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Do you feel like your Government is serving someone else besides the people?

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:24 AM
I believe they are. This is the Egyptian god Horus.


Now, notice the sun disk above the head, and the items in the claws of the American eagle.


This is the South Australian Government logo, where I live. It's almost identical to the depiction of Horus. They call it a "piping shrike".


The United Arab Emirates.


The United Nations Security Council.


These are the Polish and Austrian eagles. Take note of the royal crown on their heads and again, the items in the Austrian eagle's claws.



This is the South African Government's version. Notice the "sun disk" above the head and how it also looks like a crown.


The Nazi eagle.


And it just wouldn't be complete without Egypt.


Now this is why the Royal crown is significant. This is what has to say about the Royal bloodline.

The Windsor-Bush bloodline reaches from the American presidents, back to British/European royalty, and it doesn’t stop there. It continues back through Roman emperors, all the way to Babylonian Kings and Egyptian Pharaohs near the beginning of recorded history.

Now for those of you who don't know, these are the parents of Horus, Osiris and Isis.


I don't want to derail my own thread, so we'll just say that Horus is half human, half "green guy".

Which means that the main factor in Royal blood must be "green guy" genetics.

Now here is what I would like to discuss:

1. Do our Governments serve Horus, instead of us, the people?

2. Are we still living in an Egyptian slave system that has evolved over time?

3. If Horus exists, as the elite seem to believe, is it possible he may be returning?

Your thoughts...

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:34 AM
I personally have a strong feeling that we have been conditioned to believe that when Horus returns, he will be a "good guy" that has come to "save us".

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Now here is what I would like to discuss:

1. Do our Governments serve Horus, instead of us, the people?

2. Are we still living in an Egyptian slave system that has evolved over time?

3. If Horus exists, as the elite seem to believe, is it possible he may be returning?

Your thoughts...

1. Do our Governments serve Horus, instead of us, the people? They serve some ancient 1z yes. Is it the Egyptian offsprings mabey.

2. Are we still living in an Egyptian slave system that has evolved over time? Possible as the american dollar has Egyptian art and the Eye of Horus on it. Very possible.

3. If Horus exists, as the elite seem to believe, is it possible he may be returning? Its possible yes but SO IS THE ORIGINAL BLOODLINE IN FROM WHICH HE WAS SPAWNED AS YOU SAY THE GREEN GENETICS ORIGINALS. And how they view things hmm. Mabey this is why this Egyptian culture is openly resurfacing, because TPTB know some data and read only into the Egyptian aspect and not further. Is he close to the portal or has he already entered the stargate YES?!?!?!?!?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:01 AM
After a lot of looking and reading I think its possible that there is a secret lineage that goes from Egypt to Greece to Rome to the Ottoman Empire to the British Empire and then to our modern days.

Interesting that the Eagle keeps turning up. Thanks for illustrating this.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:21 AM
1. Our governments serve the mega-corporations.
2. Yes, there are lineages from rulers of ancient civilizations that somehow still retain power structures.
3. Yes, it is my opinion that there does exist an alien genetic marker among them from cross breeding. At some point when it all comes to a point, we will be examined for the dna / alien marker to denote some future class system, though this is probably far off beyond our lifetime.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Thanks for all your replies.

It's 3am here, so I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'll post my beliefs about why 2 countries that seem to serve the same god were fighting each other in WWII.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Sad thing is most dont take it all that serious and explain it away.

Most of these people would explain or justify away millions of Americans being rounded up and executed.

Callem Debunkers, Ignorance deniers, logical thinkers ....whatever. They go by many names.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:39 AM
Interesting thread.

Just to add a couple you left out.

The Russian Double headed Eagle

Also the Logo of Barclays Bank

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:43 AM
One thing that Governments can never be accused of is serving the people. Whoever thought that was their mission, is clearly delusional. Governments are no more then an association of criminals, whose only purpose is to rob as many people as they can. Unfortunately, most people still entrust their well being to these criminals, and then, of all things, expect not to get mugged.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by davespanners

Cheers for that. I wasn't aware of that one.

It looks very similar to the Albanian one.


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:25 PM
I believe that some wars may have been solely for the purpose of human sacrifice for this god.

It appears that you cannot sacrifice someone to a god unless they are a willing participant, or are tricked into being a willing participant. There are many stories about how the devil can't take your soul unless you agree to it, such as signing a contract with him. I mean, why doesn't he just kill you and take it?

Arizona Wilder claims to have conducted ceremonies for the British Royal family that involved human sacrifice. It is very interesting what she says in this video between 7:25 and 8:20.

Also, you will notice that world leaders never talk about their fallen soldiers without mentioning the word "sacrifice". Take this from John McCain.

Keith Olbermann sums it up very well with this.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Human sacrifice is intended to bring good fortune and to pacify the gods...


On Unley Road here in Adelaide, there is a memorial that says "In their sacrifice was our salvation". Was their sacrifice to appease Horus?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

You might want to find and read APOLLYON RISING by Thomas Horn. There's a few lengthy online articles by him relevant to your thoughts , just google the above. Horn (and also David Flynn) went on to find what appears to be an encoded timeline in the great seal / dollar bill and other places . Google ILLUMINATI TIME LINE 2009-2011. That should answer your last question. I've been independently researching this for over a year and they are ON to something.

I think something is returning openly to earth in the near future . Whatever they are, half the planet (the religous lot) will believe them false gods to be followed by some saviour type figure with cohorts who are meant to vanquish them. Cue the allmighty battle of Armageddon .It's a great set up really - you just need one group of beings to play both roles in a script accepted by about 3 billion people. Most non-believers left alive will be so terrified and awed they will quickly convert.

