posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:03 AM
Okay, wow.
I've held a guarded opinion on the artificial structures that have been suggested to exist on the moon and mars, like we have seen more of recently.
But to me, this seems like an incredible find.
If anyone has seen Moon Rising, they use palettes of colors/shades/tones and apply them over these black and white images, the results are usually..
Okay, so.. then? what? if you consider this thing being there, its there from 1 of 2 ways.
- The structure developed on the moon in the still evolving terrain we see today
-This would have to be our scenario that any skeptic or non beliver would jump to. I am not nay-saying though, I suppose any rationalist could likely
find structures of terrain on earth that from an aerial view... would... dot dot dot, you all know how this goes.
- The structure has been added or design with purpose
-The structure, in its epic size and interestingly shaped edges has been built from the terrain and was accomplished by enhancing what the moon had to
offer.. or it was just, bam.. "lets build this thing on the moon"
Don't also forget op's original information. This image is cited and obviously linked to the nasa site. Its not grainy, its of decent resolution. I
personally cant think it would be tampered to show this, if anything, it would be tampered to not show it.
When the moon walks were done, a comment from one of the astronauts went something to the tune of, when asked "What does it look like up there..."
"The moon is essentially gray, no color. It looks like plaster of Paris, like dirty beach sand with lots of footprints in it." - James A. Lovell
It seems like we get hints here and there, the nasa image files are no doubt in the tens of thousands.. I wonder what else can be found
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15-11-2010 by sma11time because: formatting