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Aliens = ETs = EBEs = Pleidians = Reptilians = Annanukis = malicious Jinns = Devils = evil spiritual

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

Only those who stick to the rules of the Creator ans Sole Master are fully safe against their tricks.

You might want to check your contract again; I think something got lost in translation.

You've used someone, Colleen Thomas, who is - as NephraTari stated - certifiable.

Not possessed, or influenced by evil, but out and out deluded. Yet, you use her as "evidence".

I wonder who is being tricked here.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 03:48 PM
"If they were truly from God, they'd say that God is their Sole Master, that the Koran is to be obeyed, that we should worship none but God, their Master and ours.... "


I'm speechless.....even though knowing that this one thread is for spreading cult's blief.
but this one statement just make my day.

Now I'm truly submitted to my God so that I will not be with "a certain individual" when Judgement Day comes.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:29 PM

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

Only those who stick to the rules of the Creator ans Sole Master are fully safe against their tricks.

You might want to check your contract again; I think something got lost in translation.

You've used someone, Colleen Thomas, who is - as NephraTari stated - certifiable.

Not possessed, or influenced by evil, but out and out deluded. Yet, you use her as "evidence".

I wonder who is being tricked here.

It's called confirmation bias my good man. It's how sick people justify horrific agendas... like 'killing in the name of', and so forth. This Op is travelling a well worn pathology.


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:44 AM
i just watched the full interview with raj patel on the colbert report and i cant see this guy being the anti-christ, satan or even maitreya. satan would be a lot more steady minded and confident. raj...... not so much.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by fallow the light
i just watched the full interview with raj patel on the colbert report and i cant see this guy being the anti-christ, satan or even maitreya. satan would be a lot more steady minded and confident. raj...... not so much.

The main topic is about Aliens, UFOs, Jinns, Devils.... but I understand that Maitreya's workers are more focused on defending their dear Raj Patel/Maitreya.

Contrary to you, I've not the same feedback at all concerning Raj Patel's Colbert interview and I am not the only one.

Raj Patel does not look like any other figure, his speech betrays him, his face betrays him, his voice betrays him, his BLINKING RATE betrays him, his controlled stuttering betrays him, his friends (Rockefeller, Gates, Rothschild, Lucas, Queen of England, Benjamin Creme....) betray him, the institutions he's worked for (UN, WTO, WB...) betray him,....everything betray him, only those who work for Maitreya or those who are lost and are fated to Hell do not see that...

God has sent Maitreya, in order to gather behind Raj Patel/Maitreya the souls of those who have not responded to God/Allah's Call (the unfair people, the sinners, the unbelievers, ...). Maitreya, Satan's Principal lieutenant on earth will lead them with him to hell. The people who have refused the Call of God will accept to follow the one God has sent to deceive them, how unfair are the people fated to Hell!!!!

Either you turn to God either you'll be the true loser (whether you're aware of it or not).

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod
reply to post by the_0bserver85

You people, believe in Aliens/demons, believe in Satan but do not believe in God, do not believe that God has sent down readings to offer a true choice to the people.

Satan does not really gives to the people a true choice, it's like the Pepsi/Cola choice, he sells us BS and BS.

You'd better be more humble and think a bit farer than you're doing now, that's for your own good, I have nothing to gain from you, I am not a leader, I have not group, I am not asking for money, It's a pure fair help, a fair recommandation.

Actually if you delve deeper into the world of Satan you'll notice SATAN like GOD does not exist either. God is the personification of the Sun like Allah is the personification of the Moon. Satan is actually a personification of the planet Saturn. You know that big ball with the rings round it? It's all fables, stories and symbolism. When people say they are worshipping Satan what they are doing is worshipping a planet. But as far as the Koran stories go on about the Jinns, well they are merely Anunaki Draco's from the fourth dimension. Problem with story books like the Bible and the Koran is that they exagerate stories too much.

Sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news 'TheTruthIsFromGod' but just like God, Santa Clause is a made up character in stories too. Sorry to burst your bubble!!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:36 AM

You can laught, you'll see who will laught at the end... I am more convinced about the existence of God than about my own existence, you'll not change my mind. Feel sorry for yourself for being so lost.

