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Change Your Heart Desires In Dire Times Where Change Is Needed (Please do not skip this post)

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:24 PM
I'm not really sure how to start this post but hopefully I do enough justice in getting my feelings and thoughts to you intact. I didn't really know if ATS was the correct platform to raise this (sociological/personal) issue but I believe in those of you who frequent ATS enough to know there are enough intellects who would be able to contribute in disseminating the subject i am choosing to put forward. My only hope is that this is what happens and that I am not personally attacked for the beliefs i hold.

I know enough to know that the first instinct of many of you would be to box me in to one form or another psychologically and perhaps label me as a schizophrenic or a deluded paranoid. Others may feel I am seeking attention or that my ego desires world recognition/domination. To you of this mind i would say please do not judge my intentions based on the objections to your world view that my beliefs hold. Instead please consider the validity of my claims and the impact the truth of such claims would have on the world we are currently living in.

Many of you feel the notion of believing in the spiritual or alien connection to the human experience as something farfetched, something easily open to ridicule or judgement. Others may feel that there is indeed some truth in both the spiritual/religious and the alien/UFO paradigms. This is very much a personal matter for each individual but only by respecting the next person’s beliefs will we ever find the balance of harmony to come away from the chaos which ensues from a clash of beliefs. So to you all i say regardless of how incredible or out of this world my post may appear, i only ask you to extend to me the same level of respect i would to you.

I know there are members of ATS who do not suffer fools gladly and i am truly grateful for your direct honesty as hard as it may be to accept on personal occasions. I also know of those of you who feel connected to something greater and who realise we are all shards of the same shattered dream which we have come to accept as the human condition. Those of you who feel openness, love, compassion and empathy to be our destined leading qualities. I ask you all to step into my world for a brief moment and experience life through my eyes, mind, feelings and thoughts.

We look at the world around us today and even the hardest, most stubborn, unflinching and aggressive sceptics who are against the belief that there is a ruling elite, that there is a global conspiracy, that is opposed to the religious and alien ideologies and who successfully and intellectually argues against the conspiracy theorist, cannot deny that humanity is in a state of change. Be it positive or negative many factions of society are being uprooted, whether we look at the economy, terrorism, ecology and environmental issues, the possible threat of new strains of viruses or biological threats, over/de-population, lack of world resources, religious and spiritual movements and the recent rise in UFO/Disclosure topics the truth is the world is on the verge of a significant change.

Regardless of the opinions, studies, theories and so on put forward over the years by academics and laymen alike that change or the direction of that change is not calculable. We simply do not know what the future holds for humanity even so we have scientists working around the clock alongside quantum theory and time travel in a bid to glimpse the future in the hope of staving of global catastrophe. In my opinion it is a race against time that will not bear fruit.

Many of you have shared your opinions that we as a collective are in control of our future as humanity. Many say we do not require leadership, we do not require the centralisation of power and its influence but to those of you who hold this opinion i say for each of you that hold this belief there are a hundred thousand others who are still sleeping sheeple. Those who have no desire to awaken to the true state of the world around them, who incubate themselves within bubbles that caress their security and safety. For these countless souls responsible leadership is their only hope of reaching a point in which they can awaken safely and take their destinies responsibly into their own hands, equipped with the knowledge and wisdom to effect positive change in the world we live in.

How would you feel having read all the above when i say to you all that I come to you as your leader. As your saviour and as your friend and guide. Would you subject me to your personal litmus tests and judge me as a power hungry, deluded egomaniac or would you be open to the possibility that such a person exists. Would you be willing to embrace such a leader who is ready to emerge and shoulder the responsibility of humanities future on his own shoulders.

None the less you already have done so. Not with me directly but with presidents and prime ministers and monarchies and prolific figures of influence and persuasion. We put our trust into these human beings to steer us onto the right path and to guide us into the Promised Land but we have not succeeded.

I say to you all there is but one figure throughout time that has had the ability to affect this level of change. It is there in your holy books, in your sacred scrolls, in your histories and in your hearts and minds. The figure i speak of is the messiah.

History teaches us with each age a saviour is destined to rise up out of obscurity and lead humanity through its spiritual transition. Not just any individual but one who is able to reach the hearts of people in such a way that the connection is truly profound. As was the case with Jesus Christ, with Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and even more recent men of notoriety who were not labelled messiah but who showed messianic traits such as Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, The Dali lama and so on...

