islamic faith to exercise this religious "right." There has to be lines drawn.

In Central America a few hundred years ago, it was common to have human sacrifices. If a group of people were to demand this practice to be resurrected, would it be against their religious freedom to deny them this practice?

Brutality and violence is the name of the game for Islam. If this were not so, then the doctrines would be changed from within.

There are billions of Muslims on Earth and to say that this is a religion of peace is contrary to the actions of those who carry out such heinous acts in the name of their religion.

If this is truly a religion of peace, then the majority should be able to change the doctrines that promote violence and smother out the extremists who "pervert" the Islamic religion.

Somethings got to be done even if it's a group outside the religion of Islam to do it.

(visit the link for the full news article)

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:22 PM
Toleration of various religious practices are all very well and good... But...

Where does a society draw the line? Advocating marital rape? That's crossed it, and the censure was warrented. Advocate beating your wife/husband? Crossed it there, as well.

Let the Muslims squack. Society has rules that the majority must conform to... In the UK, as well as most of the rest of the world, these are illegal, and immoral acts.

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:25 PM
A backwards culture that has no place in society.

Ignore these scum bags. Nobody should hurt their wives and women should be allowed to wear perfume, make up etc.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Intelearthling

I for one am not an idiot to think that the expression of dissatisfaction is beating someone up.

In Islam beating someone up, even if it is your wife, equates to violence, if true, the husband would get the same pain inflicted on his wife.

Expressing your dissatisfaction with your wife without touching her is good, just tap her with a pencil etc..

Hold your horses, no one has anything to apologize for.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Men, in all religions, have been brain-washed through the centuries to look upon the female as a lesser being or a second rate citizen. What for? Because they're softer than men? Because they're the ones to bear our children and take on the majority pf responsibilities of raising them?

My wife and I have a wonderful relationship because I respect her decisions and we compromise on major decisions that affect our lives. I love my wife and couldn't never think aboiut abusing her mentally or physically. She's very intelligent and she stands her ground if someone tries to manipulate her in any way. This, I find, is very appealling to me.

Without the contributions of women to society, society would cease to exist. Christianity has changed through the ages because the doctrines which governed it were imposed by men who sought to control its followers. It was only when the Holy Bible was printed in mass quantities things began to change. It changed because the followers of the men who imposed "their" doctrines on them were seen to be false. Every man, whether he is Christian or Muslim, has a mind of his own that doesn't need to be governed by outside forces.

When it comes to abusive treatment of a wife or of children, religion needs to take the back seat. There is no true religion that can condone this behavior. It's all man-made with a religious tag placed upon it.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Intelearthling

Did you know your post had nothing to do with mine?

I clearly said this is not abuse, nor violence against women, or wives.

Regarding the OP, the action is to express your anger, or your disapproval without touching your wife, so you take an object and tap your wife with it.

It is also a women's responsibility to talk with her husband and tell her how to express his dissatisfaction, or his deep disapproval of the wife's actions, or policies.

Another thing, a Muslim wife can divorce her husband just by saying "divorce", without even having to go to court etc. Women have very powerful rights, and the right to raise the child, which will be the future generation.

To think that women have no say is just idiotic. I have seen women that have raised their sons against their father, just to take revenge.

edit on 15-11-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Nice to see some common sense used for once in the UK.

This has got me thinking what happens when different human rights conflict with each other? What happens when “religious freedom” conflicts with “equal opportunity” or “women’s rights”?

Surely some rights take precedence over others? I have never really seen this discussed in the media? I think it needs to be brought up more.

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
It is also a women's responsibility to talk with her husband and tell her how to express his dissatisfaction, or his deep disapproval of the wife's actions, or policies.

Yeah right. Obviously you don't understand what happens in an abusive relationship. And that's what Islam is towards women .. abusive. According to Islam, the victim .. (that's the wife) .. is a lesser being. She's lower than men, slaves and cattle. She is not to be trusted. She is not to be allowed out without a male family member escort. Imams instruct their followers to beat the wives. Many women aren't even allowed to learn to read or to take care of themselves. In some Islamic countries they aren't allowed to drive. They are taught from the craddle to obey their slave master men.

How exactly is a woman victim supposed to overcome decades of indoctrination and abuse ... to stand up to her (physical and emotional) abuser ... an abuser who is indoctrinated into a misogynistic male dominated sex cult (ISLAM)? That's what it is .. a sex cult. The absurd 'afterlife' it preaches is supposedly a sex orgy for the men, and unending whore-dom for the women who will be stuck 'servicing' the men for all eternity.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I think you have been watching too many movies.

Did I tell you couple of seconds ago that women can say divorce, and there will be divorce?

