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UFO's I filmed in Infrared just 45 minutes ago...

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Maybe these night shot cameras are just what we need to provide the proof that so many of us desire as to what is buried in our skys. The sky is FILLED with objects that we cannot see with the naked eye. Inects? Birds? Doubtful. Nothing on this thread has proven those theorys.

OP- If you wish to further provide substantial evidence that these are not insects or birds, then simply take your camera, find a swarm of insects, and find birds, then record them in the same fashion that you have recorded these un-identifiable objects. Post said recording on here, then we can debate that for days on end!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
Looks to me like you're taping someone with a light-pen/laser pointer bouncing the dot off a piece of glass in front of the camera lens.

Just my observation folks


Its so obvious its a laser pointer or IR laser pointer. I created an account on ATS just to reply to this video because its just so blatantly obvious what it is. I cant believe this is getting flagged.

Heres a better video of what a IR laser can do. Notice how you can see it against the trees. Works the same on clouds. Trying to find a video of one on clouds.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:47 AM
it -could- be birds

therefore, why speculate further...if it could be something easily explainable, then it probably is.

cool effect though...and who knows, maybe it isn't...keep spinning the cam at the sky in IR and who knows, you may catch something that is most definately not a bird or insect...but ya, the first thing you should do when you get this type of footage is think like a skeptic...try and debunk it yourself and if you truely cant, then break it apart.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy
reply to post by BAZ752

The average size of Swifts range from 3.5 inches to 10 inches long. According to my calculations from the video... if the objects were in fact Swifts of these sizes then...

3.5 inches multiplied by 30 = 105 inches. 105 inches per second = 5.9 miles per hour.

10 inches multiplied by 30 = 300 inches. 300 inches per second = 17.04 miles per hour.

The object would then be traveling from 6 to 17 miles per hour. That is within range of the average speed of a Swift, so I would agree that it could be a Swift.

However, I believe these objects are a lot smaller than 10 inches, and are insects... But we can both agree that this is not a UFO and it something identifiable.

Asolutely. I see your point. It's a sound argument. Though, I'm not fully convinced, yet, that it's insects we're seeing here, but I'm sure we can exhuast it for what it's worth.

I'm also in full agreement, now, having paid closer attention that it's something identifiable.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

You do realise that they're not listening don't you
This type of footage has been shown before on here, and still the believers wont listen
S earch ATS

You can recreate the footage almost perfectly, and still they wont be satisfied.
It's like trying to convince the Pope there's no God.

For what its worth, you get a star from me!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Ebravo


Its so obvious its a laser pointer or IR laser pointer. I created an account on ATS just to reply to this video because its just so blatantly obvious what it is. I cant believe this is getting flagged.

Heres a better video of what a IR laser can do. Notice how you can see it against the trees. Works the same on clouds. Trying to find a video of one on clouds.

Open to possiblities, sure, but how can a laser pen 'reflect' from the sky (which is what is happening in OP's footage) unless it is being projected from the sky? You make a point but the video you provded shows the laser being projected onto the lens of the camera from a person standing at a distance. How does that fit with the what is happening in the video? It makes no logical sense.

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/11/9 by GradyPhilpott because: edited nested quote.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

I had to flag this one coz there's something telling me that you have definately captured something there.... k, maybe so far away but its 2 lights moving across the sky at spectacular speed.... i've never seen anything move so fast....

BTW i havnt read through the posts in this thread so if its been bebunked as somekind of bat on coke then hey....

edit: k, just read a few above me and they say 'laser pen' hmmmm..... i dunno..... i just wish someone could get a close=up of one of these crafts without shaky hands..... i mean like so close that its impossible to say otherwise
edit on 9-11-2010 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: adding text

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by TruthSeeker8300
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

Hey buddy, I live in middle TN. Nashville to be exact. Yeah, yesterday it seemed to me there really was a lot of contrails. They stayed around in the sky for a while. I guess it's due to the temperature in the air, but they turned a clear sky into a cloudy one for a little while.

I'm 70 miles south of Nashville..They are spraying again today.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Daisy-Lola

I totally refute what you've just written there. At this stage, we've been discussing the possibilities of what it might be. Some of us, for example, aren't privvy to every single video footage available or topics that have related footage simply because we might not have stumbled upon it. I would happily accept it if this particular footage has been debunked or proven otherwise, but at this point it hasn't. Get off your soap box, join in or shut up

edit on 9-11-2010 by BAZ752 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

Dear OP,

I'm sorry I ruined your random videotaping of chemtrails with my random bout of throwing my excrement around the atmosphere. Now, people may debate on subjects of avian or insect qualities. They may even debate on things of the alien or spiritual nature. But the bottom line is, it's my feces that you see in that video. I'm terribly sorry. I just had such a draining day and I let it get the best of me. I will refrain from letting myself get carried away with my excrement ejection experimentation in the future (especially when I see that you're outside doing such important chemtrail documentation). In closing, I'd like to state that you can all move along now. There's nothing to see here aside from a bit of flying fecal fun.

