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You think you deserve to earn more than $200k a year?

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
People that earn a high income have obviously done a lot of work to get where they are so I feel they deserve it.

More times than not I have noticed the complete opposite.

It is not WHAT you know but WHO you know.

You have to know how to play the game.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by nite owl

Originally posted by nite owl
If this is you, then you are a PIG. (persons in greed) and do not deserve it.
Your a person who adds on extra taxes,interest,levys,file fees, handling fees,sr. charges,manipulate the market, steal,bribe,manipulate people or things,blackmail,lie,cheat,do not pay back,USE others money to make money,purposely make products to break or faulter early, do not pay your employees a reasonable wage, false pretenses,trickery,to water down,sell fakes,overwork the people for a low wage,USE TAX MONEY FOR PERSONAL GAIN,or stage dissasters so that a person has to buy more of your products or services. I'm sure there is alot more out there i am not listing. This is how a person in greed makes money and does not deserve to have. No matter the person, gov't,institution,religion,faction, buisness,or whatever. YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE. You need to be dealt with emmediately.

This is how mankind should live instead of the GREEDY WAY. LEARN, from above.

please read.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Common Scarecrow

I can't even REMEMBER the last time I made over $100 a year!


If I had the chance to open a company, I would defiantly try to hire the people around me. It takes long hours and hard work to obtain such levels. EVERYONE has the capability to achieve something in this world.

Believe in yourself, family, and God.

Hard work pays off.

edit on 11-11-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Outsourcing is a tough pill to swallow. Period. A lot of companies can''t afford to compete with 5 people making 10 dollars a day verses one person making 10 dollars an hour. That's basic economics,including shipping product from another country to sell the finished goods back here. It just seems wrong.

Am I getting paid $200,000 to dismantle a company here in the U.S. to create more profits for my bosses? No.

Would I? Would you?

A LOT of U.S. companies reluctantly moved off shore to stay competetive or go out of business. If they stayed here too long and lost market share...layoffs. Is the guy who does the layoff's worth $200,000. If he doesn't do it ,how many options do you think he has in that business arena? He's finished...

To say how much someone earns and should be capped is not fair.
That's not free market.
To go "global" at the expense of all jobs in the U.S. is not fair either. We need to create new jobs,but labor intensive jobs will never compete with 10 10 dollar a day labor..
No more $24dollars an hour to work in a car factory,full benefits,overtime,paid vacations.
The company will utilize AUTOMATION,get rid of 5 laborers and pay ONE person to operate the autumated machine. Learn to operate the equipment,you'll get paid THIRTY dollars an hour.
No my rule..It's whats happenening to the lost U.S.manufacturing jobs here in U.S... They will NOT be replaced at the same level they were outsourced. The industrial revolution has left the country. To create new jobs,we need new idea's. We're pretty clevor we Americans. Re 'Branding" Made In America,Manufactured In America,Buy American WILL make a difference. Quality is Quality. Value is Value..All things being equal..I buy American. I don't give a rats ass how much the C.E.O. or small business owner is making. Is it fair market value and Made In America? That helps us ALL.Create's industry and jobs.. Let's take care of our own from within first.When we can.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

Wrong. The reason does not matter.

The end result is you are still out of a job, the same you would be if you were fired, or laid off. Feel free to start your own business hire only people whose job was outsourced.

In fact, why havent you done that already?

Just an FYI kid. CEO's dont stuff their pockets with the profits, that is returned to the SHAREHOLDERS. There is no obligation on the part of a business to make peoples lives better. People dont go into business to make others happy, they do it to make a profit and to provide a nice return to their investors.
edit on 11-11-2010 by BigTimeCheater because: (no reason given)

I would say that "providing a nice return to their investors" IS worrying about "making others happy".

And, FYI, this "kid" has you by 20 years.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Common Scarecrow because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

So it all just comes down to the money, not what you do to make that money?

