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Some UFOs are orchestrated hollographic simulations

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Advanced human made Satellite systems have the ability to create massive ‘HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGES’. This is what you are often seeing with all the supposed ‘UFO’s’ across the globe. This strategy us also being used to in so-called meteor showers.


Their SOURCE - Very exntensive

I was doing some research on BLUEBEAM precisely the Prophet Hologram to find some credible source and I stumbled on this. I'm not saying this is credible source. I just thought it was interesting. ANy thoughts? even goes as far as saying meteor showers NOT ALL but some are holographic?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:24 AM
What exactly are the supposedly projecting these holograms onto?
I did not find anything in the source about it.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
What exactly are the supposedly projecting these holograms onto?
I did not find anything in the source about it.

Without having read the articles yet, I postulate that these highly developed satellites are projecting the holograms onto a highly dense moronosphere.

But I might revise my thinking should the articles pan out.

Oh dear, as I suspected. One site with the linked info leads to another site that details antichrist agendas, mind control and such insightful quotes as

he most important issue here for you to grasp is the play to have mankind allow the Anunnaki and their allies to persuade us all that they are the 'SAVIOURS'. This is all an attempt to have the world hand over complete control to the Anunnaki who are one and the same as the illuminised Nephilim bloodlines.

It then leads to a Youtube video which strangely enough is not available due to the author having his account removed.

I hope Springer doesn't rip me a new one, but really... the evidence against is intertwined within the evidence itself.

edit on 8/11/2010 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:50 AM
I admit forehand that I will probably actually read the source later, and will, of course, post a comment or reply now. The joys of being bipolar are that I can do absolutely anything I want, and I don't even have to have a good reason. (not really)

Which leads me to this consideration, I wonder what the purpose would be to recreate meteor showers? Unless of course the final intent will be to generate a panic amonth the earthlings, that's us, into believing an ELE event is happening.

Better yet, what if "they" project that which is supposed to be Nibiru!! Dun dun duhhhhh!

Seriously, despite my sarcasm, it could happen.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Without having read the articles yet, I postulate that these highly developed satellites are projecting the holograms onto a highly dense moronosphere.

What? Can you feel the rays on your scalp??

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

I didn't even know there was a moronosphere, but a search led me to some interesting sites. If you were attempting to guide some people to those site, then, good job.

If what you wrote, instead, was a bit of sarcasm, then great job!


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by badw0lf

Without having read the articles yet, I postulate that these highly developed satellites are projecting the holograms onto a highly dense moronosphere.

What? Can you feel the rays on your scalp??


My powers give me the ability to be impervious to the affects of rays roused to inflict an illusion on dense moronospheric anomalies. For you see - I'm semi dense.

I am therefore, superbadw0lf. Able to leap to logic in a single bound, capable of intense Oh Not Again conclusions and gifted with the uncanny knack of seeing the future, exactly as it unfolds, when it unfolds.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Divine Strake

Doesn't anyone believe my avatar these days!!!


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

I hope Springer doesn't rip me a new one, but really... the evidence against is intertwined within the evidence itself.

Personally I hope Springer does rip you a new one.
Your first post was an ubsubstantiated attack and an insult to the OP while admitting you hadn't even viewed the link.
You should not post until you have the proof it is a suss source and editing later doesn't change things..

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by backinblack

I hope someone just answers what I thought was a pretty simple question. If you are all done bickering amongst yourselves, you might take note that the answer about the moronosphere was the only answer anyone offered at all. It might not have been funny to some of you but the complete lack of an answer from people getting all upset over it stands out more to me.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:04 AM
One big problem with the old holographic projection theory, and that is the fact that something flying in front of it is going to disrupt the image, you know like a cloud or a bird or a plane.

But apart from that it's a flawless idea!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by badw0lf

I hope Springer doesn't rip me a new one, but really... the evidence against is intertwined within the evidence itself.

Personally I hope Springer does rip you a new one.
Your first post was an ubsubstantiated attack and an insult to the OP while admitting you hadn't even viewed the link.
You should not post until you have the proof it is a suss source and editing later doesn't change things..

Well you have the power kimosabi. HIT that Alert button, Hit it twice.. It's a sexy button!

Oh and I did say in my first post I'd read the links and then revise my post accordingly... WHICH I DID.

Sadly, you got upset
I didn't Gooble Gobbgle Gooble Gobble... One of us one of us...

*me hugs angry guy*

Now, where's the next dilemma for superbadw0lf to rescue... For nothing shall quell his thirst for.. uhh... dense moronospheric anomalies!!!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:10 AM
I have absolutely no proof to corraborate the truth of the oP.

