posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Reevster
I see your points... But I'd be making a fair ruckus if I saw something that weird... And as for disturbing the crews filming a scene, they can always
do a retake... After all, imagine what sort $$ they (or their agents) could get from one of the big networks for high-quality footage.
However, to keep this in balance, your own arguments are just as valid as those I've put forward. The fact is, we are not that guy or his colleagues,
so how we'd react means little. And (like you said) we don't know all the circumstances. For example, it's also possible that the camera crews were
off on a break, or alternatively, the grips were still setting everything up and so (quite possibly) none of the pro-standard cameras were even out of
their boxes at the time.
But wouldn't it be annoying, though? You see the most amazing UFOs of your whole life, while you're on an acting job that's going to be filmed, and
nobody has a darned camera handy!
It's so crazy that it's kind of believable, actually.
edit on 12/11/10 by JustMike because: Grammatical correction.