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Americans Are Dominated By Fear.. Enough Is Enough

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:49 AM
I have been scanning numerous media outlets for a long time now and it has become increasingly obvious to me and many others, as I am sure, that the american people are dominated by the fear that it's government instills in it's citizens. In so many other countries and regions around the world, when the citizens grow weary of being treated unfairly by it's citizens, they take to the streets, they revolt, they force their respective governments to hear them and in most instances, those governments take notice and listen. The big question is "Why?" and the reason is that in the majority of those countries across the globe, those in government fear and respect the power of it's citizens.

They realize that "the people" do have the power and will to initiate real change and if need be, remove them from their pedestals and thrones. Those citizens do not fear a military retaliation by their own government, against their own citizens. They realize that this would be a fruitless effort and would ultimately make matters worse, because in those countries they have a sense of genuine patriotism where those citizens are willing to put themselves in harms way or even die, if it means a continued or improved quality of life for the people. It really opens your eyes to why the Europeans seem to be so much happier than Americans in that respect. They realize when push comes to shove, they ultimately yield the heavy hand of change. And those governments are well aware of this fact

Not the case here in America, here the citizens are so in fear of the government that it almost sickening. We are afraid to do anything other than lie down and take hit, after hit, after hit. Our government has consciously made moves on it's own behalf to give the impression that we are powerless and insignificant. If we step up to the plate as citizens and want to question governmental motives or agendas we are black-balled and threatened, and even sometimes threatened with the use of force of our own military resources. Though I don't believe that any real concentrated military effort would be enough to stop the American people if it came down to an actual lynching of the government, but they would like to have us "believe" in such. And for the majority of the population, they do buy into this propaganda, they buy into the "fear process" instilled in them by the big government entity. It has reduced Americans to being nothing more than easily led automatons, that will do exactly what they are told, who will question nothing, and will accept that the government is making decisions in their best interests and on their behalf. Nothing, in my opinion, could be further from the truth. Americans are prisoners in their own country, it is a country that was built "by the people", but is no longer being run "by the people", and the prisoners are being ruled by "the fear machine" that is government. Yet, we just lie down and take it.

We have been dominated by fear here in america for far too long, though we can only blame ourselves for allowing it to happen, for just accepting it and living the, "It is how it is, it will never get any better, and there is nothing that I can do about anyways attitude." And that is the exact attitude that they "want" you to have, not because this is how it "has" to be. The government needs to be put in check and reminded who is in charge, "by the people", and a useless electoral voting system, is not the way to get that point is merely pissing in the wind my friends. If the dominated, yet great people of this "used to be" great nation want the government to take notice and hear our voices, then we must reverse the "fear machine". Show them what it is like to be on the receiving end of fear tactics and sound it load, millions strong. To bring this nation back to the people, where the power to decide belongs. Because we control our destiny.

edit on 10-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by openmind444

I expressed my thoughts on this subject a year ago with my thread, Americans are Ignorant, Lazy, Gutless Cowards who live in Fear. You are correct in your assumption that Americans are herded in the 'proper' direction with fear based tactics, but don't call them Sheeple! That just pisses them off and they still refuse to see or recognize that that is just what we have become a nation of... Easily controlled and manipulated Sheeple...

Thanks for once again bringing this issue to the forefront, though I doubt it will do any good or change a damn thing...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts
You are correct and it is a sad reality, no one enjoys being called out for being what they have become. It is easier to just exist by being blind or "pretending" to be blind. And yes, that is their decision to make as individuals, but they are also the first ones to bitch, moan, and complain when the government makes maneuvers to threaten the very "comfort zone" that they have fashioned for themselves. We have become a nation of individuals, instead of an individual nation. And the message in this thread may fall on deaf ears, as it usually does, but I can find solace in the fact at least I "did" something to get the message out. And that is not to shabby considering most do absolutely nothing at all.

edit on 10-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I have also noticed this. The people are very fearful of the military being in the country, any time the vehicles are seen, people seem to be expecting martial law and fema camps to be next. Lots of talk of loading up the guns.

In contrast, when Canada's military is in our country, they're helping somewhere with a disaster, sometimes in the winter even to shovel us out from under the snow.

I blame the media. They love to promote fear for ratings. The longer they can keep the fear going, the more people are watching the news, getting more scared by the minute, knocking up the ratings.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by openmind444

You are so far off base. I can only assume you are a teenager or from outside the USA. I would list why you are off base, but I don't think you would understand it.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:03 PM
So true. I noticed all of the fear inducing stuff on the news, designed to scare you and make you beg big brother for protection. They create problems and then offer solutions. They create a war and promise peace, scare us and and offer relief and people praise them again and again. The media is being used as a weapon against the people. A scared and confused populous is one that is easily controlled. It doesn't help that people are being dumbed down by the fluff that they call news. I could care less about Lindsey, Paris, or Gaga. Give me a break. Instead of covering real issues, they feed the masses pablum in order to keep them sleeping. If more people knew what was happening around them (or cared) they might be more vocal. Then again, maybe not. Seems they've been conditioned to bend over and take it. One also has to wonder who profits the most from this. It's the corporations. Thanks for posting this thread.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Part of it also is making americans fat.