I do however believe it is a good theory. And until it is proven fake or a hoax, i will believe what i want to, even without proof.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
reply to post by backinblack

I hope someone just answers what I thought was a pretty simple question. If you are all done bickering amongst yourselves, you might take note that the answer about the moronosphere was the only answer anyone offered at all. It might not have been funny to some of you but the complete lack of an answer from people getting all upset over it stands out more to me.

Aww no the moronosphere was joke Curios
Now I do feel bad, I didn't expect such a response, usually my hit and run posts are ignored. :/

However the website itself does leave a lot to be desired. It's like asking a 9/11 website if it's a conspiracy - the answer itself is not proven, just reiterated.

The websites linked don't offer any evidence of proof - they just back each other up, so to speak. There is no official or qualitative evidence.

I guess I should have made the differentiation in my post to show where I stopped being off beat and started being semi serious.

Read the links, then read the source. Then check all of their substantiating links. Nothing is solid.

It's more of the same, in my opinion, but cest la vie - some people will hang me for not wearing a white coat about it..

Oh and added to edit, I wasnt referring to you in this post Curious!!! !!!! I kinda went on a rant mid way and forgot.. lol.. I know what you meant

edit on 8/11/2010 by badw0lf because: Im a complete WARRRRGHHH!! and I know it ! Oo

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Sadly, you got upset I didn't Gooble Gobbgle Gooble Gobble...

Mate, why would I get upset? Dont pretend to know me.
I just called it like it was, an attack with ZERO evidence.
Most people at least check the info before making assumptions.
You call it what you want and go on with your posting style however ridiculous most should find it.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf
Aww no the moronosphere was joke Curios
Now I do feel bad, I didn't expect such a response, usually my hit and run posts are ignored. :/

No, I got that it was a joke. That was why I said that even though some people may not have thought it was funny, it was the closest thing to an answer I got. I thought it was funny. I just assumed someone would actually attempt to give a real answer, especially as eager as they were to attack your joke. I am actually genuinely curious and since you were the only one to respond. I appreciated your joke more than I appreciated getting ignored while people jumped across the table to attack you. The whole things strikes me as funny.

However the website itself does leave a lot to be desired. It's like asking a 9/11 website if it's a conspiracy - the answer itself is not proven, just reiterated.

The websites linked don't offer any evidence of proof - they just back each other up, so to speak. There is no official or qualitative evidence.

I guess I should have made the differentiation in my post to show where I stopped being off beat and started being semi serious.

Read the links, then read the source. Then check all of their substantiating links. Nothing is solid.

It's more of the same, in my opinion, but cest la vie - some people will hang me for not wearing a white coat about it..

Oh and added to edit, I wasnt referring to you in this post Curious!!! !!!! I kinda went on a rant mid way and forgot.. lol.. I know what you meant

edit on 8/11/2010 by badw0lf because: Im a complete WARRRRGHHH!! and I know it ! Oo

LOL, it's all good. Yeah I perused the links myself and I just noticed one big glaring omission and that would be the medium on which they holograms could be projected. From all the project blue beam stuff I read on ATS, it would seem that people, including the "scientists" behind this all believe that you can just project a hologram into mid air. It is my understanding you still need something, even if it is a temperature differential.

Hey, thanks for your joke because it is still the only answer I got.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by Curiousisall
What exactly are the supposedly projecting these holograms onto?
I did not find anything in the source about it.

Without having read the articles yet, I postulate that these highly developed satellites are projecting the holograms onto a highly dense moronosphere.

But I might revise my thinking should the articles pan out.

look at this
Try this

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by badw0lf

Sadly, you got upset I didn't Gooble Gobbgle Gooble Gobble...

Mate, why would I get upset? Dont pretend to know me.
I just called it like it was, an attack with ZERO evidence.
Most people at least check the info before making assumptions.
You call it what you want and go on with your posting style however ridiculous most should find it.

Girls, girls! You are both pretty, not stop this.

You seem to be defending this article pretty staunchly and I am not so sure the attack and the response are exactly equal. Maybe I read you wrong but you seem a rather enthusiastic proponent of this particular story. So, can you tell me what these holograms are supposed to be projected onto?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by Curiousisall

It is my understanding you still need something, even if it is a temperature differential.

Well I wouldn't agree with earthquakes and hurricanes but HAARP can definitly effect temperature, on a clear night even.
So next question?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Gtown

I see. Now if people want to ignore me, that is fine. It really does not bother me and I do not expect anyone on ATS to feel obliged to entertain my curiosity. I cannot however help but find it a bit odd that I asked a simple question about the proposed idea that this thread is about and you guys only seem to read posts you feel like attacking. Now I am extra curious. Why would a genuine interest in the topic get no attention while the opportunity to bark at each other like puppies is like crack?

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