I seem to remember hearing that Nazi soldiers during World War II used the same defense ....... "I was just doing what I was told to do."

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:38 PM
LOL..All about the money? Your kidding right? That's what you got out of that?? Should I go into the forest and go read poetry..or find a way to take care of my family? What choices do YOU have I don't?

I have no inheritance....I filed BK 8 years ago with a total COMBINED debt from my business and personal debts of $13,000. I pay my bills.. I tryed to save my house... Banks weren't as cooperative back then. 3 months late... Bye Bye... Same problem then as today..If you have no means to pay..You have to go.
I left.. Started again.. 2 part time jobs...HATED it... Starting from scratch again is MUCH harder then maintaining a life style...Even if you hate the work..Pays the bills..Yeah..Workin for "the man."And a roof for the kids. .
Or don' many people wish it were back "like it used to be".
About the money? How about a quality of life above poverty for many? How about feeling good your kids do't have to worry if their friends find out about the free lunch at school their getting because you qualify? Or they won't have lunch.
Hmmm Hungary or embaressment..THATS always a great conversation with your kids.

I took another risk between my 2 jobs and it's going to pay off. It's about the money? No..It's about not having ANY my friend. I kept trying..and it's going to pay off. And I did'nt outsource the manufacturing.
I'm trying to do my part and keep work here and your being a smartbutt about money? Read the topic,,It was "Is $200K more then your worth?" In my humble opinion..its's none of your business how much I earn..but great thread.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:38 PM
LOL..All about the money? Your kidding right? That's what you got out of that?? Should I go into the forest and go read poetry..or find a way to take care of my family? What choices do YOU have I don't?

I have no inheritance....I filed BK 8 years ago with a total COMBINED debt from my business and personal debts of $13,000. I pay my bills.. I tryed to save my house... Banks weren't as cooperative back then. 3 months late... Bye Bye... Same problem then as today..If you have no means to pay..You have to go.
I left.. Started again.. 2 part time jobs...HATED it... Starting from scratch again is MUCH harder then maintaining a life style...Even if you hate the work..Pays the bills..Yeah..Workin for "the man."And a roof for the kids. .
Or don' many people wish it were back "like it used to be".
About the money? How about a quality of life above poverty for many? How about feeling good your kids do't have to worry if their friends find out about the free lunch at school their getting because you qualify? Or they won't have lunch.
Hmmm Hungary or embaressment..THATS always a great conversation with your kids.

I took another risk between my 2 jobs and it's going to pay off. It's about the money? No..It's about not having ANY my friend. I kept trying..and it's going to pay off. And I did'nt outsource the manufacturing.
I'm trying to do my part and keep work here and your being a smartbutt about money? Read the topic,,It was "Is $200K more then your worth?" In my humble opinion..its's none of your business how much I earn..but great thread.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:49 PM
What I am seeing here is "unfair" vs. "work harder".

But there might be some ideas missing.

I think if you run your own biz you can pay yourself as much or as little as you wish.

Putting aside the "small biz owner" - consider some other things.

Take college as example. I went to a US public university. The Chancellor of this school makes over 300K per year. I'm sure there are additional perks beyond that. Now - this is a tax funded school. How do you feel about this wage?

How about Corporate Execs who insist on tax breaks for their companies "to create jobs" (cough), as well as overseas trade agreements etc - and what they do is pocket MORE money for themselves, create NO jobs, or offshore jobs?

I think we could solve alot of problems by first of all not overpaying TAX PAYER SUPPORTED PUBLIC SERVANTS.

And as far as private business goes - eliminate these offshore tax havens, close up the ridiculous tax loopholes, and change the international trade laws along the lines of - if your company is registered in a foreign country, makes everything in a foreign country, you cannot CALL YOURSELF a US company and reap all the tax benefits.

Pay your execs millions, pay your workers peanuts if you wish - but unless you follow the US tax codes like small biz's and private people must - then you will NOT get US business tax breaks.

