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liberals= the end of the usa nothing we can do

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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:14 AM
lets all give clinton , kerry, and any other anti war liberal a big thanks for weaken our defense and bringing us on a road to danger.

those of you who had dreams of nukes raining down on america: ive been having them too. i had dreams of russians and chinese nuking our cities, pushing troops through canada and mexico , the UN policing a war torn country and get a load of this in my dream there where UN helicopters shooting at high school students in a school. great britian will be nuked,
south korea will be battling the north , the north koreans will blow tons of hidden dirty bombs in japan. china will crush taiwan with an endless supply of reinforcements. the end is coming and it is very close, every time i have this dream i wake up sweating with my heart beating like nuts i cant keep this to my self anymore its been happening for two years now i would have this dream six may be ten times a month.

ive been watchin the signs

1. liberals and other political leaders weakin military purposely

2. our nukes are being scraped while the other side keeps arming.

3. the russians deny access to weapons inspectors it doesnt take a genius to know they are building more weapons that violate agreements.

4. clinton made a policy stating we have to give china SENSITIVE MILITARY TECHNOLOGY. giving war tech to some who hates you is a big no no..

5. Clinton's PDD-60 SAYS WE HAVE TO ABSORB A NUCLEAR STRIKE BEFORE WE SHOOT BACK, THIS IS WHATS GOING TO GET US. ha shoot back what what we were crippled militarily i saw it.

6. the libbies reduce the army to a pebble

7. taiwan is whats going to start this thing everyone knows that china threaten to blow up american cities if we get involved with tawian. ha this is a result of clintons technology give away better the enemie's missiles.

8. china and russia are using north korea and iran as surrogates to bog us down and tie us up.

once all our nukes are gone and we over stretch our militarily they will strike

one more thing people the libbies make this come closer with their gay anti war attitude. people if you are going to move out of this country do it now.

stay out of california , newyork, and any other big u.s. city go to the country side thats where i remember hiding out in my dream it was safe.

for those of you wondering if there would be insurgents the answer is no because the libbies took all our guns away.

this is what we get when we have a peacnik as president and this is why the russians and chinese want a libbie as president. now you see why i rant about the military and liberals ........ if the libbies kept the u.s. at it's hyper power status no country would think of challenging us they would leave us alone if we have a republican in power becuase they know republicans would accelerate secret and black weapons programs and they know republicans woudnt think twice about using nukes.

I know for sure the us would have a democratic president when then end comes because i saw it in my dream after were hit the libbie doesnt retalliate this is why the russians and chinese want libbies in power , because they know libbies are weak.

all this will be happening in between year 2005-2008

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:21 AM
getting rid of our nukes? Where you'd get that hogwash? We are increasing our nuclear stockpile. I say yer FOS

[edit on 30-6-2004 by Lysergic]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:28 AM
we are reducing what makes you think we are augmenting our nukes our nukes pile

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:32 AM
Bush is finding it hard to change what clinton did and kerry is trying to continue taking nukes away from the navy and airforce and at home.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:35 AM
i must say, you are sorely blinding yourself from the trappings of, makes no difference. anyhow, do you honestly think there would be a difference if we reduced our nuclear stockpile? the usa has more than enough to blow us to thy kingdom come! either way, a weapon such as the nuclear bomb was the result of humanity's need to prove who is the most dominant. and you never answered lysergic, you have no links to speak of concerning reducing the nuclear weapons stockpile.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:47 AM
I try to warn people but they dont listen, you have all the facts in your face people alot of evidence from the the web , bible, and people who predict things. If no one wants to listen fine thats cool with me i got packing to do anyways i gotta leave california before chinese nuke it. Im going to country side where itz safe, ill make sure i stop by the arms shop.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:58 AM
links you want links if i give links it would all lead to the libbies , after i give you links you would say im blinded by this republicrat stuff. Dont say im blinding my self , what about the other people seeing bad things in there dreams and predicting stuff are they blind to ? ive been havin this dream for two years two Friggin years and you tell me im blind it feels so real i dont even know its a dream or not. let me ask you guys
how many of you know about pdd-60 how many of you ? did you guys know clinton made such a policy? if we are hit we would have nothing to shoot back with becuase of pdd-60

