posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:29 PM
But Know This, And This Know.
What's in common below (T-S or 1-4)?
T) Portals
H) Wormholes
I) Stargates
S) Crossovers
These are secret areas because these things are concealed ANY AND EVERY WHERE in and between and out this people and this planet and this universe.
These areas can be very useful. But these areas can also be grave dangerous.
With the right mind, you can crossover a thought that turns physical. That physical thought can even hurt or even kill a target(s) which specifically
cause a minding of a not so good kind by the right mind. Certain of these, say, wormholes do stand like functional cybernetical robots that are
intelligent like. These come out, as in just to do something in the physical array, then return back as though none existing. Certain of us do have
mirrors which are these type wormholes, which act on our behave before, during, and after whatever.
How do you define those things (listed by T-S or 1-4)?
I know you know the best war is won by those things certain people are behind and control. Consider 6 somebodies entirely gotten after those 6
somebodies do a foolish thing toward one who pends intelligent-like wormhole figures against a foolish kind.
Beware of how you make sense, then turn and catch a back obvious like a king cobra.