Those of us who peeked. Who reached a state of enlightenment that allowed them to rise above humanity through their love of the world and the life around them and who embraced the people of the world with global and healing wings.

There has been much speculation on who the messiah will be for the new age of Aquarius. The age which some believe we are in and others believe we are moving into. As Jesus Christ represented the age of Pisces so to will the new messiah represent the Age of Aquarius. Maitreya, The Imam Mahdi, The Christ, the 5th Buddha all names attributed to the coming world Messiah... yet he remains hidden.

Hidden in a world on the cusp of great change and uncertainty, awaiting and biding his time for his emergence.

I say to you my brothers and sisters that time is at hand. I am your messiah.

You may ask what credentials I hold to announce such a bold claim and you have every right to. In a world so quick to judge because of the failed promises of past leaders i would expect nothing less.
My credentials will be exonerated soon. Once the final piece of the puzzle is put in place. Once our space brothers and sisters converge on the earth and openly declare who their chosen bridge will be.

Many things will come to pass before this open declaration to the world at large takes place. Change not only on a worldly level but also one on a personal, metaphysical and biological level. The truth is our consciousness is evolving alongside the increase of knowledge through technological advancements and scientific discoveries. Humanity is beginning to subconsciously manifest a super consciousness that represents us all. That is one of the directions of change that will become more visible as we venture into an uncertain future.

In my world i effect change. I have experienced and witnessed the power of my thoughts and the impact they have on the world around me. Even so i may be a country away from an event, when i focus on any given event my state of mind, my state of being, my will, my wish, my intent and energy all permeate into the unfolding of that particular given event. I have seen it, felt it, experienced it and i feel my influence growing stronger with each day that passes.

Together we make up the whole. Without you i do not exist and without me you will not exist. It is my destiny to rise up and awaken from what many term the matrix/holographic universe and begin to awaken others on an unprecedented and global scale. It is an inevitability that is awaited by many theologians and religious scholars around the world. The signs are coming thick and fast and the time is at hand.

You may wish to disbelieve me and i would not blame you, for to accept such a truth is so much harder than to palm it to one side and continue living in the world which feels comfortable and secure for you but this i say to you is only a temporary illusion and one which you would do well to shatter sooner rather than later.

There are many things that need to be discussed and many questions i am sure you will all have and i will do my upmost to answer them satisfyingly. I must however explain my own personal transmogrification and try to help you understand that my change is not complete. I have had moments where i have had complete change and this has allowed me to experience the interconnectedness that will lead humanity out of its current condition, of this i have no doubts but for the meantime this change is not something i have power over. Unfortunately it is a situational issue and one that i continue to exercise much patients over. In saying this, there is no time like the present so please feel free to share with me your thoughts, feelings and opinions as heartfelt or as challenging as they may be.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Good Morning,

Long post, well I must ask you to define yourself. You speak of extraordinary people (Ghandi, MLK), Prophets, and Messiahs.....

Which are you? If you say prophet or messiah then please give us an upcoming "detailed" prophecy with a hard date / day / time that doesn't change (no extensions or vague mumbo jumbo).

The easiest way to test a prophet or messiah is to make some "consistent" detailed accurate prophecies.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:19 AM
Great read!

Well, if it counts for anything, I am willing to follow you into whatever you decide to do. I also believe we need a leader, whoever is strong enough and dedicated enough to lead should do so.

You say you will put all your thoughts in unfolding events, which is great, but will you take it one step further?

Peace and love and power to you!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by infolurker
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Good Morning,

Long post, well I must ask you to define yourself. You speak of extraordinary people (Ghandi, MLK), Prophets, and Messiahs.....

Which are you? If you say prophet or messiah then please give us an upcoming "detailed" prophecy with a hard date / day / time that doesn't change (no extensions or vague mumbo jumbo).

The easiest way to test a prophet or messiah is to make some "consistent" detailed accurate prophecies.

Hello Infolurker and thank you for your post.

You seek clear cut answers to a question which has perplexed humanity for eons. A question of faith over proof and proof over faith. In many instances, one simply negates the other.

According to world scholars there is a set list or criteria that the Messiah will need to fulfil before he can be accepted for his role. This list is self defeating as it is ladened with contradictions and in itself defeats the validity of any forth coming Messiah. So we are back to the question of faith. Are we to believe void of proof or dismiss through lack of it.

