posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by silent thunder
A cultural upheaval engendered by "diglossic" worldviews based on social class. The vast majority of people living in a situation not quite as
exaggerated as RoboCop, while the status quo burn their vanities in the bonfire of a microcosmic globalism, repeating a dull paradigm over every
square foot. The masses continue to "check out" as the Drug War totally eliminates dialogue and keeps the drugs flowing; as Big Pharma, through mass
marketing, drowns out any discernible doctor-patient dialogue and keeps the customers flowing. Technology is only harmful when the dispossessed and
uneducated utilize it. Meanwhile, it is personalized and creates imaginary worlds for the people that pay top dollar. 3D television sucks you in,
internet porn sucks you in, flashing lights suck you in, social networking sucks you in...and in the end, the "in" is solitary and impersonal,
because everyone's "in" is different; ironically, at the same time, everyone's "in" is identical in its ability to distract, absorb and totally
neutralize an otherwise dispossessed, depressed, and oppressed people. "Green" (in either sense), "Left", "Marx" and "Darwin" are semantically
hollow for most, easy scapegoats for many, repurposed brands for a few, and utterly unrecognisable by all parties concerned.
Paulo Freire was right: the oppressed, given the opportunity and left unchecked, will just as easily become the oppressors.
I, for one, don't see a way out. Enjoy the ride.