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TO ALL HUMANS, the time has come to take back our world! FULL DISCLOSURE!

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by keepingaopenmind
I am back, and I must say wow, this defiantly brought a lot of people into this topic. Now there are some believers and non believers too, even some think it is a joke. This is great, I was not expecting such a huge response, but it did do exactly what I wanted, and that was to get all of you the skeptics and believers and even the Confused all in one place. I had to pick a topic which was going to get you all to come into one place. I must give Xiphias a big thank you, for keeping this thread alive, and keeping you people, trying to figure out just what is going on here. He of course does not know either, so no point in asking him, what is really going on.

Now first, No one has even questioned the FULL DISCLOSURE? If you have not read my signature, look at what it says, besides, believe what you want to believe because this is what will keep you strong, But I also added Question Everything? But yet No one has questioned the FULL DISCLOSURE? Why? I wrote it in capital letters? See one thing I have learned from everyone, is that people only see what they want to see. Within that whole story I used to get you in here, I did not even give you FULL DISCLOSURE. I gave you a story that nearly everyone of you had heard before. Now some of you picked up on this, but some of you did not. There was some truths behind what I was saying, and there was some false information. Now for those who did not pick up on this false information, This is not your fault, so do not think it is. You have merely conditioned yourself this way, as for those who picked out the false information, You have also conditioned your self this way to find the faults. Those who were confused, you are the smartest and wisest of all. Only because you new something was not quite right in what I was saying, And you picked out some things that were true and some that were not, which obviously left you confused.

Now let's move on to the FULL DISCLOSURE. First what is the consciousness? I will give you my answer what it is, in case you do not know. The consciousness is the awareness of being aware. When you notice yourself noticing something, this is when you have just experienced your consciousness. Now we have that understanding out the way I can move on.

Have you ever wondered in your life, that there is far more to life than what we just see in front of us and around us. Now this is where you need to become aware of what is around us and in front of us. And not to just look at what is in front of us and around us, but look behind of that. This is where you will become the ultimate observer. What we focus on the most in our lives is what the consciousness becomes aware of. So for example, if I were to focus on aliens, and aliens only, then I will start seeing aliens. But I do not focus on this of course, my focus is now on what is behind what I am focusing on. Of course this will take you some time to reach where I am, It just depends on how quickly you pick up on what I am saying. There are video's I have focused upon to help people see what I am talking about. The best two I can give you for now is The Secret, but when watching this, do not listen to the money aspect, I do not know why that was put in there, but I assure you I did not focus on that to be in it. But the rest I did. I even focused on another for the really smart people out there, to explain it in there terms, and not simple terms like the secret. this one is called What The Bleep Do We Know?
So if you are smart then this video would be best to watch as it has more to do with the physics of how this works, But the secret is there for every average person to understand.

Now what I will say next is going to be you choice on what you want to do. I have given clues mind you, in my other threads like Is this a dream or vision? Or even in my Intro page Keepingaopenmind. Now I have tried to put this on many of time, of what is really going on behind of what we are aware of, but every time I keep trying to do this, Either my internet crashes right at the time I go to send it, or I have even had my whole computer crash when going to post it also. And this has happened quite a few time's. So maybe I should do it the right way this time, And ask you people whether you want to hear what I have got to say or not? I will tel you though, for some of you it will come quite a shock, but some of you will already have a feeling of knowing this. So The only thing I can do is give you guys the option, I will leave this thread for 1 day, and tally up the yes or no's. This will determine on whether you want to know or not. See it's all about choices, Now I am leaving the choice up to you. I will be back in 24 hours, to see your responses.

Much love and peace to you all


My answer is yes please!!! I want to hear what you've got to say. I choose...

Y E S.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

So why not just get on with it and say what you want to say on this disclosure subject, if it takes to long ill probably get bored and forget all about this thread. So yes why not, sounds intresting lets see what you think you know on disclosure, hopefully it will disclose something that is new under the sun, if such a thing is possible. But I doubt it, for there is nothing new under the sun, just newly rediscovered.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Mankind can't handle the truth. It will cause massive panic in each individual and each countries culture and society.