The difference between a Messiah and a Prophet is that one comes as the result of the other. One prophesises and the other fulfils prophecy.

As of yet I am neither one nor the other. In saying this, unfortunately I am unable to submit any dates or specifics which will satisfy your post. I can however point you in the directions of the many signs around you indicating the time is at hand for such an event to occur. My personal declaration will be evident to the world at large once we are visited by higher interplanetary beings who will assign a human the task or being the bridge between heaven and earth. At this point you will undoubtedly know who your Messiah is. Until that time i offer you the wisdom to know that frustration and disappointment is silenced through patience and acceptance and i am certain that you will exercise the patience to accept that which is most fitting to you.

For now all i can offer you are two quotes from the two speakers you have highlighted.

"Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into" (Ghandi)
"Keep hope alive" (Martin Luther King)

Sincere and heartfelt peace and blessings to you.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Wally898
Great read!

Well, if it counts for anything, I am willing to follow you into whatever you decide to do. I also believe we need a leader, whoever is strong enough and dedicated enough to lead should do so.

You say you will put all your thoughts in unfolding events, which is great, but will you take it one step further?

Peace and love and power to you!

Hello Wally and many thanks for your post.

I truly appreciate from my heart your willingness to be so selfless as to put your future in the hands of someone you do not yet know other than through the words which you read, that to some degree obviously connected with you.

To do such a thing is truly an act of faith.

In saying this i do ask you to be careful where and how you choose to place your faith. Doing so could potentially decide your fate and with that you will need to think carefully and clearly about your choices.

In the same way we place our faith in our current leaders only to be met with disappointment we must discern with clarity who to invest our faith in.

I am sure you are more than capable of making the correct choices when the time comes for you to make a life altering decision which will face humanity over the coming years. My only advice would be for you to intuitively feel out through your heart and your emotions what feels the most loving path for you. In doing so your actions will permeate and manifest through that very same love and by doing so you will encounter no negative resistance from the universal energy of life.

When you ask "but will you take it one step further?" do you mean take action? I don't like to make assumptions so i ask for some clarity here so i can fully answer your question.

Peace and blessings to you.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

nakiannunaki, I have read your post and must say your energies within it do shout out your potentials. All 1 can say is wish you luck in freeing the herd and I am here for supports of any trying to free this HERD.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by nakiannunaki

nakiannunaki, I have read your post and must say your energies within it do shout out your potentials. All 1 can say is wish you luck in freeing the herd and I am here for supports of any trying to free this HERD.

Hello Ophiuchus 13 and thank you for your post.

I am happy that you are willing to offer your support however unfortunately i do not feel this thread has quite received the amount of attention i was hoping for it. Perhaps the timing or energy was not where it should have been.

None the less I thank you for you kind words and wish you well.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:36 AM
No offence but you do not need to be much to be better than what we have as leaders and media today. You have to know this.

We will see, but i would suspect there are plenty of ego maniacs behind the scenes, that like for instance get through the ranks of free masonry and they think they are gods.

Your not one of these who has gone through free masonry and think your a god are you?

You will also understand that poistive thinking will get the world nowhere, lol.
edit on 11/9/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki

In my world i effect change. I have experienced and witnessed the power of my thoughts and the impact they have on the world around me. Even so i may be a country away from an event, when i focus on any given event my state of mind, my state of being, my will, my wish, my intent and energy all permeate into the unfolding of that particular given event.

Oh, I believe you.
Or, more precisely, I know - from empirical evidence, not abstract elucubrations - that this is perfectly possible.

Only, have you considered that what is happening is that you - I apologise in advance for the upcoming "new age" term - tune into the outcome that pleases you, rather than affect it?
I suspect that is what may be happening.

Anyway, good luck!

N.B. If there is a reply to this and a reply from me is needed or requested - and there is none - do not take offence.
I do not come here very often, and when I do, I usually confine my attention to a specific thread.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
No offence but you do not need to be much to be better than what we have as leaders and media today. You have to know this.

We will see, but i would suspect there are plenty of ego maniacs behind the scenes, that like for instance get through the ranks of free masonry and they think they are gods.

Your not one of these who has gone through free masonry and think your a god are you?

