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What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine that originated in China over 5,000 years ago. It is based on the belief that living beings have a vital energy, called "qi", that circulates through twelve invisible energy lines known as meridians on the body. Each meridian is associated with a different organ system. An imbalance in the flow of qi throughout a meridian is how disease begins.
Acupuncturists insert needles into specified points along meridian lines to influence the restore balance to the flow of qi. There are over 1,000 acupuncture points on the body.
Depression can pose serious health risks to mother and baby, according to Rachel Manber, a Stanford University psychiatry professor. "Depression is associated with suffering, can be associated with suicide or wishing to not live." She adds that depression has been linked to babies who are more difficult to console.
Need for safe alternative treatment
Psychological counseling is commonly used to treat depression in pregnancy. But many women avoid taking antidepressants while they're pregnant because of safety concerns. That makes finding an alternative treatment important.
Comments at follow-up included: “I felt as if the stress was relieved”, “I was calmer and didn’t have any urges (to self injure)”, treatments “three times a week would be better”, as well as one person indicated that “it doesn’t help”. No major or minor adverse effects related to the acupuncture treatment were noted.
Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm of the individual's response to aromatic extracts as well as to observe and enhance the individual's innate healing process. As a holistic practice, Aromatherapy is both a preventative approach as well as an active method to employ during acute and chronic stages of illness or 'dis'-ease.
It is a natural, non-invasive modality designed to affect the whole person not just the symptom or disease and to assist the body's natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself by the correct use of essential oils.
"Aromatherapy is essentially an interaction between the therapist, client and essential oils, working together to bring forth the healing energy which will help the client regain their sense of well being and vitality." Jade Shutes
Single oils can also be used, and should be investigated so one can learn the different energies of each plant. For depression associated with negativity: Bergamot, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Neroli, or Sweet Orange. For a profound lack of joy, try Rose, Jasmine, Patchouli, or Ylang Ylang. For overthinking and worry, try Frankincense, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh or Vetiver. For pessimism, regret and remorse, try Clary Sage, Cypress, Hyssop, or Pine needle. For doubt of one’s capacity to cope with overwhelming situations, try Juniper Berry.
What is Orthomolecular Psychiatry? The term Orthomolecular was first coined in 1968 by Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, PhD, in Orthomolecular Psychiatry, an article published in the journal Science. The literal translation of the phrase is Right Molecule and he used it to refer to treating psychiatric disorders by first addressing the nutrient environment of the brain. He believed that an optimum nutrient environment was necessary to promote healthy mental functioning. On the cellular level, there are millions of chemical reactions that occur throughout the brain on a daily basis. He encouraged first optimizing the use of molecules normally present in the human body to correct any deficiencies which might be playing a role in the mental condition. Today, orthomolecular psychiatrists expand on these basic principles, integrating each persons unique behavioral, emotional, interpersonal, spiritual, genetic, nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors into the overall treatment plan of the individual. Conventional medications are prescribed when necessary; however, focus is on the assessment and treatment of the underlying cause of the illness, thus minimizing or eliminating the use of traditional medications.
How is this different from the drugs traditionally prescribed by psychiatrists? Conventional medications prescribed in the psychiatric field today work on the receptor level of the brain, modifying uptake and concentration of neurotransmitters in the spaces between neurons. However, they do not address the possible deficiencies at the cellular level that may be a significant factor in mental illness. Orthomolecular treatments work on the biochemical level of the brain, supplying the needed nutrients and cofactors needed for proper cellular reactions and functioning, aiming to address the root of the problem. An orthomolecular approach also differs from traditional psychiatry in that it aims to use natural substances to treat mental disorders, not synthetic derived medications common to the traditional drug industry.
What mental disorders can be treated with an orthomolecular approach? All of them. Whether it is anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, drug abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, or any other mental disorder, it can be treated with an orthomolecular approach. The goal of orthomolecular psychiatry is to address the root of the problem in a holistic manner that can be tailored individually to promote well-being and healing.
Sometimes a simple deficiency of vitamin D causes depression. 3,000 I.U./day from all sources can alleviate the problem. (2)
3,000 mg/day or more of niacin (vitamin B-3), along with the same quantity of vitamin C, taken in divided doses throughout the day can successfully treat both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (3)
Vitamins B-6, folate, and B-12 taken together lower elevated homocysteine levels in the elderly while improving mental function. (5)
Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time winner of the Nobel Prize, coined the term “orthomolecular” to express the idea that the right amounts of specific molecules can correct disordered thoughts and emotions. Many psychiatrists and physicians have found to their surprise that when they focus on supporting the patient with nutritional supplements and detoxification, the signs and symptoms of mental illness melt away. Besides being far less likely to create negative side effects compared to prescription medications, nutritional supplements support the entire body’s health and stamina, and help toward preventing future health problems.
