posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:35 AM
In the past I've noticed in some tv hows that whenever they have secret organizations they often seem to have an old man that is in a wheel chair or
on oxygen. I've seen it in tv shows and cartoons. I wonder what the writers could be eluding to. Does anyone have any idea what or who they are
referring to? Here are a few examples.
The Pretender, the bad guy was an old guy that always had to be close to his oxygen tank.
The new tv show The Event the head bad guy is on oxygen and is an older guy that looks like George Soros.
Batman Under the Red Hood, again one of the head bad guys is on oxygen. The Joker kills him close to the end. This isn't really a kids cartoon.
Gargoyles did a few episodes on the Illuminati and they had an old guy once that was over 100 years old, they said that the Illuminati had a drug that
could slow down aging. The head guy Sanatos and one of the cops were members of the Illuminati. Gargoyles throughout the three seasons had a lot to do
with the Illuminati and mythical creatures. It also wasn't really a kids cartoon.
I'm sure there are more but that are the ones that come to the front of my mind. I know George Soros is in his 80's, are they referring to him? Is is
just coincidence? Maybe Dick Cheney, I think he's going to live forever.
edit on 13-11-2010 by chefc14 because: I wanted to edit my grammer and