Free Will Resurrected
According to many leading physicists like David Bohm, and neuroscientists like Pibram, no, there is no freedom whatsoever, for the classical mind.
The classical mind, according to another Quantum Physicist by the name of Amit Goswami who authored "The Self Aware Universe", represents nothing, but
an elaborate recording device, however complex. .It can really ONLY operate from all manner of stimuli and response to stimuli and can easily lie to
itself to perpetuate the notion that "it" is who we are, driven by the desire to perpetuate nothing but more of "itself" (what I call "it") which can
ONLY represent, a reflection of past events and past, learned behaviors.
That is not, however, the last word.
Goswami goes on to basically prove, in no uncertain terms, that the classical mind is only HALF the equation.
The human being is also in possession of a quantum holographic mind.
It is only from the perspective of THIS mind, that free will is by no means an illusion, provided we also accept the framework of a Monistic Idealism
(consciousness is primary) because
therein resides the final collapse of the probability wave of existence, from our end anyway.., and
our mind then, instead of being not much more than mush inside our heads, is mush inside our heads - transmitting and receiving, on a quantum
holographic basis, reality itself, and therefore perhaps even concievably, within a multidimensional, fractal, eternal evolutionary recurrence of SOME
type. Because, when time comes to an end, and the "itself" exhausts itself (the insessant ramblings of the mind) the mind then can enter the realm of
the imagination (novelty) as a quantum holographic possibility, ie: have "a thought", and then CHOOSE whatever we wish, and in CHOOSING and in
choosing alone, is there an emergent, transcendant, quantum holographic self, or the REAL you, and the wave collapses in that final decision or
judgement, or evaluation. The one who chooses, and your quantum hlographic mind, and everything then, is like an ever expanding dot in an infinite
sphere of knowledge, and love.
as in "it pleased the first father of creation to share his kingdom with all his children". The gift of free will then still comes from God, and you
also are God, in the sense that it always "takes two to tango" or two, to close the circle in Goswami's framework ("I was with you since before the
very foundations of the earth). In it alone are all the quantum paradoxes resolved, and what's interesting, is it's regenerative, this conception of
the world and our place within it, of something novel, something creative, something worthwhile.
And so the only question then for the REAL us, the one's who get to choose, not the memory of things past, but the choosing being, the free person,
relative only to what is before us, out of the realm of all possibility, the holy of holies, is
what are we choosing?
what are we creating?
that's the fount of all inspiration, all novelty, all new history, and the question is put to US, not from any "them"... and not by the TV and the
MSM, but by God.
The alternative, or a purely materialist monist, classical worldview just doesn't work, any more, and it's soon passing away, to be replaced by the
type of monistic idealism advanced by this Goswami and many others, like Ervin Laszlo, Bernard Haisch and many others.
We're IT, but "IT" is not us.
There is no one to blame. We all did it, all participated in it whether purposely or otherwise, and now it's all in the past.
What now?
edit on 11-11-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)