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You think you deserve to earn more than $200k a year?

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Actually, my wife and I care for my child. Why farm that duty out to someone else?

Entertainers put asses in the seats, and create an entire industry of themselves, thats why they make so much money.

Your problem shouldnt be with entertainers, it should be with those who create the demand for such work.

I assume you know the laws of supply & demand correct?

You do realize that paying child care workers exponentially more money would result in more people paying a helluva lot more money for child care right?
edit on 11-11-2010 by BigTimeCheater because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I'd be happy with $50k a year, lol.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:47 AM
I fall into the category you are criticizing and I think your post is a bunch of whiney crap!

Why don’t you just go out and work your way up to the point where you make $200k+????

I did. Why can’t you?

It’s isn’t a closed system in the USA! We all have a chance to be well off in life. Why do you sell yourself short, because that’s what you’re doing.

The liberal political establishment spends so much time telling you what you can’t archive because you’re being held down. No one is holding you down! You just need hard work and persevere. Period. I grew up with nothing and now I am demonized for “pulling myself up by my bootstraps” and working my whole life to archive my dreams.

You’re either to lazy to do that or have been convinced by someone that you can’t do it., hat the game is rigged against you. Well guess what… it isn’t. In this country (USA) you can do or be whatever your want. Maybe if the libs told people that they would actually achieve something in life instead of being angry at success all the dang time.

If you think I’m a rare example, you’re wrong. Maybe only rare in the sense that only about…I dunno… 1 out 20 people actually try to succeed and the rest lay around bitching at those who try (probably because it makes them feel lazy to see other succeed where they didn’t even bother attempting).

Lastly, pay is not based on how many lbs you lift per day etc. It is based on responsibility. How many people who dig ditches have to face the responsibility of the road being built at the wrong location or angle. The civil engineer who is in charge takes the heat and also makes the big money. The ditch digger can drink a 40oz at lunch and goes home not thinking about work. The engineer may spend hours at work after leaving the construction site doing paperwork and attending meetings. There is no comparison between the jobs. Yes, all you see is a guy with a clipboard while you dig and think it’s unfair. What about the investment of money in an education as opposed to blowing on Friday night at the bar. The people I know who say they can’t afford college seem to have a lot of money for things I didn’t have when I was going to college. It’s called an investment and no one is going to invest $60-$100k of money in a degree unless the payoff comes later, slowly but surely.

This post sickens me. The attitude in it is typical these days and is absolute crap.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by byteshertz

At the end of the day we are all drowning, the only way to survive is to hold someone else down to keep afloat -

If you are not strong enough and smart enough to learn how the system works and USE it then you deserve to be at the bottom. Slaves put themselves in that role by accepting their position. The great thing about our system is, if you decide you do not want to be a slave, you can rise above it. It is a choice. Whine, or get s*&t done.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Very wise post Phen, you are awake and aware and see how TPTB are taking advantage of the majority of nimrods that don't even see the forest throught the trees.

Sadly, this trend will continue and more and more of the middle class will find themselves in dire straights if they don't wake up, unite and rebel.

Anyone that says it is fine and dandy the way our wage scales are now is just, again in my own humble opinion, not really grasping the big picture.

No, they don't generate more jobs, more jobs have been lost in America over the last eight years and the middle class has shrunk.

I can vouch for that because I volunteer at a food distribution center and as each month goes by I am meeting more and more people who once were middle class, but now homeless.

Sadly, most people cannot empathize with this until the brown stuff hits their fan.

What affects one of us, affects all of us.

We are all interconnected but most people just can't or don't want to understand this concept.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:51 AM
There is plenty of EVERYTHING to go around. The Earth has resources enough for everyone to live high on the hog with not much work. It is the SYSTEM that makes it not so. The top 25% suck up over 90% of everything. The top 1% take half of everything. To paraphrase Huey Long, it's as if we threw a barbecue for 100 people and we had 100 cheeseburgers. One guy takes 50 of them, not because he needs them or is even able to eat them, but because he is greedy. He does so by getting the worst thieving scumbags of the group to enforce for him by promising them two cheeseburgers each. The other eighty people get to split up ten among them.