I think you are confusing Muslims who grew up in conflict and war zones, with Islam. There is a huge difference there mate. Islam is represented by Quran. Anything you say about Islam, must be backed by the Quran, if not, you are just making wild accusations. If you want to talk about Muslims, there are thousands of different type of Muslims, there are even Muslims who murder innocent people.

The above being said, there are thousands of different types of Christians, there are even Christians who molest little kids.

Women are not less, women are different, not even you, a supposed scholar of Islam can deny that. Men are different too, they both have obligations, they both have different rights, but fair rights.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Women are not less, women are different, not even you, a supposed scholar of Islam can deny that. Men are different too, they both have obligations, they both have different rights, but fair rights.

Men and Women and equal, they both have exactly the same rights, equal rights! AND those rights have a higher priority than relgious rights.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Shinji

Men and Women and equal, they both have exactly the same rights, equal rights! AND those rights have a higher priority than relgious rights.

What do you mean men and women are equal? In what terms? You are talking about a rhetoric that you don't even understand.

Aren't men and women different?

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

What do you mean men and women are equal? In what terms? You are talking about a rhetoric that you don't even understand.

Aren't men and women different?

Men and Women may function differently in biological terms , that does not however affect their human rights , in the eyes of the law (here in the UK at least) men and women are equal!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Shinji

Men and Women may function differently in biological terms , that does not however affect their human rights , in the eyes of the law (here in the UK at least) men and women are equal!

Read the above, and tell me if it makes sense to you.

They are different, but they are equal.

That is like saying (1 and 2) is different but equal?

No, you don't treat (1 and 2) the same, if you did, (1 and 2) wouldn't be (1 and 2), (1 and 2) would either be (1 and 1), or (2 and 2).

Tell us what human rights are you talking about?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by oozyism

If the muslim faith is so tolerant of woman, why do we heard of more honour killings in the UK, when the family are muslim than other faith familes.

Some of these familes must base their decision to kill a daughter or female relative because of their faith. Is this a good thing?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Freedom ERP
reply to post by oozyism

If the muslim faith is so tolerant of woman, why do we heard of more honour killings in the UK, when the family are muslim than other faith familes.

Some of these familes must base their decision to kill a daughter or female relative because of their faith. Is this a good thing?

Honor killing is a culture originated from India.

Anyways, you should probably rephrase your question to something like this:
If the Muslim faith is so tolerant of women, why does 4 women convert to Islam for every man (US statistics).

Answer the above question, or just close your eyes and walk off outside for a walk or a smoke, then come back and see if the question is still there.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by oozyism

I am sorry if you cannot understand the concept of equal opportunity. It is a simple concept really. It means that just because people are different (tall/short, black/white, male/female, black hair/red hair, young/old, fat/thin, etc.) you do not treat them differently. If you do it is treated as persecution (racist, sexist, etc) and it is against the law.

Whilst I do not like your way of label people as “1” and “2” I will try to put it in a way you can understand using that system.

The numbers one and two may be different however they are still governed by the same set of rules. For example using “+” means you add them together, using “-“ means you subtract them. It does not matter which number you are using, they are still governed by the same rules. You do not go about saying “If you see ‘1’ and a ‘+’ you use addition but if you see a ‘2’ and a ‘+’ you use subtraction", it wouldn’t make any sense.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Shinji

Yes, the rules are the same, Islam has the same rule book for both men and women, and it is Quran.

Now the same goes for (1 and 2). See (+) treats (1 and 2), because (1 and 2) is different.

You don't treat two different objects the same, no matter what.

Rich and poor, they are both treated differently.

Fat and skinny, they are both treated differently, hence fat people are given more space for their comfort.

Just because two people are treated differently, doesn't mean one is less not worthy, or less in status.

Get it? They are all ruled, under the same rule book.

Women can always divorce, and also can alway choose to leave Islam.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Now again sorry if you cannot understand the concept of equal opportunity, there is nothing I can do about that. However the point remains that here in the UK, Europe and the Western world it is the system we have, that systems states that all people are equal.

There are also times when you do treat object exactly the same for example, you do not and never should treat a white person and a black person differently. Again this would be racist and it is against the law. Yes there are times when people must be treated differently however the law also cover that, for example maternity leave for women.

Our laws however at the most fundamental level do not care if you are male/female, black/white, rich/poor, etc. because first and foremost they are HUMAN BEINGS first of all.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:52 PM
Maybe they could try something truly radical and extreme and instead talk to their wife and treat her like anyone else. I would not be very pleased if some Muslim bloke started telling me off and striking me with a biro. Since I am then entitled to defend myself I would probably do so!

No matter how softly you hit them and no matter what you use, it simply isn’t needed. It also implies that the man has authority and superiority, something I do not agree with at all.

If I ever hit my wife I would expect her to pick up a sharp implement and have at me with it.

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