posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 06:20 PM
Even if it weren't hearsay, it's not surprising to hear a president refer to God in some fashion, either in prayer, as a request for a blessing for
the nation, as a request for protection of the nation, etc. Frequently, world leaders have relied on knowledge, either spiritual or supernatural, to
assist them in decision making. If he did say it, then it would be based on the following:
According to biblical prophecy, the end of the world will be characterized by the islamic nations of the middle east and Africa, a few european
nations, parts of southern Russia and China, all coming against Israel and the "camps of the saints" in an end time war, in which the gathered
company will be annihilated in fiery devastation. As long as Israel still stands, as long as some nation with enough muscle is able to assist in
protecting it, the end has not arrived. The minute we stop protecting Israel, the end will be not long after. For this reason, some of the modern
day American presidents have seen it as their responsibility to provide Israel with support and protection, such as it is. If we back off and allow
Israel's enemies (which are many) to have their way, say goodbye to planet Earth, as we will all hurl each other into a million years of nuclear
winter. Remember Masada. These guys aren't kidding around. If left unsupported and unprotected, Israel's enemies would move in for the kill and
Israel would retaliate with nukes if necessary and it would escalate rapidly from there. Israel is that proverbial red button that you hear tell
about. If anyone pushes it, that's all she wrote.
As some mentioned not long ago, the nuclear weapons owned by the super powers of the world, are much worse today than those dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Today, a nuke dropped on Scotland would melt the gold cross on the top of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. That's just one nuke. They
have nukes today, that can not only devastate literally hundreds of miles of land, but the more advanced ones kill all carbon-based lifeforms but
leave the buildings intact.
So to make a long story short, if a president claims God told him to do this or that in regards to the Middle East, you can bet your bottom dollar
he has a very good reason for saying so. Even if you removed "God" from the situation, common sense would dictate than any move to destroy Israel
on the part of their enemies would literally be the end of the world. Right now, the US is on the islamic terrorists enemies list because they
disagree with US protection and support of Israel and view it as anti-arabism. This couldn't be farther from the truth, as any christian president
or president who understands the mindset of the Israelis these days, would know, that place is a powder keg and the islamic fundamentalists are the
fuse. The US is an unlit match - we keep it immersed in water, but the moment we walk away from the plight of Israel, we will have essentially lit
the fuse.
Now, this may not be Bush's reasoning at all, but if you ask any history professor about the middle east, they will tell you it's a powder keg just
waiting to go off and Israel is the center of it.
[edit on 2-7-2004 by Undomiel]