If the eighty people had any cojones, they would beat the crap out of these guys that they outnumber five to one, and everyone would have a cheeseburger. But instead, they all tell themselves that one eighth of a cheeseburger is plenty. Just look at those people in other countries that have to make do with one 64th of a cheeseburger! Yay! Is this a great country or what? Hey, look what's on TV.....

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by byteshertz
Again it is all a pyramid scheme - someone always has to be on the bottom, and the richer the rich get and the more new toys they want to buy the more people need to be on the bottom to keep their fat ass up the top. To think those on the bottom are just lazy or down there because they are the weakest link is a delusion and are lie spread by the rich to help them sleep at night.

I think that there are hard workers and deserving people in all levels of society, just like there are lazy greedy b@stards in every level as well. However, I agree with what you say about the way the system is set up. There has to be a large number of people on the bottom, and kept there, or things collapse.

I used to play a computer city building sim game. For the first week or so I made everything pretty for everyone. Beautiful well kept cities, nice jobs, high pay, low taxes....etc. My civilization kept collapsing. I finally realized that every time I made things better for people which allowed them to have nicer lives, they stopped doing the less desirable jobs that were necessary to keep the civilization going. They were too content and had too many choices. So I split them up. I made wealthy areas full of beauty and ease and abundance, and I made poor areas with little development and growth. The civilization thrived and I conquored the game.

It scared me a lot.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Here is an idea.

Why dont you open a day care center and pay each one of your employees $100,000 per year.

Let us know how it goes.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

So who should set the salaries? Should there be a salary cap for entertainers, athletes? Byonce makes millions happy. Do you?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Its human nature if something is not effecting a individual directly they could give a rats ass about it. It only matters
if it directly effects them. Everyone should be of the mindset if your are screwing my neighbor you are screwing me as well. If we all stood up for each other, white, black, rich or poor we would be a force to reckon with. But it will never be this way and thats probably why we as a species will not last in the long run.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Phenomium

We are all interconnected but most people just can't or don't want to understand this concept.

Of course not, they are rugged individuals. They create their own destiny!

The sad truth is, we will never change. We will keep this up until all the oil is gone, the water is dwindling and the world is burnt from all our wars. That's just life though right? It's unfair, only the strong survive.
edit on 11-11-2010 by antonia because: RAWR

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by spokaneman1983

What do you suppose I should have done? I worked my way from apprenticing for 30 bucks a day, to owning our own business. I chose to follow the law and not hire illegal immigrants for 50 bucks a day, and do things by the book. We were 5 years from retirement, thanks to shady jerks that hire illegals and undercut honest businesses, we lost our investment totally. 10 years of pouring all our money into a house down the drain. We did what we were supposed to do, and got totally screwed by assholes playing games with the real estate market. Every single honest small business owner I was in contact with in NY went under, the people breaking the laws did not. Where the hell is the justice in that?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by idunno12

Hint: somebody programmed the code/guidelines for the game ... Those "rules" are not universal, or self-evident. You played a rigged game .. lol.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Phenomium

Sadly, most people cannot empathize with this until the brown stuff hits their fan.

Bull crap. They should have planned for it by putting money away.

The fact is that most of the middle class didn't follow the rules their parents taught them about saving for a rainy day. Instead it was all blown on crap and when the SHTF they had no Plan B.

I have no sympathy on them any more than the lazy slugs who want to lash out at those who planned ahead and are doing well despite the economic decline.

"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." and it certainly doesn't legitimize spreading the wealth around. If you want my wealth due to your poor planning or laziness in life, then I want you to give me the 7 years of my life (college from 18 - 25 y/o) back. Because while you were out effing off I was busting ass. I want it back if I have to be the "SAME" as everyone else. Socioeconomic justice is only just for one party, the one stealing the money from one who worked for it.

edit on 11-11-2010 by JonInMichigan because: typo

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Read CaptChaos's post two above yours.

