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Thermite Experiments and Evidence Summary

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Joey Canoli

Your opinion really means nothing, and in the case of the XRD it is pointless.

Can you even explain why you think it's necessary after the tests conducted by Jones/Farrer, as well as
the data provided by LLNL?

Are you smart enough to tell this forum why XRD is going to display something more than XEDS, and SEM?

Why did Tillotson use XEDS and not XRD? It's a government funded lab; they would have access to all of the
latest technology., ummmm...I'm curious to know why you think it's going to reveal different results?

edit on 17-11-2010 by turbofan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by turbofan

I'm curious to know why you think it's going to reveal different results?

And I'm NOT curious as to why you refuse to make a few simple phone calls to verify what I'm saying.

You're too scared to. You'll find out that you've been wasting your time with this, but your own personal identity as a "truther" is such a big part of your life that it won't allow it.

Super cool. Super delusional........

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by turbofan

Originally posted by SeventhSo Dave, in your own words please explain how preposterous it would be for one or two agents to plant all these charges over the course of 3-4 years

Long time no see Seventh, good to see you back! I know your question was directed to Dave, but allow me to answer and give some
opinions of what may have happened in a span of months even:

- elevator shafts were under repair. Nano energetic material can be painted onto columns. What if the repair
crew was instructed to paint the columns using a specific "paint" (**cough**) which was supplied by one of
the insiders? They would be doing the work and not even know.

- RF transmitted devices were likely used to rig up such a tall building. No messy conspicuous wires, or
detcord to find pre/post collapse and reduces install time by considerable amounts.

I've done some research and posted a thread covering this; "Igniting Nano Thermite Without Detcord"

Hi Tino and ty
. I do pop in every now and then, interesting to note that Dave did not reply, albeit we could pretty much guarantee the answer would be completely irrelevant to the question

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

Originally posted by turbofan

I'm curious to know why you think it's going to reveal different results?

And I'm NOT curious as to why you refuse to make a few simple phone calls to verify what I'm saying.

You're too scared to. You'll find out that you've been wasting your time with this, but your own personal identity as a "truther" is such a big part of your life that it won't allow it.

Super cool. Super delusional........

Actually "Joey", I'm not scared...I simply know better.

I've called several places to confirm research, or learn certain aspects of my research. I have audio recordings
and e-mails to prove it.

Did you know Ive called L3 Communications; e-mailed and phoned L3 Comm as well as Rockwell Collins
and even a level D flight sim facility?

You really think I'm scared to call a lab about XRD? Care to put money where your mouth is...or shall I say,
internet text?

Tell you what, you tell me the difference of what XRD will show along with the reason Tillotson used XEDS
for his experiments and I promise to at least make a phone call (recorded for proof).

Bonus question for "Joey": If Tillotson used XEDS to present his data, why would Jones use a different instrument for his study? Would that not skew the results?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

Originally posted by turbofan

I'm curious to know why you think it's going to reveal different results?

And I'm NOT curious as to why you refuse to make a few simple phone calls to verify what I'm saying.

You're too scared to. You'll find out that you've been wasting your time with this, but your own personal identity as a "truther" is such a big part of your life that it won't allow it.

Super cool. Super delusional........

Not debunking a whole lot the "debunkers" are they? Just name dropping and screaming BELIEVE !!! Not quite ready to wear the tinfoil hat like you do.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by TrueFalse
lets wait for the debunkers though, they surely got some good explanations

Oh, yes we do...

1) This is an apples and oranges comparison. The steel used in the WTC weren't I beams but box columns, and they were four times as large and ten times thicker. To defeat that type of steel you'd need to place these charges all around the entire perimeter of the beam, meaning you'd need at least twenty times the amount. Claiming that noone in the building would notice rings of mysterious packages suddenly appearing on all the support columns throughout the entire building...and not one building but two... is stretching plausibility into absurdity.

I dont see a problem if you own the security detail. Who is going to complain, the secretary? Controlled demolition happened before and happend again since.

The fantastic claims in the report unique to september 11 with all its fantastic coincidences and special science that happened only on september 11 does not sound very convincing to people who are not under the NITS umbrella. That makes controlled demolition far more plausible, with the motive rather obvious afterwards.

There have been many examples of false flag operations throughout history, or do you actually believe zhe evil jews burned down the Reichstag? The slimy turthters got in the KZ what they deserve? Or that it was indeed the christians who burned down a lot of rome?

If you expect me to move the fringe of society and join that elite club that feverishly believes in the NITS report and maybe aliens or bigfoot too, you and the authors have to convince the experts who are not under the NITS umbrella first.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Government agents have always had methods of destroying information. Safes are not good enough. Heard of a shredder. What do you do when hell has boken out all around you. Or you are overrun by something instantly. Self destruct is the answer. I promise you and you can bank on this "it was a destruction of sensitive information and items that had to be contained". I have put it to bed and now you know the story.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by rgzing "they" pulled the building at 5:30 PM after all the chaos subsided to give the terrorists more time
to sift through the sensitive documentation instead of destroying it instantly.

Oh, I get it now.

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