God/Allah is ONE, He's the God of the Sun, of the Moon and of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm just merely trying to educate you a little bit. If u wish to continue to live in never never land that's up to u. I'm just giving you the facts. Unlike the mind controllers from the past who have sucessfully duped millions of people into believing that an invisible man/woman/it is living in the clouds and watching everything we do. Sorry but that is utter rubbish. The greatest Scam ever is religion!!

The bible and the Koran are the same books. The stories have been changed slightly to suit the cultures but they are basically the same books. Now, if anyone looks at these books for moral guidance throughout their lives that's up to them. In fact I'll go as far as to say that some of the guidance within the books is good for people. It's just a shame that they are full of fictional stories.

But as the saying goes........Each to their own!!!!

Bleep bleep bleep That's all folks!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 07:06 AM


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:11 AM

I can clearly see you have been very well brainwashed into the religion BS. God/Allah is not real. And as far as feeling their Wrath?

Pull the other one. It has bells on it........

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:18 AM


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:33 AM
A bit of a mouthful but interesting. Doesn't make any sense though. Like all biblical/Islamic sayings and rants. Means nothing to me.

Here's some for you

'Still today in America religion controls the minds and limits the thinking of the Christian patriot movement which has seen through many other smokescreens and identified many aspects of the Brotherhood conspiracy. What they cannot face, however, is that their own religion is a massive part of that conspiracy.'

'These religions were designed to imprison the mind and engulf the emotions with fear and guilt. They were usually based on some ‘saviour-god’ figure like Jesus or Mohammed and only by believing in them and following their dictates can we find ‘God’ and be saved. Those who refuse to believe this rubbish are condemned to stoke the fires of hell for all eternity.'

'Staggeringly, billions upon billions have fallen for this scam over thousands of years, and still do. That’s fine if they want to give their minds and their lives away, but many insist that everyone else must do the same and that’s not fine.Most of the people will be from the parts of the world dominated by Christianity, Islam and Judaism and literal truths and how the manipulation of these stories has produced the most powerful form of mass mind control yet invented.'

Now that statement is true!!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

All those passages from the Koran are alright, but that book was written by men too. No God, NO GOD wrote a book. And don't give me that "inspired" BS, this is brainwashing at it's absolute best. Just because the majority of people might BELIEVE something to be true, doesn't make it true. All it means, is that you and most of your neighbors are suffering from a mass delusion--or, put more bluntly: YOU ARE BRAINWASHED. So, the question is, really, how did you get this way? How did you come to believe things like those statements in the first questions were true? "Well, I heard it on.... Well, I saw it on.... Well, I read it in...."

Intelligent men/women do not decide any subject until they have carefully examined both or all sides of it. Fools, cowards, and those too lazy to think, accept blindly, without examination, dogmas and doctrines imposed upon them in childhood by their parents, priests, and teachers, when their minds were immature and they could not reason.
[Some] 433,000,000 Mohammed followers believe that the Koran was brought by an Angel from Heaven; 335,000,000 Hindus believe one of their Goddesses, Siva, has six arms; 153,000,000 Buddhists believe they will be reincarnated; 904,000,000 Christians believe a God made the world in six days, Joshua stopped the Sun by yelling at it, and Jesus was born of a virgin and nullified natural laws to perform miracles.
There is absolutely no scientific proof of any of these claims. Science has shown them to be contrary to all known facts. It is more intelligent to classify them as false.

These primitive beliefs have been kept alive by a vast army of priests, preachers, and rabbis because it is to their great profit to promote them, first, by imposing them on the helpless brains of children, and second, by saturating the air, TV, press, and schools with their childish superstitions and unreasonable claims. They fool the ignorant and make the gullible and the intelligent alike pay tribute to them. Their multi-billion-dollar properties and incomes are exempt from taxes; they get half-fare on trains, buses, and planes; and receive billions of dollars in grants of taxpayers' money to help build up their political power, wealth, and luxurious living. Taxes could be cut 10 percent if churches paid their just share. That would mean a probable saving of 20 billion dollars a year to the people of the U.S. every year of their lives. Some priests also indoctrinated with superstition from childhood probably even believe what they preach. It pays them handsomely to do so.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:07 AM


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod
Either you turn to God either you'll be the true loser (whether you're aware of it or not ....