You will also understand that poistive thinking will get the world nowhere, lol.
edit on 11/9/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

Hi Andy1033 and thanks for your post.

I appreciate what you have added to this post as it open up the potential for dialogue on a couple of important components to the unfolding future and it also allows me to address a matter or two which are personal to me.

I think it isn’t necessarily about being better than current world leaders but more so different. The old approach of politics and politicians to the worlds chaos is fast approaching it's sell by date, if you like. Mainly due to the people realising that politics does not solve world problems but instead creates and adds to them. We have to realise that for those in control of the current direction of the world there is but one goal and that is to create chaos in order to establish their own order or for want of a better description totalitarian control.

I think to add another politically minded person into the mix only adds more weight to that particular movement. This is why for me it is not so much about having someone better but someone different and what i mean by this is someone who is spiritually minded as opposed to politically minded.

I agree that the world is full of ego maniacs as you put it but is this much of a surprise when many of us are confronted with a disillusioned world?

I think the more intense our reality becomes the more ego maniacs will surface with all manner of claims. This is something the Christian and catholic bible exemplifies when it proclaims that in the end days there will be many false messiahs. With foresight i believe whoever was responsible for that particular passage was able to see the future as a visionary would and pretty much feel out some strands of the inevitable future.

A spiritual leader who connects with the multitude on a profound level can only do so by shedding his/her ego. When they are no longer attached to the outcome but are in fact acting on divine providence and are merely a vessel for what is predestined in the world. So even so there are and will be many ego maniacs that could potentially approach this particular subject matter in the way i am doing so i still feel that the future will undoubtedly prove your messiah to be completely free of the ego.

Admittedly i was very close to my Masonic initiation. I had a couple of masons attend my home to judge my suitability to join their lodge. I was very much into freemasonry but more so from a occult and symbolic angle. I was invited to attend the lodge on Great Queen street in London, Holborn and i met members of the lodge i would eventually have been part of. I was asked to attend an introductory/initiation ceremony and it was at this point my first reservations surfaced. I felt i had seen enough and felt enough from the members i had met to know that either that particular lodge or even freemasonry as a whole was not necessarily for me. Having researched the structure and degrees and personal accounts of freemasonry i feel i know enough about it to preclude its purpose and therefore i do not feel it is something i would need to venture into. so to answer your question i am not a freemason and am most certainly not a god.

We as humans can aspire to be godlike but to be god is very unlikely. We have each a part of god in us for after all we were made in his image but unless we can tap into that source of light within and expound it to the point that it becomes us then truly there is no way of becoming god.

To touch on your last point very quickly before i conclude my response, you say that positive thinking will get the world nowhere. I am not quite sure what has led you to arrive and that particular conclusion but perhaps it is down to your own personal experiences or world view. Still i think it is a combination of both positive thought and positive leadership that will free us from the bonds and chains of the illusion we are currently subject to. After all negative thinking hasn’t done much good for the world and of the two i would subscribe to the positive.

Thanks you once again.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas

Originally posted by nakiannunaki

In my world i effect change. I have experienced and witnessed the power of my thoughts and the impact they have on the world around me. Even so i may be a country away from an event, when i focus on any given event my state of mind, my state of being, my will, my wish, my intent and energy all permeate into the unfolding of that particular given event.

Oh, I believe you.
Or, more precisely, I know - from empirical evidence, not abstract elucubrations - that this is perfectly possible.

Only, have you considered that what is happening is that you - I apologise in advance for the upcoming "new age" term - tune into the outcome that pleases you, rather than affect it?
I suspect that is what may be happening.

Anyway, good luck!

N.B. If there is a reply to this and a reply from me is needed or requested - and there is none - do not take offence.
I do not come here very often, and when I do, I usually confine my attention to a specific thread.

Hello Vanitas and many thanks for picking up on this point.

I am totally connected to what you describe as i have been in that very place many times. To situate yourself between the event and the outcome and feel as though you have affected the outcome when in fact you have merely latched onto it in a self gratifying way, one which validates your belief and reinforces your convictions. Psychology would describe these attributes as delusions.

I am only now touching bases on this very topic with my psychologist after self-referring, not so much because of any self concerns but more so to explore alongside the world of psychology the possibility that what my psychologist may currently perceive as delusions are in fact truths.