The answers are right in front of your eyes if you look in the right places. But, beware, you must be positive and spiritually strong.

We are all human but on different spiritual planes!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:48 PM
I must agree that when something takes too long to be revealed, then soon enough, people not only get bored, but then tend to be impatient----our world, our lives, our society is in such high speed.

But there is one thing I know of regardless of how fast or slow things may be...Patience indeed is a virtue.
I am very interested in what you have to share.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

Schizo much in your family?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:22 AM
They climbin in yo windows.... snatchin our peoples up!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:37 AM
What about the draconians, grays, plaedians, archons, and whatever else people babble about?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:38 AM
I wish ATS admins would filter this kind of garbage. This site is turning into a primary school. This topic couldn't even be considered to be taken seriously.

Just rediculous.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

im not sure who told you reptilians were warming the earth up, let alone that reptilians are real. see the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. right now the earth is warming up before it cools down again leading to another ice age.

also reptiles are the most beautiful creatures on earth after people, especially snakes. i think id side with animals and the natural earth before human kind.

Go-Go Good Team!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Worry about your Goggle overlords taking over your life before you worry about reptilians. Just spray them with a good old can of compressed air turned upside down! The cold will slow them down enough that they will go into hibernation!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:07 AM
You probably saw The Arrival last weekend

I like this movie

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

hahaha. yes, true.. the retilians are here. yes, true, they are controlling your consciousness.

yes, true, they are using genetics and cloning for species manipulation and for inbreeding into our cultures to control societal power mechanisms and outcomes. and yes, true, they are creating a slave planet. yes, true, we are all going to die.

but who are the retilians? are they not "we", the ugliest within us and the ugliest among us? infiltrated! are they not our demons, the ones who always dwell underground, throughout many religions and myriad cultures? isnt all this stuff at the root of human consciousness, not unlike religion?

retilians are controlling your consciousness? yes, the reptilian brain, the retilian structure to our genetic makeup is evident in the development of the human embryo. the acts of humans are impulsive toward intellect and the beauty of art and religion, or they are subject to selfishness toward destruction. both reptilian and beyond. these impulses, both creative and destructive, are the clay from which we collectively shape our reality. reptilian, or greater..indeed.

who is doing genetic cloning and species manipulation right now on planet earth? which monkey species, right here on earth, with a collective consciousness both retilian and beyond, with a potential toward expression of grand collaborative creation and destruction, currently and in the future of its species, will manipulate genteics? for how many 100's of years in the future will the human monkey, here in space, on planet earth, manipulate nature's genetics? until...???

it is the human monkey, with the retilian brainstem, in a Grand Universe, expressing itself within a world that both creates and destroys itself, that is the challenge for each individual's creative expression of collaborative reality, because doomsday is already promised to occur within 100 years for almost every single one of us, each in their own time..

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

Have you ever wondered in your life, that there is far more to life than what we just see in front of us and around us.

Like when I think a touching, strange, or ugly thought in a crowded loud room and suddenly the room goes silent like they heard me.

There are video's I have focused upon to help people see what I am talking about. The best two I can give you for now is The Secret, but when watching this, do not listen to the money aspect, I do not know why that was put in there, but I assure you I did not focus on that to be in it.

To tempt all of us with greed?

Vote: Yes
Why do I have the feeling you are going to pull a Q from the end of "All Good Things.." when he appears like he is going to whisper to Picard a huge revelation and then pulls back and says "You'll find out. In any case, I'll be watching. And if you're very lucky, I'll drop by to say hello from time to time. See you...out there."

I have a few ideas:

All the temptations of the universe exist because we have to learn and choose not to give in to them.

I am in a solipsistic cocoon created by God meant to evolve me spiritually into a loving virtuous being so I can live in the gated community of heaven (without peeing in the pool so to speak) amongst the infinite other loving virtuous sentient individuals in heaven.

I am living in a real world with other real people who are all at different stages of evolution and evolving at different rates due to the various types of genetic and environmental programming we all have with the ultimate goal of turning us all into loving virtuous beings.