I don't think this issue is about money per se - it's more about Big Biz and certain people getting an unfair advantage.

If some biz exec can write off boozing as "corporate entertainment" - why can't an alcoholic house wife?

It's not money, it's the inequities in society. Yes I know life "isn't fair" - but to me that means circumstance and luck. In sports, there is a "level playing field" and ALL must abide by the SAME rules. No team gets extra points or a "do over" - like MANY Big US biz's got bailouts.

edit on 11-11-2010 by Whiffer Nippets because: typos.

edit on 11-11-2010 by Whiffer Nippets because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by byteshertz

Oh here is an easy one...

First of all it's easy to make more than $200k a year... Just because YOU think its difficult doesn't make it so... Even if the whole world has been duped, it still doesn't make it so.

Be Your Own God!!!!

And stop hatin

edit on 11-11-2010 by HunkaHunka because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

When I see that years ago upper managment made something like 10 tens what the average worker in their company made, and now it is like 400 times what the average worker makes, I call that all consuming greed, NOT reinvesting in the company.

They are reinvesting in their pockets, or their summer homes, or their fancy cars, etc.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Valid Point Whiffer.. I support your position.
Second line.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Whiffer Nippets

I totally agree.

Any occupation where the source of funding is derived from the pubilc should not able to be union or have ridiculous benefits where they can hold the public hostage.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Dude, the answer is eliminating all government actions in our everyday lives.

Impossible government is in everything, but's its not there for the benefit of the poor, its a entity on its own. And it feeds of the poor or middle class just as the rich use the government to there advantage. Besides without the government there would probably be a lot less rich people. Turn that million into a couple million with the power of government, its how the rich get richer, or how the middle or poor get richer as well, they all are one entity on the end of different spectrums, rich or poor your perspective is were you are not what you are, there all human after all. Smaller government not under the thumb of the rich though is possible.

No welfare for the person or the business. Elimination of all entitlement programs. Eliminate all unconstitutional expenditures.

For some reason you think people want to be on welfare like they like food stamps and barely scraping by in life. Entitlement programs are again a system of making money and control, if the rich get rid of it they would have more competition, and if they had competition they wouldn't be the rich for long.

The solution is putting more money into the hands of people by keeping governments hands OUT OF OUR POCKETS.

All governments got started because a few had more money then the rest or power and order, if you trace back far enough most of them were just simple mafia operations. Good luck keeping any entity or group of people out of your pockets, if it ain't the government something else would take its place. Remember the golden rule "he who has the gold makes the rules", or how about this, "he who has the most guns keeps the gold"
So many rules I could go on.

Disposable income is the key to rebuilding the economy. More government debt spending is not the answer.

That makes no sense why would you want to dispose of your income. A better system is needed, period.

No one deserves anything. No one has the right to be subsidized at the expense of others. Tough love is needed, and it is needed right now. People become complacent sitting at home and cashing their government check. Let them succeed or fail on their own, and I guarantee more will come out of this recession ahead, than those who choose to do nothing.

I told you they are not getting anything, in fact its just a fancy way of taking from them. Some become complacent sitting at home, some don't, but they ain't getting rich of the system, the system is getting rich off them. And no one succeeded without the help of the system, especially the rich, I mean just look at the bankers, how do you think they got there money's. Pulling yourself by your socks and getting somewhere on your own is a dream, it's all an interlaced system. But if you think you can get on by yourself. Get rid of everything you own, but the clothes on your back, and go to a third world country and use your american spirit of innovation, and see how far your get. Just a fish in a bowl.

Everyone can whine about our economy being a pyramid scheme, but have you noticed that most of the people who complain about it are out of work, or low class folks?

Do you know were all the energy on this planet comes from? or all matter that makes up that energy.? the sun, So unless you think you can make some hydrogen or even h20 you don't really produce anything, you just use it, and recycle it in this system.