My aim is to convince him that what i am suggesting is much more than an egotistical delusion of grandeur and that in fact the possibility of a world messiah actually rising within our current societal infrastructure is an inevitability.

After all isn’t change on a spiritual level something which is much needed in our world today?

Many thanks for you warm wishes of luck and i hope you manage to find the time to stop by and connect with my response.

Peace and blessings to you.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:00 AM
It seems to me that your first Six paragraphs are spent telling us what we think and how we will react to your big news.

In the Seventh paragraph, you tell us most people are sheeple, a term I find trendy and unsavory.

The rest of the OP is then telling us that you are our leader, and why.

How very strange and useless on so many levels.

Unless........Did you say something significant, and I missed it?


I have experienced and witnessed the power of my thoughts and the impact they have on the world around me. Even so i may be a country away from an event, when i focus on any given event my state of mind, my state of being, my will, my wish, my intent and energy all permeate into the unfolding of that particular given event.

I assume then, you haven't directed any of your energies towards peace in the middle east, or stopping the genocide in Africa? Clearly these problems would be corrected by now, if you had?

edit on 11/9/2010 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Following "leaders" is what ties us, our responsibility and our fate to the will of others, regardless of their intentions for themselves or us. We have for thousands of years now, formed one government after another of leaders and followers. None of them last. Ever.
Deferring to "Leaders" is not working for the benefit of all or the common good, it's simply the enabling of power and has always been. The best communities are just that, communities, ones where every member owns their own will and harbors responsibility for themselves. We are raised, taught and indoctrinated to believe that we MUST have "leaders" as no other way will work. Well, how has that worked out for us?
The only "leaders" we require are ourselves. Only those who want power over you, who want you to willingly give them that power, will tell you that it's not so.
I don't follow anyone. I don't need to.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I've told myself to leave this thread alone, yet I'm not done.

There have been multiple threads like this over the years, although typically they are called "collective consciousness tests" or "collective thoughts test", where people get together at a certain time and direct a thought towards a particular thing. Curing Stephen Hawking, or something. I've participated in several. They never work, no matter how hard we try.

But the OP's of those threads usually call themselves the "OP". Not the Messiah.

Another thing, is that leaders emerge. A true leader doesn't have to come on a website and announce that he is the "Leader". The "Messiah". What true leaders have you seen do this? People recognize leaders when they see them. They make them leaders. People who try to force their own leadership typically do not make good leaders.

I'm not saying you haven't raised some interesting points. You have.

Just cut it with the grandiosity.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:42 AM
Yip. Here I am again, a pain in your cute little thread's bootie.

But. I didn't have to go far to figure this one out folks. Here ya go:

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
Yip. Here I am again, a pain in your cute little thread's bootie.

But. I didn't have to go far to figure this one out folks. Here ya go:


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

I actually came back here to add an essential point (essential to me, obviously) that, in my haste, I had forgotten to include: ultimately, I suppose, it doesn't matter which one is it, tuning in or affecting - although it would be nice to know - as long as it works.

I happen to think that the world really may be much more "solipsistic" than it anyone would dare consider. To save everyone time, I'll just refer you to a post I made a long time ago.

But I have to emphasise: it is only a THOUGHT I am entertaining... along with many other thoughts. :-)

For what it's worth, I'd also like to say that talking about anything that has to do with the "outer limits" of the mind-matter connection may not be a good idea. My instinct and intuition tell me so - and experience, too.
Not because of fear of anyone's reaction, but because - in my case, at least - it drains the energy that effects the effect. :-)

Again, good luck.

edit on 9-11-2010 by Vanitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
It seems to me that your first Six paragraphs are spent telling us what we think and how we will react to your big news.

In the Seventh paragraph, you tell us most people are sheeple, a term I find trendy and unsavory.

The rest of the OP is then telling us that you are our leader, and why.

How very strange and useless on so many levels.

Unless........Did you say something significant, and I missed it?


I have experienced and witnessed the power of my thoughts and the impact they have on the world around me. Even so i may be a country away from an event, when i focus on any given event my state of mind, my state of being, my will, my wish, my intent and energy all permeate into the unfolding of that particular given event.

I assume then, you haven't directed any of your energies towards peace in the middle east, or stopping the genocide in Africa? Clearly these problems would be corrected by now, if you had?

edit on 11/9/2010 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

Hello ladyinwaiting and many thanks for your post.

