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Another Missile Launched In/Over Florida!!!!!! 11/10/10

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:48 AM


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:55 AM
LOLS now Queens, strange times.

Two days after a mysterious vapor trail appeared at sundown off the Los Angeles coast -- triggering fears of an enemy missile attack -- a stunning replay occurred in the sky over Far Rockaway.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by joeshsamp
reply to post by JohnySeagull

And you believe Fox news? since when do commercial flight go straight up and then tilt and have a incline that steep? You ever watch a plane take off? They dont look like that.

If you read the article, they quote a blogger who explains that "the plane is flying directly TOWARD you, so it starts below the horizon. The contrail at the horizon is far away, maybe 50-100 miles behind the plane, and has been spread out by the wind, creating the illusion that it's closer."

Sounds pretty plausible to me, though it's not conclusive. I think this claim is a lot more likely than the claim that we are exchanging nuclear attacks with someone and don't know it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where's the evidence that this blogger is incorrect in his claim? As far as the evidence seems to go, I would say he's likely to be right.

The human mind is an amazing pattern recognition machine. Sometimes it fails to accurately interpret data because it doesn't understand the context. We need to be willing to question our assumptions, ESPECIALLY when we find ourselves completely convinced of any idea or "fact." If it can't stand up to a reasonable level of scrutiny, we ought not give it power over us.

And to the rest of you:

It's not that I think it impossible someone somewhere might launch a missile sometime. I just think that, as usual, there are far too many people at each extreme in this thread. Either it can't be anything but a missile launch, or there's no possible way it could be a missile. Learn some humility, people. Get your ego in check.

Maybe, just maybe, no matter how sure you are of something... you could be wrong. Try to see things from another point of view when you find yourself too eager to discount something.

And really, just stop with the personal attacks. Civility is virtue beyond all measure.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Eastsiderdr07

An optical illusian is what was said in the media earlier today.... i'll see if i can find the link:

Some physicists said the trail was left by an aeroplane, and that on a clear day the vapour created an illusion making it appear to rise vertically.

After watching the vid on that page it sure doesnt look like an optical illusion.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:12 AM


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:15 AM
I knew it! Now everyone will see missiles everywhere.

Heck, I even see a couple of them going overhead at this very moment! (sarcasm, for those that wouldn't know)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:25 AM
First it was Phoenix, Arizona, then it was Los Angeles, now it's South Florida. I read a thread on here somewhere stating that there was a similar occurrence in South Florida 2 years ago. Imagine that though, if this was somehow a nuclear or alien conflict that simply is not being reported on the news. It wouldn't surprise me. After The past 9 years, nothing surprises me really. They always used to say "the Revolution won't be televised."

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Eastsiderdr07

Dude, you saw an airplane contrail, as everyone else has in this latest trend of hysterical sightings.

A contrail that is very long, and can be seen all the way to the horizon (where the sky, from your view, meets the ground...remember, the Earth is curved, and SO IS the contrail, when it's long enough, off in the distance).

i could see the part were it probobly took off where the trail/smoke was thickest and the trail looked like it was heading south...

Heading south? A jet, on its way to South or Central America, in all likelihood, based on where you are, and from what I know from flying airliners for over 20 years.

A contrail will often spread out, and get wider and "thicker" the longer it's been there, since forming.

Don't forget about perspective, and distance too. Meaning, IF a contrail was exactly the SAME width along its full length, then the part farthest away would appear narrower to you, right?

In terms of vertical missile plumes, all things being equal, the part at the higher altitude, and closer to the spacecraft, will tend to blossom wider. Because of the lower air pressure. BUT, of course, since it's farther away, you don't see that as much.

Finally, the SPEED, and time in view. Here is a video of the Space Shuttle Discovery launch, back form 2006.

Listen to the NASA spokesman, giving the play-by-play....when he describes the time since launch, and the velocity and DISTANCE travelled.

At only one minute, and 47 seconds (1:47), the spacecraft is already at 22 miles altitude!!!! AND, 18 miles downrange. How long was the "object" you saw making the contrail you saw in view?

BTW...when you listen as he reads the crew names....that "crazy woman" was on that crew!!

Ex-Astronaut Lisa Nowak...the one with the mad crush on another Astronaut Remember her? Rental car, cross-country drive, diaper for fewer bathroom stops???

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:45 AM
I live in S Tampa near the base, there is nothing in the skys. If you had a cell phone then you should have taken a pic, stop posting false things.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:54 AM
Oh my gosh look at you people believe one mans word when he has zero proof of this event happening.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:30 AM
I live on Anna Maria Island, in the Gulf and connected to Tampa Bay..............been on the pier since 8 am, aven't seen anything in the sky.............I gotta go with Hoax.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Has any one noticed there has been virtually no chemtrails in the sky since saturday? (in the UK) Maybe something is going on in the skys for the chemtrail planes to be grounded for nearly a whole week.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion
Oh my gosh look at you people believe one mans word when he has zero proof of this event happening.

