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Conspiracy Theorism (My veiw)

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:18 PM
Now before I say anything about my thread, I understand its in the introductions thats the only place I can post and it'd be great if this post was moved to its meant to be spot. Obviously I am a noob here on ATS and i don't need to be told it in this thread I just want your veiws on it..

Becoming a Conspiracy Theorist is easy, keeping your mind sane can be the hard part. When I first felt like I was becoming a "Conspiracy Theorist" was in 2006 when i was told about 2012. I was one of the "brainwashed" kids worrying about my popularity, girls and my game system. I read tons of articles went on forums such as this one and why? Looking for answers to 2012 looking for debunkage, I was young so my mind obviously fell victim to the disinfo agents I became a worried mess. Since then i've become stronger mind-wise now I can take the bad with the good. I don't wanna hear that a meteor is headed for earth but if it happens, it happens.. We always say after somebody dies they're in a better place.. Why are we so afraid to go there then?

What i'm saying is conspiracy theorism thats what i'll call it, it can turn your friends into skeptics and even make them think your a fool for thinking all of this and all you can say is, you'll see what happens. Obviously people that look into this kind of thing don't want to be caught with their pants around their ankles when sh#t hits the fan.
Are we waiting for an alien invasion? It's up to the conspiracy theorists to believe or not believe hold the evidence shown and posters account for it believe it or troll it? Or are we doomed to argue about the truth over internet forums for the rest of our lives? (not sure if that made sence, it made sense to me)

Ever since my first run-in with 2012 i've been a skeptic about most things, trying to not believe everything I hear since that's what turns you into a brainwashed fool so i'm told. I can say this, most people that become conspiracy theorists are only looking for truth in their government/world/universe/etc. I ask my friends everyday if they think we're the only ones in this universe and of course they tell me they don't know, i just think they don't want to know cause it would throw off everything they were taught to know. I guess... Some only want believe only what they've been told.. are they afraid of change? Afraid of something thats nearly inevitable?
I believe that theres only truth in what we want to believe, if we want something to happen so bad it'll probabley happen. Us "Conspiracy Theorists" will argue about this truth until we're all standing outside watching it all crumble on us like a janga puzzle.

Thanks for listening to my veiw on conspiracy theorism,
I'll gladly read anyone else's veiws on the subject
please don't be a mister nasty, and be nice.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by GingerGuidance


I hope that you'll be a truth seeker first a conspiracy theorist second. Becoming a conspiracy theorist is the occasional byproduct of seeking the truth, and rarely is it the other way around. Conspiracies are often more fun, but I'm of the opinion that believing something because it's interesting is not nearly as satisfying as believing something because you have wracked your brain trying to sort out the truths and the best arguments and finally arrived at a conclusion that you really understand. The believers may seem like they have all the fun, because who wouldn't like to believe the X-Files is based on actual events. The reality, though, is that the open-minded, critically thinking skeptics experience the unique comfort and confidence brought about by having put their worldview and beliefs to the test in the most rigorous way that they could, and then abondoned those ideas that failed the test and adopted those that passed. It's the testing that's the important part.

So, what did you come up with after assessing 2012? Is there a conspiracy? Should we start taking prophecies seriously despite their track record? Or is it just a coincidence that so many seemingly similar predictions have been made independantly of one another, over periods of thousands of years and thousands of miles apart?

Doomsday or normal day, what's the thing that made up your mind?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Good thoughts my friend, we share the same view on conspiracy theorism.
Being a conspiracy theorist is something i love, it's exciting and interesting, although it has come at some cost.
For instance, my parents think I'm insane, and my grades drop because we are thought things in school that aren't true. Therefore, I refuse to do the work I am given if I know the stuff we read in our books is wrong.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:37 PM
The idea of the restricted posting for new members
is that there are a lot of well made threads out there already
by long standing members that could use a little love. Just a comment or two.

Then after twenty posts you can start your own.

oh, and Welcome.

David Grouchy
edit on 8-11-2010 by davidgrouchy because: member reads better as a plural in the above paragraph

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Thanks for the replies.

My assumption of 2012 has to be undecided at the moment mearly because its not 2012 yet we can't tell the future so there is a right and wrong side. Like many have said before only time will tell.

And grouchy I completely understand, I enjoy reading the articles and we already have many minds debunking everything coming through here and discussing every last possibility. Yes I could try getting my words in the matter, but i'm clearly a spectator when it comes to forums, I just now finally decided to put a veiw out. I'll be sure to get my 20 posts in though.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:06 PM
Hi welcome to ATS.

and please don't be a conspiracy theorist... A truthseeking skeptic is all you need to be.

See you around.

reply to post by icekilla123

I'm sorry to tell you this, but you sir... You will make the biggest mistake in your life ...

School sucks and there is stuff that is not true. Who cares ! Without school you will end up basically optionless.
Go to school ! Pay attention ! make sure you finish it cum laud. Forget about the lies find a good job and start fighting from within

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