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How can there be world hungry in 2010

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:50 AM
All they got to do is give food to each nation that needs food

make a list of all nations that need food in 2010

get a lot of boxes ...send them cans of food ...lots of food to last 10 years....then leave

how hard is it ?

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by williamAmerican
All they got to do is give food to each nation that needs food

make a list of all nations that need food in 2010

get a lot of boxes ...send them cans of food ...lots of food to last 10 years....then leave

how hard is it ?

That is the real problem


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:06 AM
The short term solution is to give them food which is fine for the here and now. The long term solution is to invest in projects where they can grow their own. Import cuttings of cacti and other arid dwelling species that produce fruit and require very little water. Introduce honeybees that can pollinate said plants and produce honey. Grow certain low water grains that can be used to feed chickens or other fowl. Investment in water purifying systems so as to prevent disease. These projects do not require a lot of money and are self sustaining, they just need the initial set up.
Just a few ideas take care

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:14 AM
No one cares beyond there own lifes and families.

I bet there is lots that laugh at the poor people on the streets, that is what society is like today.

I am sure like op says, there is plenty of simple solutions that teh west could of done. But the anglo american empire keeps these countries down, and steals there resources for themselves.

We are always told never can be done, but is that true.

Like i do not believe one moment that palestinain problem is getting any real solutions, and i am sure the solutions are alot more simple than they make out.

Like there has been times in past when they nearly got peace, and someone always destroyed it. But i doubt the problem is as hard to fix as they say it is. The problem is the powerful side, the anglo american representative is using everything to destroy these people, thats the problem, and it will continue.
edit on 11/14/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Re: All humanoids of the Cro-Magnon group, who inhabit the planet earth or as well: the whole of humanity.

If we were to reduce the whole of humanity to a village of 100 inhabitants, but took account of the proportions of all existing nationalities, the village would be made up as follows:

    57 Asians
    20 Europeans
    14 Americans (North South)
    9 Africans (high HIV-rate)
    52 would be female
    48 would be male
    70 non-white
    30 white
    74 non-Christian
    26 Christian
    89 heterosexual
    11 homosexual
    6 persons would own 59% of the entire wealth of the world and all
    6 persons would come from the USA
    80 would not have adequate living conditions
    70 would be illiterate
    50 would be malnourished
    1 would die
    2 would be born
    1 would have a personal computer
    1 would have an academic degree
    32 would have criminal tendencies

And if you were healthy this morning when you woke up and not sick, you are in a better position than the one million humanoids who will not live to see next week. If you can live up to your beliefs, whatever kind, without worrying about being arrested or killed, you are in a better position than approximately 3 billion humanoids. If there is something edible in your fridge, you are wearing clothes and a roof over your head, you are richer than 75% of the inhabitants of this planet. If you pay some cash into an account at the bank, and perhaps still have a few coins in a bottle or cardboard box, then you are among the 8% most prosperous. If you have read and understood this text, you are one of the privileged few, because:

You are one of the 2 million who cannot read and write..he he..

I'm still hungry..

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by thewarehouse

14 Americans (North South)

I guess English, Australian , Irish, Scottish, European... etc aren't good enough? Just Americans?



posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:20 AM
Just thought of a good quote by Gandhi just thought it was relevant “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed”

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by williamAmerican

I ask myself this everyday.

Until everyone starts asking we will never solve the problem.

Not everyone cares that innocent people starve and die every day.

Can you believe that?

Not everyone cares.

What sort of a world is this?

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:59 AM
As far as Africa being well fed, healthy, and their babies curling up at night for a peaceful snuggle....aint gonna happen.

The better part of central and lower Africa is too culturally stunted.

1.When you have a group of people that think you can cure aids by shagging a virgin what do you expect?

2. Hutu's and Tutsies ( hotsie totsie
) running around chopping each other up with machetes.

3. Not enough food to feed the kids they've got but still treat condoms as a party favor. I remember reading stories of aid workers trying to hand them out and some of them playing with them. Others that (were slightly more intelligent?) that knew what they were for, REFUSED to use them. Condoms were an affront to their "manhood". This all combined to have more dead and dying babies.

4. Giving them seeds to grow crops? They ate them. Too lazy to grow crops. Why grow food when its handed out to you?

Then we get to the hippie love fest/fuzzy feel good of 1985 "BandAid". You know, gave us the fantastic
song "We are the world"? All of the food that was sent was left on the docks to rot or kept for private use by the local leadership. Why? The country that was the entry point essentially blackmailed the other needy countries into fattening its pockets before it would let any go.


"no, a knocked up wife is a sign of manliness!"

USA? This one REALLY crocks me! Except in the desert, you can damn near grow anything anywhere here. If you are starving here its your own fault (short of being held hostage in some way).

No. World hunger is either caused by stupidity or corruption. Except for the kids, anyone else deserves it if they are!
edit on 14/11/10 by felonius because: add

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:11 AM
The problem is sustainability. Africa has a food deficit, it imports far more than it exports. There's then the issue of stability of the continent, as well as the rampant corruption and lack of education.

If we invested in education, kept the religious institutions that prevent sex education on HIV and AIDS out of the country, and worked towards "open source" GM crops that grow well in the continental conditions, we'd have the problem solved.

In fact, the Gates foundation is actively trying to find the right plan to put money behind.

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