posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:01 PM
All right...I believe that the ATS populace is probably the most intelligent group of people I have found in my years of using Internet Forums. And,
as an added bonus, I get to remain anonymous around here, which is exactly what I desire. So, if you would please lend me your minds for a moment, I
have a problem that I have not heard of before, one that I am currently struggling uselessly with.
Six years ago, I met the woman of my dreams. As far as I am concerned, she is absolutley perfect in every possible way. Smart, fun, positive,
good-looking...but above all else there was an emotional connection as well. Which is WAY up on my list of things that attract me and (sadly) hard to
come by in this day and age. Anybody can nab the nearest bimbo at the bar...with her I found someone I could talk to. I spent an entire semester (yes,
it goes back to high-school) skipping third-period gym just to hang out with her during her spare period. Problem was there was rarely a time when she
wasn't involved with someone else...guess I wasn't the only one who took notice, and was kind of the late entry into the game if you will call it
that. But, I decided to play the patience game. It seemed like the role of "waiting opportunist" was the one I was left with, and while I am a
fairly laid-back person, it's kind of a bunk hand to get dealt whilst at the whims of your emerging and raging hormones. Still, I managed to not
screw up too bad in the ensuing two years that followed.
Then, two years ago, we went out for coffee and it all got laid out on the table. However, as far as my idiotic brain was concerned this was two years
after an investment that didn't provide a return (sorry to sound so cold...just getting the point across), and I was thouroughly frustrated with the
whole situation. So, when the inevitable flak hit my plane and I plummeted towards the earth, I did perhaps the best (and worst) thing I could have
done. I shrugged it off like a man (even though she may have just as well torn my beating heart from my chest), and stood up to leave.
retrospect, was the proper corse of action. Get the hell out immedatley...but here's where things go horribly wrong. Instead of allowing me to leave,
she offered to cook me some macaroni (...we were teenagers...) for supper. And, in my infinite weakness and stupidity, I agreed.
I thought I was above "the system", if you want to call it something. I thought I could be the one person who successfully continued the friendship
after getting blown out of the water. I thought, eventually, the feelings would subside and I would move on. Problem is, it wasn't just a casual
friendship. To this day I see her three to four times a week. We are, to put it mildly, very close. Up until last year, I was actually doing quite
well, in fact. And then...I dunno, something inside my brain just clicked and all my patience ran out. And I'm left with quite the mess. You see, me
her and her boyfriend all went to school together, and in the years that have followed have all become good friends...yes, I am close friends with her
boyfriend too.
So, to sum up, here is my problem in a nutshell:
1) I have been in love with the same woman for six years.
2) Near as I am aware, she considers me a close friend.
3) I consider her current boyfriend a close friend of mine.
To make matters worse, the physical contact between me and her has ramped up signficantly. And, far from making me "happy", as some might suspect,
it is making me feel every other emotion but. A dash of jealousy, a smidge of shame, a dose of frustration...all rolled into one, big, steaming pile
of sh!t. And, while I have to believe that she is oblivious on all counts (meaning the physical contact is subconcious and she has no idea how I
feel), my perceptions are begining to fail me. Logic and reason abandon me, as my own subconcious takes over. I percieve her actions liken to waving a
flag screaming "I'm intersted in you"...but I have to doubt my own observations, as I am clearly biased in the situation. Everytime I go over there
to hang out, I always try to remember to distace myself from her. And everytime I leave, I'm shocked to discover that I have failed to do just that.
The opposite, in fact, occurs. I am constantly flirting with her, and only recognize it as such after the fact.
So, I'm left with quite the pickle. For one, I am very interested in her, and as such the possibility exists that I am creating my own hell. Not only
through my continued involvement in her life, but through the subconcious signals I'm sending out. Perhaps she is picking up on these, and her
actions are affected by them. The physical contact is not what you would call subtle...and that's not wishful thinking on my part either. Providing
false details would not solve my problem, after all. And, remember, far from making me feel special, it makes me feel awkward and confused...not the
most fun state of mind to be in. All the while, I cannot help but flirt with her, which I can only assume her boyfriend picks up on (I know I
would)...and recently I have come to suspect (and in a lot of cases confirm my suspicion) that she is looking at me while I'm not paying attention. I
have caught her doing this several times now, and I assume only because I have begun to look for it.
SO...I have two questions:
1) Based on the information provided (and I am HAPPY to answer questions)...what is her mindset? Am I reading too much into it, or not reading into it
2) Regardless of the answer to no.1...what the hell do I do with this? Everytime I go over there, I bring an elephant into the room with me. He's
mine, and I don't introduce him...should I?