And the economy is a pyramid, but not always a scheme...even though if your intuition tells you its a scheme, it's probably right. And yes off-course the low class would complain, the difference between them and the rich, is the rich complain more, and even pay other people to go to government to complain for them, they just use a different name, usually goes by fancy names such as bail out's, to big to fail, or even trickle down economics. In
fact the poor don't complain enough... oh no, they would have to do a lot more whining and complaining to catch up with the rich. The rich complained so much they actually started believing there bullshint. After all who the hell really needs ceo's, I sure as hell don't, must be a scheme.

People who whine about how unfair the system is, yet they are the very same ones who advocate more and more redistribution of other peoples money. How contradictory is that?

Because the sheeple making machine was in the making for thousands of years, even before there were humans around, some say, but we mustn't listen to them, there nutters.
But most of the ones that agree to redistribution of other peoples money are, either sheeple fighting for there favorite mascot whether red or blue. Or just simply stuck in the middle of all the madness. Or they are just smart business men and women trying to get to the top of the pyramid. Why judge people and how they made there money's.

The economy is either going to collapse, or recover. Why not put yourself in the best situation possibler for either eventuality?

Some dude in the past once say'd. "Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws"

and some other dude in different past once said. "yours is not to wonder why, your's is but to do and die"

and yet some other dude in a farther past once say'd. " Give me a thousand men who are willing to go through hell with me, and will cut anybody s throat when commanded, and I care not who makes the laws"

Everybody has plans now don't they, all I'm saying is some plans are better then others, so you might want to at least try to get along, who knows you might be on the losing end when you think your on the winning end, if it came down to it.

I laugh at all of these people who are sitting around and bitching on the internet about how they cant find a job, or how life is unfair, while at the same time they are ignoring the benefits of what some free time and an internet connection can provide.

Yes people are quite funny, but then again if your not thinking of a way to make more free time and to use the internet or other of life's little benefit's, your not spending your time wisely. If it would be possible to banish all work without the headaches and all that starving thing, I would be all for it. I confess I'm pretty lazy myself. Though I never found any work I ever did hard, only unnecessary or just plain boring. But hey if anybody want's to play the pyramid game for the rest of there lives and there offspring's lives, go ahead i see no problem with it, it's your life's. You could all climb to the top and fall back down, over and over for millions of years, I don't really care.

There are countless tutorials all over for anything from graphic design, to web programming (php, etc etc), to the more difficult programming languages, and yet only a very small portion of our unemployed folks are actually using that to their advantage.

Over simplified its not about learning, thats the easy part, anybody can learn anything if they wanted to. Why do you think this whole education and higher education thing is. Even if your knew all that that you said above, if you didn't have the papers that said you did, it wouldn't mean much. But in todays digital age it is a lot easier to learn, but the structures are not there when your done learning. It's harder then in the past.

There are thousands of websites with job posting for freelancers doing either graphic design, or some simple php coding, and they are willing to pay cash. The sad part is that there are people available to do those jobs if they would only apply themselves a little bit. That would require actual effort, and bitching about how unfair things are is easier.

Wow there, we can't all be website designers or graphic designers, in fact I'm pretty sure there is no market that requires millions of such people, in fact a hand full would probably be needed for large projects, and in the future might require less and less people. As things get more technological, less people would be required. Thousands ain't really a lot, and most of those jobs won't last for long periods of time, but I'm sure they will cash out on it while it lasts and computers are a new thing. Supply and demand I guess. Personally I thing they could all be replaced with bots if anybody really wanted to do that.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Common Scarecrow

I would say that "providing a nice return to their investors" IS worrying about "making others happy".

And, FYI, this "kid" has you by 20 years.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Common Scarecrow because: Spelling

I would call it fulfilling an obligation. Its not like they are doing it out of the good ness of their heart.

If you are 20 years older, you should already know CEO's arent stuffing their pockets with profit.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by Common Scarecrow

I would say that "providing a nice return to their investors" IS worrying about "making others happy".