[edit on 30-6-2004 by blacman2k6]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:02 AM
Go back and read your "signs". You are stating these as facts are you not? I rest my case.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:10 AM
i find it humorous that you cite the bible, yet you are full of hatred for a group of political persuasion...where does this come from? you would realize that we are all his children, if you were a true christian. i am not looking for an argument to see who has the loudest voice, since that always seems to be the victor, never the voice of reason. if you truly believe in the bible, then those that proclaim to come in his name giving hugs with firearms are nothing more than decievers...but enough of me, i'll hand the mic to the next in line. and i don't care whether or not it's a lib or rep, they all smell like the wolf who just slaughtered the lamb. i have no need for hatred, just the will to spread the knowledge.

[edit on 6/30/2004 by cloud]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:15 AM
These are things leading up to it. i know for sure beacuase its in my dream. they hit us when we are weak ,over stretched militarily ,and when we have no nukes in our arsenal. dont you get it they would strike knowing the other side wouldnt strike back. its like the cold war neither side shot nukes because they know the other side would shoot back expept its the other way around now one side would shoot knowing the other has nothing to shoot back with.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:25 AM

i know for sure beacuase its in my dream

Once again I rest my case. Do some research on the subconscious mind and dreams. Dreams aren't always truthful they are symbolic. But I'm sure I can't convince you, not that it matters to me.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:31 AM
Well, I think the Illuminati (or The City, Rothschilds, Knights Templar, whatever else) is behind both parties. Clinton has started this policing the world thing backed by Bush's pre-emptive strikes. Legislation like the Patriot Act is in place for when something does go down. If John Kerry wins he will extend the policy of aiding Israel (or Egyptian pharoah, Sun God worshipping, holy trinity) and we will still be going to war whether because of attacks or something else. Both Bush and Kerry have strong ties to Israel, I'm not bashing Israel, but I'm saying that America is being used by the Israel to further an agenda that will benefit them as well as the guys behind the curtain. We will go after communist countries as well so we can privatize their industries rather than have them controlled by the state. I don't think its Democrats or Republicans, they are both working together towards a similar cause. Presidencies flow so well with each other these days despite the "Party affiliations."

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:39 AM
i understand the enemy would strike if we didn't have the weapons, and i'm certain there are already plans to leave us open to an attack, but please, tone down the anti-liberalism, it's helping no one to see it from your perspective, especially those who may be liberal but don't agree with the liberal whole...but then i guess that they wouldn't be liberal then, eh?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:39 AM
"the great kings of the east will over throw the west " i think its revalations or chronicles i know i studied it some time ago

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:42 AM
us, as in u dot s dot, is babylon. but you should know that both parties are puppets in the game, just to polarize us all so we throw ourselves at each other's throats. i cannot stress this enough.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:43 AM
I'll just forget about it if its what god wants to happen it happens there is nothing i or anyone could do about it .

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:48 AM
Well, except for that certain organizations get what they want and they don't really let fate decide for them. It's more like a free-will or active approach.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:53 AM
if both parties are puppets this means other goverments of the world must be puppets controlled by secret groups of people like the illuminati etc. could they be leading the way for a war of global domination? its like communist russia who feigned weakness and destroyed the soviet union
on purpose so it could trick the west. there are people running the show behind curtains. both sides are the tricking each other ? are they making it a come in to my web kind of thing ? Jamuhn i like to hear your say in this

i know for sure the governments of the middle east, africa ,and southamerica are all puppets.

[edit on 30-6-2004 by blacman2k6]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:58 AM
Well, after we dominate the Middle East. Then they will have all the countries within their grasp to finish the job. After NK becomes democratic too, not necessarily China. The middle east will allow us to have china covered from the west. But anyway, the world works on a trickle down affect, where people in the high positions of power dictate to their employees, corporations, etc. what they need to do. Everyone has to keep in line within someone else going up to the very top of the chain. The people who actually run/manage this world are very few in number and my assertion is that they work with each other in a common interest.
But anyway, after the Middle East is dominated, then we will see some interesting stuff happen.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 04:00 AM
what about south america and africa ?

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