Feel sorry for yourself for being so lost. God/Allah is ONE, He's the God of the Sun, of the Moon and of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

God/Allah is real and you'll soon taste his Wrath. You're a dead soul into an almost dead body and your fate is Hell forever, EXCEPT if you repent before to see the HARSH Punishment of God fall on you

You speak exactly like the people who are fated to hell are supposed to speak:

, the Koran is real, what is told in the Koran is 100% real and accurate. The Koran confirms 100% what we are living just right now, it contains the Absolute Truth and is a Light and a Guidance for the true awaken one. I understand why God is providing you this warning, I understand why most of you will be destroyed,... just because you are too far, most of you you cannot come back, you've exceeded the limits and your madness perfectly illustrate it.

:shk: And that's just from this page of the thread. Put a cork in it will ya'? Geeeze. :shk: All you are posting is off topic personal insults and baseless threats. Your continued preaching that anyone who doesn't believe like you is going to hell ... that's against the rules here. (It's also incredibly ignorant) The topic is - Aliens = ETs = EBEs = Pleidians = Reptilians = Annanukis = Jinns = Devils = evil spiritual. This thread is 12 pages long and you have failed to make your case that aliens aren't flesh and blood but instead are spiritual evil. You have FAILED to make the case. And quoting a man made book (Qu'ran) ... a book that was written by thieves and murderers hundreds of years ago ... a book that is full of error and contradictions ... a book that is NOT from God ... quoting that doesn't make your case but instead makes you look foolish for quoting from the sex-cult manual.

Again. :shk: and

edit on 11/30/2010 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:27 PM
OK.. Quite enough if that..

If anyone wants to preach.. Go into the Religion Forum and preach to your hearts content..

We are going to stay On Topic here from here on out..

With you or without you..


Thank you


posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:35 PM


posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:17 AM
Don't want to continue to argue the fact of the existence of God except to say there is more evidence of Aliens/UFO's than there is of God.

Back on topic.

Aliens are merely visitors from other worlds. Yes there are evil beings and there are good beings. But they are not what you call Devils or Jinns. The Koran and Bible are full of symbolism regarding ET's. Take for example the Book Of Enoch.

The Book of Enoch, also known as Ethiopic Enoch, I Enoch, and The Book of Henoch" was revered by the Jews and Christians alike but fell into disfavor among powerful theologians because of its controversial descriptions of the nature and deeds of the fallen angels. The Enochian writings like others such as The Books of Tobias, Esdras, and others, were omitted (or lost) from the Bible. Once it was considered to be among the biblical apocryphal writings by the early church fathers.

Book Of Enoch History

Thus, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Jesus had not only studied the book, but also respected it highly enough to adopt and elaborate on its specific descriptions of the coming kingdom and its theme of inevitable judgment descending upon "the wicked"--the term most often used in the Old Testament to describe the Watchers.

The Watchers being Aliens!!

In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans.

Angels being Aliens!

They soon begin to lust for human women, and at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, they defect en masse to illicitly instruct and procreate among humanity. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity.


The Nephilim were a race of giants that were a mix hybrid of native humans and the Reptillian Annunaki (Allegedly)

The Adam and Eve symbolic story seems to have been derived from the story of the Nephilim. In fact Adam and Eve were the Nephilim. And this fact is from the Koran!! Probably because it copied the Book of Enoch. Since it predates the Koran!!

So you see all those symbolic stories from the Koran and the Bible are basically descriptions of Aliens. They are just written in a way that makes people think the stories are about Gods and Devils. What people perceive about God and Satan is false. God doesn't exist. And neither does Satan. But, Aliens do. They are just described in a strange way.

That's my opinion anyway!!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by stevcolx

I highly doubt that you've really read the book of Enoch, because I HAVE READ IT, and I am not denying your quotes but Enoch speaks a lot about God, Satan and Fallen Angels (Devils).

You prefer to believe in the Book of Enoch which is much older than the Koran and far less accurate.... really, something is wrong with your brain.

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