And, FYI, this "kid" has you by 20 years.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Common Scarecrow because: Spelling

I would call it fulfilling an obligation. Its not like they are doing it out of the good ness of their heart.

If you are 20 years older, you should already know CEO's arent stuffing their pockets with profit.

Not stuffing their pockets with profits?

Funny. Tell that to the guy who owns a company I used to work for who laid off 15 people but right after that went out and bought a new Masarati.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Whiffer Nippets

It's not money, it's the inequities in society. Yes I know life "isn't fair" - but to me that means circumstance and luck. In sports, there is a "level playing field" and ALL must abide by the SAME rules. No team gets extra points or a "do over" - like MANY Big US biz's got bailouts.

A level playing field is really a dream, even in sports in some ways. And money rules there as well, even big games such as football or other famous sports, can be fixed or just bought off and usually are. Even the most fairest sport that I know of mma while it's not about money, so much as to get corrupted as the bigger sports, it still in some ways is not about fairness. If it was then no one would train or try to get stronger or faster or more technical, in fact the act of training itself in any sport is the attempt to fix the game sort of say, in your favor. But yes there it is a much more level playing field there then the bailout thing. Business I would not consider as a level playing field, especially with giant money corporations about.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
reply to post by Sly1one

You know what? I skimmed the first bit of that link, and summarily dismissed it. You know why? The answer is right there in your first sentence:


We do not live in a conceptual existence. Marx's communist manifesto outlines a conceptual society. It sounds just dreamy on paper. Many have tried it. Does it work? Nope.

All of these stupid conceptual thinkers leave out a critical point: Human nature. The human nature to be greedy, to want to more powerful. Men need to impress that chick over there. Women need to be with someone they feel secure with. Not all people aren't evil. Get the idea? Factor that in and get back to me.

And please, don't go off on the exceptions to those and try to cloud my point. Spare us all.

Wow ok well thank you for the enlightenment...

Anyway its a shame you didn't read the full thing, you would have got to the part that discusses your "concerns" about a "conceptual existence", I bet at one point in man's history when kings ruled all, "Democracy" was a "conceptual" existence.

Anyhow as far as "stupid conceptual thinkers" leaving out "human nature" well I have a few questions for you then since you apparently seem to be so knowledgeable of "human nature". I factored it in, you just didn't read far enough...

Do you think people cannot evolve into different mindsets? I mean if human nature rules all and power ultimately impresses then why do women get to vote now? Why are they your boss? If power was truly an unstoppable concept then surely women would forever have been the weaker sex no?

I would argue human nature CAN and DOES change.

Human nature to be greedy? Well yes of course, why wouldn't we be greedy all we known our whole lives is survival of the fittest. This is what I discussed in my theory as a "Primal" mindset...this is the type of mindset I was addressing that needed to be changed. How to change this mindset? Well you would have had to read the whole thing then wouldn't you?

I honestly don't expect you to go read the whole thread as you obviously had no interest in it anyhow, you labeled it as soon as you saw the word "concept" right? I don't expect you to come back and say "oh sorry I should have read the whole thread" I don't expect any of this, I just wanted to say my peace.

Look I don't believe or think my idea will be the new civilization which is why its a "theory". I honestly had more interest in provoking thought and interest in how civilization could work in the future when people evolve past materialism and consumption.

I don't believe any of the current governmental civil systems are working very well if at all though. So I tried to think up another.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Whiffer Nippets

A level playing field is all I really wanted, and thought I had while there was houses being built and renovated like crazy. It wasn't until work started drying up did I realize how unlevel it was, competing with criminals for very small number of jobs out there. There never will be a level playing field as long as wall street and the fed are able to manipulate markets the way they do.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:01 PM
I look at many people in this world and realise that they are grossly underpaid and I look at others who are paid far far too much.These polar extremities need to be brought a lot closer to the equator line to make this a fairer world.

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