posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:31 AM
Let me start of by stating the reason for this thread.
Today at school I was talking about Illuminati and the New World Order in English today. Me and my mate that are into conspiracies were talking about
the music industry exposed videos, and the satanic messages in the songs, and the references to the word 'Rain Man'. We weren't meant to be talking,
so the teacher said to me ' If it's important enough to talk about in class, it's important enough to be shared with the class.
So we said what we were talking about in class, and this started a huge class discussion. And I was surprised at the amount of information that my
classmates knew about the Freemasons, NWO, Illuminati etc. It was like they've all done research about the same things I've done research about. Which
kind of amazed me and gave me a good feeling to know that people are aware of what the government is doing.
After class, people started coming up to me and talking about what we've just discussed in class. Then the teacher of the class came up to me after
I'd talked with my mates and said. "I'm glad that you've realized the truth, you've been enlightened". And then walked off.
The thing that's strange is that the he has memorized a lot of quotes from the bible, his home is self sufficient, and he looks a lot like Jesus.
Back to the point, have you noticed that people around you are becoming aware of the NWO, and the Illuminati?
I've found that a lot of people around me are becoming aware of what is happening. Is it just me?
edit on 9-11-2010 by GetRadNZ because: pic