P.S. This is the actual explanation for the anomalies seen on this video. If ATS choses to censor this post, then you can rest assured that they do not hold your best interests in mind. They will, without a doubt, be censoring the truth.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:08 AM
For those who think these are birds in the video here's a short clip I filmed this morning, this is what a BIRD filmed in INFRARED looks like.... That should put a end to the BIRD theories....I'll try and film a BUG for you Bug Experts too.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

I don't know if people have realized by now that the UFO sightings are not news anymore. They are reported everywhere to the point that it doesn't make a news. I think we are in the process of numbing down. Nothing can surprise people these days. I really don't know what this means. Until they land on the White House backyard and talk to Obama, no one will be surprised by any reports of the UFOs.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Great catch mate. I am left puzzled as to what these could be.

I read some members saying they could be birds, moving that fast at that distance? I don't know about that.

One thing you could do to disapprove the bird theory is to film birds on purpose, from a distance; using the same equipment. That way you can analyze the two different video files at once to determine weather or not these are birds.

I personally do not think they are birds, Ive seen lots of YT videos claiming UFO's when it is obvious that they are birds, but with this video I am second guessing myself.

That guy that stated that is not pure IR, is correct. Though, it is an IR filter, nonetheless we can still all agree that this video and the objects in question are bizarre.

My friend on YT 'exposethenwo2012' filmed many chemtrail videos only to find a lot of weird objects surrounding them.

EDIT: Looks like you and I were thinking along the same lines, two posts up you did film birds. Nice one!

I watched the video and read the first page before commenting.
edit on 9/11/2010 by the_denv because: Added text.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by marcsnothere
Inects? Birds? Doubtful. Nothing on this thread has proven those theorys.

There's no way of "proving" one way or the other what these objects are though I'm sure the op knows exactly their true nature. However, for those of us who are trying to solve the puzzle common sense and rationality show that they are nothing more than birds and insects.

Case suitable solved and closed for me and to be filed with the Greerian Moth as misidentified (deliberately or otherwise) natural phenomena.

I await the next inevitable speck-in-the-sky video that will undoubtedly be posted soon!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I think it appears to be moving too fast to be birds. The dot seems to be moving behind the clouds which makes me think it is a distance a way and that combined with the amount of sky it covers in a short period of time makes me think it isn't birds.

Also..look carefully at the 1:07 to 1:09 mark. Something juts up and to the right leaving a distinct brief new "trail" maybe an inch long in the video. If you watch those frames and look carefully you can see the trail appear..possibly two. Could this just be the auto-focus resolving those images...making it look like they just appear?

My best guess for a "this world" explanation would be one of those laser pen pointing devices from the ground from a different position than the videographer..

There is one part of the video where the dot almost seems to flicker around up and down as it is passing behind the clouds, perhaps indicating that it is a light "cast" upon the clouds.

My question is...if it was a laser pointer would the entire beam be visible in night mode on the camera? or just the dot cast upon the sky.

Before claiming actual UFO..all good folks should first try to debunk it and see how it stands up to scrutiny.

interesting video.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

Yes, that IS a bird, filmed in IR.

However, it is quite close to the camera lens, and the camera is tracking it, in the shot, quite well.

Other examples are of birds (and/or bugs) farther away, moving through the frame.

Still, will be interesting to see what your experiments come up with....seeing the same objects visually, naked eye, and if they appear at same time on your camera, in IR.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by GammaRayBurst
For those who think these are birds in the video here's a short clip I filmed this morning, this is what a BIRD filmed in INFRARED looks like.... That should put a end to the BIRD theories....I'll try and film a BUG for you Bug Experts too.

Oh come on. How naive do you think we are? Seriously? You've just captured a bird entirely non-related to the Apodidae family and one that almost looks as though it belongs to the Columbidae family [although, it's difficult to tell exactly] both of which have exceptionally different flying habits, are exceptionally different in their anatomical ratios, and have very different living habits.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by BAZ752

Again, this link will provide that information.

Here you will see the following:

Swifts are the most aerial of birds. Larger species, such as White-throated Needletail, are amongst the fastest fliers in the animal kingdom. Even the Common Swift cruises at 5 to 14 metres per second (18–50 km/h, 11–31 mph) and is capable of 60 metres per second (216 km/h, 134 mph) for short bursts.[citation needed] In a single year the common swift can cover at least 200,000 km.[1]

So yes they are capable of accelerating at almost 5 times their cruising speed for shorter bursts therefore not making for a constant speed during flight. Which is very possibly what we are seeing here.

The wikipedia article mention a top speed (in bursts) it says nothing about acceleration. It does not say how fast it can accelerate from cruising speed to top speed only that it can maintain that top speed for a short time period.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ringht_n_wrong

The clouds in the video are blended, but IMO it's behind a stratocumulus where the object disappears. That is low altitude cloud, typically formed 5000-to-a maximum-8000 ft.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:28 AM
What a great catch, thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to go out and get a night vision camera after seeing the quality of your video, Thanks!!

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