posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:36 PM
No, I wasn't referring to the money at all. College has
always been expensive, always will be. My parents are lower middle class, so I went to
college at a major university on students loans + working 20 hours a week. I got my BS in December 2001, so things haven't changed
that much
since then. I've still got that $30,000 in student loans to pay off though... good thing I've got 30 years to do it!
I was referring to the tough academic standards to get into major colleges these days... you have to have excellent SAT and ACT scores, as well as an
excellent student record & grades at your high school. They even take a close look at your extra-curricular activities now!
Of course, that dollar amount will go up again when I start my Master's degree... then my PhD...
Anyone who's not classified as "rich" by the IRS can easily get student loans for college (now available even to convicted felons in prison!
So I wouldn't worry.
The best strategy nowadays is to get the basics out of the way at your local community college (usually 2 years); then get your actual degree plan
classes at the big university (usually 3 years).
[edit on 7/6/2004 by ThunderCloud]