Actually, I kind of think of it like this. I have a right hand, and I have a left hand, but the both take their orders from the same brain. While
our technology was being shuffled off to china, and bin laden and freinds were issuing their religious decrees, well, most of Americans hardly
noticed. Our media had us all entranced with Monica. Ya, a good x-rated story, sure to get the masses attention....simple diversion at it's best.
Well, who kept pressing the Monica story? The republicans, of course. Seems to me, they were working together. And, who is spending billions
rebuilding Iraq while shafting the states with the economic burder of homeland security. who is sending a massive armada of ships to china? who has
our National Guard, our Reserves, and alot of our military fighting a war that probably wasn't necessary? All this weakens our defense at home, and
no democrat is responsible.
A better place to see this in action would be on the economic front. The democrats keep creating more and more social programs to help "the poor and
disadvantage". While the republicans promote their "trickle down" economics, give the more wealthy outrageous tax cuts and encourage our jobs to
be sent overseas. The overall effect of this is that companies no longer have to worry about paying living wages to most of their employees. Many
times, they don't even pay enough to provide the childcare for that single mom while she works, the taxpayer does. It has been estimated that 70% of
the lower level employees of WalMart are recieving are recieving aid from these social programs. (
As are many of the employees of other companies. It is the democratic social programs that enable the companies to dish out the high salaries and
bonuses, the stock dividends, and report the high profits that fuel the stock market. All the while, masking the number who are, or would be, living
in proverty if these services weren't being provided.
So, we now have a government, and a society who feels they should be interferring on how we eat, live our lives, since hey, they are paying for our
healthcare, they should have a say in our lives....We are giving away our freedom...for the high wages, cheap products, profitable stock investments,
and of course, the right to have a free ride. But, none of it would be possible if the democrats didn't act the way they do, and the republicans the
way they do...there is a method to their madness.
I have had dreams about the troops from other countries, going from house to house, searching. Most of mine came in late 60's early 70's. In one, I
was hiding under a table with someone else. In the late 80's I was talking with my friend about our dreams, and we both began describing this dream.
Then she realized, I was the one hiding under the table with her. Freaky, yes...I believe some of my was too weird.