Second line.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

What industry do you work in if I may ask?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Ahh the smell of money.... Personally I hate it, can't stand the way it changes people, don't want it. But unfortunately in this society you have to have it. If I can make enough to pay off my 50k mortgage thats all I am concerned about. I have learned something a long time ago, while everyone else is trying to beat out the Jones's and spend spend spend dwelling on the almighty dollar, I chose a different route in life as of lately. I'd rather spend my time living and enjoying life than worrying about money, and it's made me slowdown and not stress so much. If I lose everything I have tomorrow I will just come to your house and take all your stuff!!! J/K . I will be fine having nothing and I can comfortably admit that I can hear the rich screaming already and jumping out of windows because they lost everything.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Answer 2 questions: Does the unconstitutionality of income redistribution even come into your mind?

Why dont you open a daycare and pay your workers $100,000 per year?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:05 PM
yes, I do think I deserve more than 200K a year, and yes I am just saying this to be an antagonist to your initial statement. Okay to be nice I'll re-read your thread and comment on some more specific points you make.

I have seen a number of comments on here from people who are well off stating they deserve that money because they have had to work hard for it. They are a cut above the rest and follow smart investments. That those on the bottom need to stop complaining and take action. That those on the bottom are lazy, useless, stupid whiners...

Well I say BULL$#!+

If you guys are so smart then why dont you understand that this is all a pyramid scheme.

maybe they do

We can not all be on the top, or there would be no one to do the work.

Who says anything about being on top? Everyone can be self sufficient, can't they?

When you make money, directly or indirectly, you have to take that wealth from someone else.

if you're the government, yes, but otherwise you EXCHANGE wealth with someone else, not take. Only the government takes.

Do you work so hard that you deserve to earn more than $200k a year?
There are people out there working their guts out just to be able to eat this week, do you really think you work harder than everyone else in this world, therefore you deserve a decent slice of the pie.

It really has nothing to do with what other people deserve or how they work, there's a difference between working hard and working smart. Not everyone is after a slice of the pie (although some are after government welfare projects and that's their own fault) some people bake their own pie.

The problem is in this world money makes money, and when you have money you can put measures inplace to ensure no matter what happens you make more money. You become the card dealer - always guaranteed to win, those that are less fortunate need to keep working away and hoping they dont luck out.

not necessarily, the more money you have the more you have to lose. "A fool parts easily with his money." Especially a fool using other people's money.

Money in its simplest terms is a debt

Not always true, while it is true the federal reserve notes are debts, real money is simply a medium of exchange between two people, money has no inherent value to it, but acts more like a lubricant that keeps the wheels of the economy running smoothly.

- when you give it to someone they exchange work for it. So how can you make money from money if you have not even done any work for it? From investments you say, well if you spread your investments enough you are never going to lose are you - if you do you can afford insurance, bribes, bailouts etc

only if you're in cahoots with the government, average people don't get bailed out.

Its all good to scoff at those on welfare but perhaps they actually just understand the game is rigged, or are tired of working their ass off only to luck out.

I don't disagree with this, many people, I won't name which type of people, but many people purposely get welfare/disabilities because they know the system is rigged and favors the "weak"

Maybe they dont want to get to the end of their life only to be able to say well, i worked for some fat cats my whole life, busted my gut day and night, got to eat some good meals. Would you sit down and play monopoloy if every time the person who won the last game got $2000 instead of $200 when they pass go and already owned half the board? what would be the point if you had an option to just sponge off the banker.

Obviously that's not a fun game to play. Better try a new game.

edit on 11-11-2010 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

I don't think the path to success is a straight one. Luck plays a big part as well. Wouldn't you agree? Also happiness has nothing to do with your wealth.

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