It's an alien takeover in the guise of a righteous, ancient religious war. They are chillingly intelligent psychological war strategists.
edit on 13/11/10 by cosmicpixie because: forgot something

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
It's an alien takeover in the guise of a righteous, ancient religious war. They are chillingly intelligent psychological war strategists.

I think you may be right there.

For some reason, it seems these entities must respect our free will. Which is why their only option to take over is to trick up into giving it to them.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
I personally have a strong feeling that we have been conditioned to believe that when Horus returns, he will be a "good guy" that has come to "save us".

If you compare Horus to the rest of the leaders (government, religious, academic), Horus would almost certainly be a "good guy" simply by comparison. Would seem to me we are conditioned to direct our anger towards whatever person (or group) is capable of enacting change and solving dire problems on a global level.

Screw the world up so much (financially, emotionally, mentally, etc.) that when some mystical character returns (whoever he may be), the people just snap, blame all of their problems on him, and hunt him down; thus leaving the power in the hands of the agencies who are actually at fault. Rinse. Repeat. The problem here is that you can't repeat the cycle for too long. This is likely our last chance to get it right.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:55 AM
Horus is a hawk. Sometimes a falcon. Regardless he represents the Sun. Eagles also are used to represent the lord of the Sky. The sun. That is why they are so prominent. IAO. Isis Apophis Osiris. The Sun dies at night and is reborn the next day. He is risen. It is also sexual secrets that one can read about in books.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 05:00 AM
With all the Kony propaganda lately, it's interesting to see the Government of Southern Sudan's logo too.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

3. If Horus exists, as the elite seem to believe, is it possible he may be returning?

Your thoughts..

Over the last few millenias, the elite in the western world have gone to great lengths to immerse themselves in ancient Egyptian culture, teachings, and imagery. Prior to their discovery of DNA, they probably thought knowledge was all they would need to convince a returning species or being that they were "one of them" or the rightful rulers of the Earth. Why else would they be so concerned (and secretive) about finding out which groups of people might actually be the descandants of ancient mummies.

If this being does exist and is returning, then the elite would want to know whether they can expect to be safe or will need to run, fight, or hide.

edit on 29-4-2012 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:36 AM
This might seem a bit ot but think about it.
I was thinking of this the other day, maybe that is why the govt doesn't like people to have a few chickens, they can make you think.

Eagles are major predators who can carry off a lot of weight.
They can soar high and see 'the big picture' then take aim and swoop down.
The talons are fierce weapons.

People often remind me of chickens. They can flock. Someone gets a chunk of good bread and they all get oblivious to everything chasing that chicken w/ the bread. They all want some of that bread too, never mind the food on the ground that's easier to get.

Then eagle swoops down and eats better than all of them. Usually on their young.

Except for crow. Crow is a thinking bird. Crow cares most about his or her family.
Crow runs off eagles. In small bands, they harrass the heck out of eagles until they leave.
Then farmer continues to have chickens and will keep throwing out good corn.

Crows are small and don't have talons or weapons but they don't put up with eagles trying to feed on their territory.
edit on 29-4-2012 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 11:05 AM
I believe that the Vatican will eventually present David Rothschild to play the part of Christ/Isa/Horus reincarnated. I wrote about my theories here and here. Horus is a big part of the one world religion/government that the Vatican, EU, and UN have planned for everyone.

If you google the words 'Obama Mahdi' then you will see Muslims on youtube and Islamic blogs already calling Obama the Mahdi/antichrist. Rumor has it that Obama, with the help of the UN, plans to divide Israel and give parts of it to the Islamic caliphate via the Palestinians after the next election. If that happens then I suspect that many more Muslims will believe that Obama is the Mahdi. Some Islamic prophecies suggest that Isa/Islam's false Christ will appear and walk alongside the Mahdi. As most on ATS already know, Obama is just a Rothschild and Vatican puppet. Therefore, I suspect that the Jesuits in the Vatican are trying to pass Obama off as the Mahdi/antichrist by empowering him to divide Israel. The Vatican will then have access to David's temple in Jerusalem out of which they can traipse out David Rothschild as Islam's false Christ/Isa and Christianity's false prophet.

When the Vatican gets around to revealing David then many Christians will be deceived into believing that he is Christ returned, Muslims will believe that he is Isa come to walk alongside the Mahdi, and pagans will believe that he is Horus reincarnated.

It's the same old thing that the pharaohs and emperors tried to do. They tried to pass ordinary men off as gods. However, the Vatican has repackaged it now to make it look modern and 'progressive.' Incidentally, many of the temple prostitutes/celebrities paid by the Vatican are beginning to wear the Eye of Horus on their clothing and jewelry. Please see pics at the above link. I believe that the Eye of Horus will be worn to show solidarity with the EU and Vatican's version of Horus reincarnated. For example, the temple prostitute, Madonna, displayed a huge Eye of Horus during her half time show. We can also expect to see the Eye of Horus during the Olympic 2012. We can expect to see the EU and Vatican trying to marketing their one world religion/government in a big way in the next few years by using the Eye of Horus in anything and everything.

However, to take this a step further, we need to look at what kind of spirit is behind the Horus myth that the EU, UN, and Vatican are worshiping. Rumor has it that the Rothschilds are Luciferian/Satanists. Luciferian/Satanic symbols are also plastered all over the Vatican.

2 Corinthians 11:13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

edit on 29-4-2012 by chizeled because: (no reason given)

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