Like your pentagon says, the american people will not do anything they are too fat now. Of course you people just sit there watching tv and eating chips, and of course it was planned, to make life easier for those who instill the fear into us, and you lot.

Amazing how effective tv is, and modern society to make us useless.
edit on 11/10/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Skid Mark

I have a tough time listening to anything from someone who came up with "skid mark" as a name. Are you 12 or 13?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by snowspirit
You make a very good point, the mass media is and has been in the governmental pocket for years helping to perpetuate the "fear machine". And with the exception of a few other countries and a handful of third world nations, most citizens do not have an innate fear of a military presence within their own borders, yet most of those countries have never considered using those military resources against their own people as a means of an orchestrated "fear based" manipulation. We, in the United States, do consider our soldiers to be heroes, I believe that as well, but I am sure that attitude would change drastically once those same heroes showed up, fully armed at our door steps, imposing a will that we, as tax paying citizens, never agreed to.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by openmind444

...we must reverse the "fear machine". Show them what it is like to be on the receiving end of fear tactics and sound it load, millions strong. To bring this nation back to the people, where the power to decide belongs. Because we control our destiny.

Other than regurgitating the same rhetoric from a multitude of previous threads on the subject, were you planning on forming a plan to do this..? Or maybe you already have - so let's hear it...I'm sure you didn't create the OP just to throw out conjecture - right..?

Or standing on your soap box is as far as you got..? It is, huh..?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by amc621
Hey my friend, I live in North this United States of America...I am a hard working 33 year old man. If you want to have an opinion, then have an opinion and state it, but make it relevant to the topic. I love this country, I wouldn't have posted this thread if I didn't. But I am not gonna tolerate you coming on my thread and acting like a douche-bag, not only to me, but to other posters who are truly interested in this thread. So unless you have something to contribute other than "jack-assery"..take it to another forum, because no one here is interested. And if you have a problem understanding that...take it up with the mods and maybe they can put it in terms you can understand.

edit on 10-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by facelift
It's just my thoughts and opinions my friend, and I am sure you have heard it all before, but there is no law saying that I can't speak my mind about it or regurgitate conjecture. And to be honest, if this thread is such an issue for you, no one forced you to read it, by wasting your time reading it and responding to it, you could have been on another thread more worth-while and worth your time. So as I told the other guy, unless you have something relevant to contribute to the "topic", don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by openmind444
reply to post by snowspirit
You make a very good point, the mass media is and has been in the governmental pocket for years helping to perpetuate the "fear machine". And with the exception of a few other countries and a handful of third world nations, most citizens do not have an innate fear of a military presence within their own borders, yet most of those countries have never considered using those military resources against their own people as a means of an orchestrated "fear based" manipulation. We, in the United States, do consider our soldiers to be heroes, I believe that as well, but I am sure that attitude would change drastically once those same heroes showed up, fully armed at our door steps, imposing a will that we, as tax paying citizens, never agreed to.

Another thought, the USA military is soooo large, and they seem to be all over the world, stationed in many countries. When they are around, they're armed to the teeth. Canada has a much smaller population, and military. When ours are around, they're usually just carrying snow shovels. We have such a large land mass, compared to the population, martial law or prison camps would be much harder to enforce in Canada.

It's getting so crazy down there, with some of the things people are having problems with, even the census taking did not go so well. Census taking is something I never thought would create an uproar, but down there, the census takers were invading people's privacy, and calling the law onto people that didn't cooperate. How was that allowed? It should have just been a small form to fill out and mail in..

Elections are crazy and corrupt, the politicians even more corrupt (yeah, ours too), religion is getting extreme, zero privacy laws, can't collect water, can't grow your own food in some places, farmers not allowed to stir up dust, corexit sprayed over people, admissions from the government about tests done on unknowing people in the past, FDA fudging data, EPA lies to people (air quality after 911), no one knows what's going to happen economically, xray vans driving around the streets......

It's no wonder people are nervous.