IDK, perhaps only God knows.

My best guess, all that really matters is choosing to live a virtuous life of love, love for one another, reptilian, grey, yeti, human, whatever, all life. "The only way to get there is to get there" as the Oracle in the Matrix movies would say.

Thank you for this thread, you and Xiphias have given me a lot to think about, I'll check out those videos when I get a chance.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by xiphias

Originally posted by keepingaopenmind
reply to post by xiphias

Look I know you are a peaceful race, so then why not help us and help stop all the wars and starvation. Surely if you wanted to help, you would? I do not believe letting humans destroy everything, as being very peaceful. or maybe that is your plan, to rid of the bad humans, that do like to kill there own kind. So I feel, if you wish to help, then help, and get this over and done with, Stop the humans going through all this deceit, and come forward and tell people you are here. Then just maybe the bad humans might lay down there arms, hey it's worth a try, If you wish to live amongst us and be peaceful with us. But this of course is your choice.

There are rules and a specific sequence, and we did not write them. The lesson has to be learned, and there's only one way to get that lesson to stick. A sort of "Grand Eureka" which will involve your computer technology.

The deceit occurred thousands of years ago, and we had no choice (literally). It wasn't exactly deceit as much as it was a pre-formulated script centered around "free will". I assure you we aren't running around trying to manipulate people. Not anymore, anyway.

The choice is up to the civilization, and most notably: the people (of all species).

It's all about creation and benevolence.
Mankind has a very big discovery to make, and very soon.

Will man choose to use it for peace and prosperity (and most importantly: orbital defense)?
Or will he use it to make war?
edit on 7-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

This exchange was very interesting. You 2 definitely believe what you are saying.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:19 AM
Could your thread have had something to do with this video.....cuz its really weird and confusing im like wtf Is this Colleen Thomas lol Colleen Thomas On air talking about reptillians obama and dirty bombs in american cities

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by keepingaopenmind
you humans

You spelt "you humans" 8 times in your opening post. You claim yourself to be something else and that there are these 'reptilians' everywhere. Yet your name is Ricky and your avatar says "keeping an open mind."

Get treatment! For your own good. If I get banned for this, so be it, but this kind of stuff makes this website lose credibility big time. Do I need to state how immature this sounds?
edit on 9-11-2010 by Jonas86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by keepingaopenmind

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Archangelelijah
Unforunatley, Man will not be able to handle the truth! Only the spiritually strong will.
I agree with parts of your message in saying our spirit is stronger than any physical power or entity.
All human citizens need to be positive in what is occuring. Negative thoughts lead to destruction and chaos.
Be positive to see the light, if your negative you will be in darkness!
Man's technology is warming the plant with the amount of heat it is producing in all equipment. Feel the heat off your computer, oven, car ect. All fuel driven products create this.

Do you even know what global warming is? Do you actually think global warming results from the heat generated by our machines? Global warming has nothing to do with heat coming off animals or cars. It has to do with the release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which settles in the atmosphere and permits radiation from the sun to enter our atmosphere but blocks its exit back to space immediately thereafter. Honestly, I can't understand how anyone in the information age can fail to understand commonly discussed scientific theories. Seriously, go to wikipedia. Don't discuss global warming again until you actually know what it is,

The OP has built a fool-proof state of mind, disregarding any contradictory ideas or evidence as the work of reptilian agents. In particular, those on ATS who disagree are also reptilian agents because real humans would not disagree with your "theories."
edit on 9-11-2010 by andrewh7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:24 AM
The blatant racism in this thread is simply repugnant to say the least. This world does not belong to humans and it never has. If this world belongs to would be the Roachillians, as they were here first. Thankfully however, they were kind enough to take my Reptililan brethren under their wings and bring about a new world order in the late Cretaceous period...

Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong about that time and our plans never quite made it out of their shells.
edit on 9-11-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:25 AM
Colleen Thomas finally got an ATS account. It's about time. I welcome her unsubstantiated doomsday predictions that never happen.

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