Twenty five flags and still counting.Boggles the mind.Anyways,this could all be part of the never ending psyops
being played out on the American people and the world in general.Fear is the greatest tool they have against us and all these threads are proof of that.When the pentagon says they dont know what it is, come on people they know , they know everything that goes on.There is no way a nuclear war could be waged against a foreign country without anyone knowing.It's impossible.Someone somewhere would know.Check Iranian websites, North Korea,come on.Independant news organizations are few and far between , but someone would know.people have relatives in those countries.Do you seriously think , no one would know if their relatives were under nuclear attack by now.
If anything its contrails, which I personally dont believe, or secret military launches which I believe.They arent gonna tell us ****.Trust me.Pladeans shooting down missles headed to Iran?What has happened to sanity these days.It all seemed to unravel after the Oct 13th predictions, then the supposed NYC ufo sightings.
Space battles with aliens?omg.If this was the case we'd be seeing the greatest fireworks show in human history in the sky right now.lets get back to intelligent research.Take pictures or video when you see something.Post it before hyping your personal opinion.Let people look over the evidence and debate the facts.Then base conclusions on what is being seen and try to provide objective fact based possibilties on what might be happening.Simple.Man, we are still two years away from 2012, I dread the absolute chaos that is gonna ensue the closer an closer we get to that date.Peace.

edit on 11-11-2010 by mark1167 because: text

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Please stop the madness here... this thread does not deserve flags, stars or any more replies unless it is a picture of the claims being made here. This is not worth of front page ATS news IMHO and I'm shocked that without a picture posted by the OP that anyone is allowing this to perpetuate any further.

Please STOP!


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Don't be blind folks. Missiles spotted, some with vids in: 2 in California, 2 in NY, Phoenix, Houston, Florida

regarding the vid in NY - notice the speed and how the "contrail" moves. It is not the heli moving, as it is moving very fast.

Blue lights are not missiles.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
Please stop the madness here... this thread does not deserve flags, stars or any more replies unless it is a picture of the claims being made here. This is not worth of front page ATS news IMHO and I'm shocked that without a picture posted by the OP that anyone is allowing this to perpetuate any further.

Please STOP!



posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Why so many people are acting in such an extreme manner is telling.

Why, if a person just says he saw something, why do you have to patronize him? Maybe he did see something, doesn't know what it was.

I know I saw something, I'm not going ahead and saying it was a missile, but it looked like a rocket, or comet, or something. It was flying left to right in my field of vision straight, not going up or down, and from where I was looking it was headed straight south. Ok?

There's no need for people to be so extreme. I'm starting to think this thread has been targetted by shills.

So what? I mean, I haven't really seen where the OP was really being arrogant. Though there are many here who have been arrogant. The most you all could have said was something like "ok maybe he's right or wrong who knows", but not something like "OMG STOP POSTING LIES!!!!!!!! YOUR JUST TRYING TO SCARE PEOPLE YOU HAVE NO LIFE YOU ARE DUMB *random insults* etc. etc."

Then you got experts here debunking all this like they are trained to debunk. Ok...a little strange?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
Why so many people are acting in such an extreme manner is telling.

Why, if a person just says he saw something, why do you have to patronize him? Maybe he did see something, doesn't know what it was.

I know I saw something, I'm not going ahead and saying it was a missile, but it looked like a rocket, or comet, or something. It was flying left to right in my field of vision straight, not going up or down, and from where I was looking it was headed straight south. Ok?

There's no need for people to be so extreme. I'm starting to think this thread has been targetted by shills.

So what? I mean, I haven't really seen where the OP was really being arrogant. Though there are many here who have been arrogant. The most you all could have said was something like "ok maybe he's right or wrong who knows", but not something like "OMG STOP POSTING LIES!!!!!!!! YOUR JUST TRYING TO SCARE PEOPLE YOU HAVE NO LIFE YOU ARE DUMB *random insults* etc. etc."

Then you got experts here debunking all this like they are trained to debunk. Ok...a little strange?

I never patronized anyone.All I did was ask for some verification from other sources.So far none.I asked for video or pictures to back up the claim.So far none.So tell me why we need to get behind this thread and start panicing?
Even if he did see something and lets say something is going on.What in Gods name are we and the OP gonna be able to do to stop whatever it is we think they are doing?Nothing.
So instead of coming on and writing less than one paragraph of what you saw, come on with video, pictures, times,links to news reports other eye witnessess and some sense of reason.
This thread is more about attention than anything and people who ask for verification are not professional debunkers.They are people who require more than one persons word to actually start to believe something is going on.
Its like me saying " Hey that guy over there just robbed a store." With no evidence or witnessess or proof , then I expect everyone to believe me without question, and anyone who questions me is a fool.
Thats what I'm seeing here.All we need is some verification and pictures or video, to prove or disprove the OP's claim.Thats all.But so far we get nothing but ..."haters!'...or idfc what you think" you tell me who's really got the issue here.The burden of proof lies with the OP and so far I dont see any reason to get behind his claim and start panicing.Anything the military does is out of our control , anything aliens do is out of our control.So the OP saying "lets all find out whats going on so we can stop it before its to late", seems rather premature , based on the evidence he has provided.This is my last two cents on this thread.Peace.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by angrydog

Seriously, if there was a nuclear war. Do you think it would be like a one of those TV-shows?

Second line.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:24 PM
I live in Tampa and me and my husband has been outside all day and didn't see anything. You know MacDill is in Tampa and they do some weird stuff every now and then.

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