The REMAP process utilizes the pathways and treatment points of the entire acupressure/acupuncture system to relieve emotional distress.
It provides a complete map of this acupressure/acupuncture system, brain balancing eye movement techniques and other leading edge interventions. The synergetic effects of these treatments are used to alleviate mental and emotional patterns of distress within the mind-body system.
The goal of this approach is to eliminate trauma, stress and self-limiting patterns while promoting wholeness, inner harmony and higher levels of functioning. By revising our mental and emotional maps we seek to further emotional freedom and to better life's journey.
Cognitive therapy teaches you how certain thinking patterns are causing your symptoms - by giving you a distorted picture of what's going on in your life, and making you feel anxious, depressed or angry for no good reason, or provoking you into ill-chosen actions. Cognitive behavior therapy* combines two very effective kinds of psychotherapy - cognitive therapy and behavior therapy.
If you go to your Doctor for stress related problems, she or he will likely tell you that perhaps the best treatment for stress is Meditation. They will suggest that you start meditating and this leads you to two problems. The first is where to get appropriate direction in how to meditate. By finding Meditation Station, you've already solved that problem. The other is understanding exactly what Meditation is.
Meditation is a three step process that leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss. As depicted in the first illustration, our "normal" state of mind is actually quite abnormal. We receive sensory stimuli and react in a completely uncontrolled way (although we tell ourselves we have great control). We bounce from one thought to another and follow with our emotional and physical reactions. The same thought can bring about diametrically opposite reactions at different times. For instance, we may see a dog and then start a thought process that reminisces about a pet dog we once had and loved. Emotionally, we then start feeling all warm and cuddly; physically, we feel very relaxed. Another time, we may see the same dog and fear it may attack us and start thinking paranoid thoughts, get fearful and uptight physically.
I like Jon Kabat-Zinn’s definition of mindfulness.
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way;
On purpose,
in the present moment, and
Herbal medicines have been in use for centuries and people all over the world have benefitted from them. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of herbal medicines a large number of people still have faith in these medicines and use them for body complaints and sicknesses.
People who’ve used these herbs and medicines ( ) find them to be a better option than synthetic medicines that might cause side effects with long term use. These medicines are often recipes that are passed over through generations and are many times, a family secret. Conventional medical practitioners however warn against using these as they are likely to interfere with the patients other medicines. They advise that a certain amount of caution is to be followed. So, are herbal medicines really safe and effective?
Consciousness in Healing & Improvements in Care
Phenomenal, groundbreaking, magical, and amazing!
Infinite Intention is all of these things, and it’s . . . practical!
It’s not just a theory. . . You can put it into practice and observe for yourself.
I have developed the Infinite Intention technique over the past four years in my clinical work to help my patients reduce their dependency on pills to heal. Intention as a healing tool has no boundaries with time or space, and has the potential to heal at all levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation will stimulate the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Excessive masturbation and ejaculation can, and often times will, result in over-production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. An unnatural abundance of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, in turn, making the brain and bodily functions perform at an extreme level. In other words, there is a huge change in body chemistry when one masturbates excessively. This leads into Premature Ejaculation and other frustrating sexual side effects
Originally posted by LAinhabitant
If you are currently on medications, please DO NOT stop taking your medicines abruptly or without your doctor’s knowledge.
Originally posted by loner007
Just to add depression in men can be caused by two things which are linked. The first one is excessive masterbating. If you masterbate more than 2 times per week you are seriously running your body to the ground and can lead to depression.
Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by LAinhabitant
I don't have much to add, other than to say that both St Johns Wort and Valerian Root have helped me in the past. I do not tolerate SSRI's well (side effects) so I do not take any maintenance medications. I've used both of these supplements for short periods and they did the job fairly well. Either can be purchased at Wal Mart for $4.00 a bottle, so they are very affordable. And the Valerian Root helps with insomnia as well.
Aside from that I just wanted to thank you LAinhabitant, for authoring a very informative thread which I am sure will benefit many members of the ATS community. Kudos to you!!!
Among the many conclusions from the study was the confirmation that prolonged semi-starvation produces significant increases in depression (1)