I am so glad I live in Canada, it seems so much saner and peaceful up here.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by snowspirit
Yes, they are obviously nervous, who can blame them? I am one of them and I am certain that there are millions more feeling the tightening of the grip I am sure.

edit on 10-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by amc621

Actually, no I'm not 12 or 13. Certain words or phrases have more than one meaning. If you look at what it says below the name, maybe you'd understand that. I really don't see what that has to do with the topic.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by openmind444

I agree with your conclusion that The United States of America's government has eloquently formulated a plan to control its citizens but to what end? You need to take a look at the bigger picture before anything can be done about it. It's tantamount to screaming bloody murder when your parent is trying to clean out a cut. Ultimately it's for your benefit however much it hurts at that time. Although, I feel that the media's fear mongering is mostly rating oriented and is an unintended win for the government powers that wish to spread this. If you want anyone to rally to your cause you should show some evidence that shows the media or government officials supporting, creating or perpetuating fear in its masses. Unfortunately access to resources that show this have been redacted beyond legibility and video of it is virtually non-existent. You might be able to find media outlets fear mongering however the message can always be debated by those who are too narrow-minded to see what's before their eyes.

The first thing that needs to happen is we as a people need to communicate more effectively and use the media against itself. That is the very first step to successfully shutting out the propaganda machine. A message needs to be sent to everyone not to watch the "rhetoric" spewed by the media and get them to turn around their tune. I think ultimately there would be a morale boost from it regardless.

Next we need to determine the goal of government. Their motives, intentions and means need to be defined and more verbally communicated to the people. Freedom of Information act if used properly has major implications when the documents are brought to the attention of influential people. The unfortunate part is that our government and country is so vast that the right hand doesn't always know what the left is doing. It seems currently that our government doesn't have our best interests at heart but it's a hard game to prove it and that is ultimately where the definition of their motives will be found.

After that, we need to define our intentions. This is not as easy as it sounds. Do some research on American history and see what the original "Tea Partiers" had to go through just to create a simple document to the King of England that said "We are not dumbasses so stop treating us as so - btw you don't own the colonies, we do. Just try and take it."

The rest is all a chess game. Determine what their moves are and plan 4 steps ahead. They can't know what traps you're leading them to but when that trap goes off it better make BIG waves or it will be for nothing. Initially the only thing you have to play with is propaganda. Freedom of Speech covers you if you decide to put yourself out there to the rest of the world however be careful the words you choose as they can put you away for inciting hate crimes. Once the propaganda wheel is spun enough that the government can't hide their "evil" agendas the rest will play out and the pieces that get picked up afterwords will form the new government.

As to the other two goons on here AMC and Facelift I think that you should stop acting like a bunch of childish schoolyard bullies and try to add something to the conversation. Your vote counts too when/if this above scenario ever plays out and if you keep your credibility.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by openmind444

Not sure what you mean by Jack Assery? 33 working male, and you come up with that phrase???

Ok, our country is far from being dominated by fear. There are plenty of interest groups that approach government about their issues. There are plenty of people who talk and approach the representatives. How much time do you get out of NC? What facts do you have to back up your statement? If your giving a opinion it would help to tell us a little more about yourself so we can see there this opinion is coming from.

In the latest electrion this country said they were not happy with the Dems or what direction this country is taking.

So please enlighten me / us where you come up with this opinion.


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Skid Mark

Skid Mark, I guess that has to do with the information highway, you break hard there and cause a skid mark?

Your points of what the media brings up is short sighted. Your making comments and then conclusions on what you see on a daily basis, however you don't see/read all of what is out there.

Fear comes from lack of knowledge and education. This country stands up to a lot. I'm from NY and was there for 9/11, I've seen what this country can stand up to.

It seems to me you and the OP are hoping / looking for a revolution where people storm the White house and Capital building? Is that it? If not how about telling me and others what is going on (facts, not just your opinion) and how it can get cleaned up and changed

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by amc621

AMC I will * this post. Thank you for adding your opinion to the thread. I agree we have stood up to a lot but there are also some valid points that the OP is making regardless of whether they are unsubstantiated or not. We as the American people are being led astray. For what purpose, that is yet to be determined. I think we have more power in this country to change the demographics of who's in office however the political agenda seems to be all too familiar regardless of the party elected. 9/11 was tragic, but a LOT of good came from it. It's unfortunate that some of it was short-lived. Americans can stand up to a lot but I think that the masses are manipulated very easily and it creates problems that aren't realized by our generations. Our debts and the lifestyle we're living is built off the backs of our children and our children's children. Eventually it will all come tumbling down.
edit on 10-11-2010 by Stryker Ops because: redacted quote of AMC

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Stryker Ops

"As to the other two goons on here AMC and Facelift I think that you should stop acting like a bunch of childish schoolyard bullies and try to add something to the conversation."

Calling other peopel 'goons' kinda puts you in the category you put them into. pot meet kettle. pretty weak man.

OP - i agree with you comments, though i too would rather see you come up with something of substance as opposed to just spouting what others have said here many times over. but yes, you are right.

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