posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:14 AM
I'm a new poster to ATS, but I've been reading the site now for about two years. This thread seems like a good place to introduce myself.
I'm in my mid 40s, female. I've always been fairly well spoken, with a love of history. I've always been somewhat of a rebel and free-thinker, likely
owing to the fact I spent the summer of 1977 in London and witnessed the birth of punk firsthand. I'm a creative type, musician, actor, former figure
skating coach/choreographer until I blew out my rotator cuffs, ironically enough, on 9-11. I was already aware of many alternative concepts: I ate
only non GMO-organic, subscribed to belief in alternative healing (it was a Yuen Energetics practitioner that healed my shoulders when I'd been told
only surgery would help me), and had already embraced and put into practice the concept of creating our own reality.
One thing I've never been is a Sheeple (A word that I've been using for at least 20 years now). For a long time leading up to two years ago I had a
feeling something in the world just wasn't right. Call it a feeling, and intuition, common sense, or what have you, yet I could never quite put my
FINGER on what it was that so very wrong.
I have to owe it all to Jesse Ventura, actually. I don't even remember exactly how it happened now, but I stumbled across that interview he did on
9-11 2008. It's the interview where he did nothing but ask the reporter interviewing him questions about 9-11 (I figure many here are familiar with
the interview I speak of). That one simple interview was a like a veil being lifted. In the interview, he mentioned Loose Change, and it all spiraled
from there. Since then I've gone deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole, especially in regards to 9-11 and the NWO.
I've learned so much from reading threads here at ATS (though I always do my own research on the side, because nothing can be taken at face value),
and I suppose I felt now was the time to actively join in the discussion.
edit on 18-11-2010 by ProvehitoInAltum because: (no reason given)