I appreciate your honesty and frankness and I understand your scepticism trust me I do. If the shoe were on the other foot I would most likely take the same stance, after all these are simple words on a conspiracy forum and nothing more.

It was interesting to read your breakdown of my opening post and your disapproval of the world Sheeple.
I understand that it is now an out dated buzz word however it seemed appropriate at the time in conveying my thoughts and feelings honestly.

The significance of my opening post is really down to the person who reads it and how they choose to interpret it. Where some people will consider it openly without judgement and simply take it as it is others will instead choose to dissect it and pull it apart in the same way science does to its subject matter. Either way is non offensive to me and i respect you for the person you are and your particular approach.

If i am to be entirely honest with you i must say that i felt some undertones of disbelief in your post and perhaps some amount of disapproval. Scepticism can be a good thing because it rises out of intuitiveness and instincts, our survival tools. Sometimes it does however prevent us from accepting certain truths that may initially appear as the ramblings of a lost soul. Either way, if you have not already, I’m sure you will find your peace with this.

Regarding peace or lack of, in the Middle East and the genocide in Africa, two issues close to my heart, as are many other injustices in the world, and my effect on them, it does not work as directly as your question implies.

In the world of metaphysics and quantum mechanics things happen which contradict the mechanics of our known and visible world. In the same way our directed energies which manifest in the world around us take on pretty much the same form. We cannot directly influence anything with our thoughts at least not just yet although i think in future it will a common day occurrence as we tap into parts of the psyche and conscious which lay dormant at present.

It is my personal belief that these injustices in the world are a direct result of the imbalances within me, because i have not yet completed my transition into godhead. Once this occurs the love within me will pour out into the world. This however can only occur once i have made my peace with the chaos in the world.

I know you will find it difficult to accept and that is ok but in time i think your protective walls and barriers, like those of many others will slowly come down. After all without accepting something greater than ourselves real change in the world will never occur. It goes back to the age old saying that together we rise and divided we fall.

A question you may wish to ponder is would you be willing to lay aside your own individuality to join a collective, that of the human race and become a part of the whole? As ultimately that is what it will take for world change to occur.

Thank you once more

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by dethduck
Following "leaders" is what ties us, our responsibility and our fate to the will of others, regardless of their intentions for themselves or us. We have for thousands of years now, formed one government after another of leaders and followers. None of them last. Ever.
Deferring to "Leaders" is not working for the benefit of all or the common good, it's simply the enabling of power and has always been. The best communities are just that, communities, ones where every member owns their own will and harbors responsibility for themselves. We are raised, taught and indoctrinated to believe that we MUST have "leaders" as no other way will work. Well, how has that worked out for us?
The only "leaders" we require are ourselves. Only those who want power over you, who want you to willingly give them that power, will tell you that it's not so.
I don't follow anyone. I don't need to.

Hello dethduck and thank you for your contribution.

You are absolutely correct. Communities are the way forward and that is primarily what i hope my time on earth will achieve. Global Community.

At the moment it is a notion, perhaps even so we are beginning to see many people advocate this exact change.
Groups of people shedding their current societies and wondering off to build self sustaining communities away from the influence of the current system.

Ideally this is something i hope we can as humanity achieve.

The reality is that without leadership (spiritual) we will run out of time before this eventuality will ever take place and yes it truly is a sad and hard to accept perspective but one that is none the less very real.

The current establishment is not going anywhere, in fact they will self destroy before handing power over to anyone else.

This is why we must not be gung ho about our choice of actions but instead rise up within that very same system of control like a virus and destroy it internally.

Sadly the only way to do that is to become a part of that very same system. The problem with that goes back to the old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is why a messiah is required as only he will be able to rise up through the system unscathed. That is what separates the messiah from others, he’s ability to remain pure and loving regardless of the corruptive power of the absolute.

In the same way you asked "We are raised, taught and indoctrinated to believe that we MUST have "leaders" as no other way will work. Well, how has that worked out for us?"

I ask you in return not following anyone or not needing to follow anyone worked out for us?

Both questions ultimately still lead us back to where we are, no?

That is why i advocate a spiritual change in the world. Spiritual leadership is the only way forward for humanity.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
Yip. Here I am again, a pain in your cute little thread's bootie.

But. I didn't have to go far to figure this one out folks. Here ya go:

Yes they go hand in hand

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