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Don't have a gun? Get one.

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
And let me be clear.

I am not one of those 'THE GOVERNMENT IS COMING FOR US!" type of people. That's not gonna happen. I am a Marine Corps vet and that question was posed to us in an anonymous survey in 1999, about our willingness to implement martial law, if required. Ten questions. We weren't required to put our names on the survey. Afterwards, we asked each other in the battalion what the hell that survey was about, and how we answered. The general consensus amongst the battalion, was that the government could get #ed. We would NOT fire on American citizens.

But given the budget cuts to police/fire/rescue units across the country, I am more thinking of roaming bands of thugs given a financial collapse. Better to have a gun and know how to use it, then to watch people dragging your wife and/or kids out of your house while you are being pistol whipped.

And we can still go another path.

We're coming up on a fork in the road. We can go down the path of financial ruin and the chaos that that entails, or we can try to cut spending and have sound financial management of the countries finances.

But be prepared.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner

Originally posted by SirKnightE
Speaking of guns, I need some advice. I'm about to purchas a S&W .40 for $500, with 3 mags, ammo, and 3 different grips included. The saler says its never been fire. i am more of a rifle man being an Army vet, so I dont know too much about pistols... Does this seem like a fair deal???

It's not unreasonable. Especially if it's never been fired. The .40 S&W has better knock down power than the 9mm, which is why it is becoming a more common caliber among police.

If you buy it, I would suggest taking it to the range frequently and becoming familiar and proficient with it.

Good deal, thx, I'm going tommorow to pick it up, and head to the range Tue.

If it were me I would buy a kel tec Pf9 for $250 and buy a moisin - nagant rifle for another $150, That way you can cover both situations.

I will dif look up that weapon, I am looking for a new rifle before hunting season ends

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:32 PM
How do they say it again?

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Better to bring a gun to a knife fight than to bring an empty hand.

When a LEO is needed, they are always minutes away.

Oh, the best one comes from some specific elected officials, you should not protect yourself, but since I did not say we, you get the drift. Overheard after an elected official that shot an intruder and still attempts to pass gun control laws.

Myself, I have no registered firearms.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:17 PM
I agree get a gun but not for the reasons you mention.

Watched 2012 vid from history channel again. Three prophets known to be fairly accurate. But thats not the kicker. Its the scientists who predict polar shift which is the kicker. All three prophets (Mayan calendar, Nostroadamus, and I forgot the third) predicting the same thing scientists are is a total trip.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by stirling
This is an indication that you are truely done with the system then?Do you think that such simple measure as arming yourself will change things greatly?
Sure be prepared, but an ounce of pervention is worth a good pound of sight picture any day.
We need to get into the proactive side of things before we are going to avert those riots you are worried about...
Perhaps you are missing part of the big picture.......because we can do somethiong positive as well.....

Yeah, here is what we can positively do. This is the national debt as of a few minutes ago.


in other words what Government and big business owes us. Debt made in our names
and this is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is really owed. What pray tell
can possibly be done about that in the short term?They will never pay back what they
owe because they can't or are not ALLOWED to. It was done by design.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by HollowJacket
Yeah I am saving up for a pistol right now. there are 2 unique pistols I was looking at I think I'll end up going with "THE JUDGE"

either that or the FN 57..Just what you need for the upcoming zombie apocalypse
edit on 7-11-2010 by HollowJacket because: Divided by 0

Don't. The Judge looks cool, but it gets very poor reviews. The .410 shell has no penetrating power to speak of. Do some research on the Judge before you spend the money.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
And let me be clear.

I am not one of those 'THE GOVERNMENT IS COMING FOR US!" type of people. That's not gonna happen. I am a Marine Corps vet and that question was posed to us in an anonymous survey in 1999, about our willingness to implement martial law, if required. Ten questions. We weren't required to put our names on the survey. Afterwards, we asked each other in the battalion what the hell that survey was about, and how we answered. The general consensus amongst the battalion, was that the government could get f-----d. We would NOT fire on American citizens.

Thank you for that.
I've talked to dozens of servicemen and the consensus is the same with them all.

But given the budget cuts to police/fire/rescue units across the country, I am more thinking of roaming bands of thugs given a financial collapse. Better to have a gun and know how to use it, then to watch people dragging your wife and/or kids out of your house while you are being pistol whipped.

And we can still go another path.

We're coming up on a fork in the road. We can go down the path of financial ruin and the chaos that that entails, or we can try to cut spending and have sound financial management of the countries finances.

But be prepared.

Very wise words indeed.

Protect your life, liberty and property at all costs.

The one thing anyone can gain from a firearm and training is a slight peace of mind.
But, if you were in a situation and didn't have a gun, you would still need to know survival.
So it's a double-sided coin.
I believe that if you have the right to bear arms, that right shall not be infringed.

There are many things taking place that, it seems, have a plot of ruin.
It's only a matter of time before something breaks and people break down.

Better be ready at all times...
It's a funny subject though, the "Concealed Weapons Permit"'.
In every state that requires one.
You can conceal a weapon, but not if the business has this sticker:

So how can your right be infringed again? (rhetorical)
Oh yeah and criminals can carry anywhere.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Some folks can't get firearms and for them I would suggest learning how to make intruder or path alerts (strings across a trail to make a noise alerting you, etc) and if so inclined can make more advanced devices that plainly show your displeasure.
The US Army Booby traps manual is a good place to start. Gunpowder can be improvised as well as ignition devices. You can make traps to kill, wound or just scare the crap out of someone.
If you can't improvise explosives you can certainly make a bow that will fling an arrow with deadly force should you choose,
Nobody with any ingenuity is helpless, regardless of your gun laws.
Just don't wait till the SHTF before you print out or try making some of these devices.
Electricity, sharp objects and caustic substances can make life miserable for intruders too - work with what you have.
A well trained dog can be a great asset as well if you can keep it fed,

I keep my faith in Kalashnikov but should it break down I'm still far from helpless.

good thinking. there are many who are unable to buy guns for various reasons.

now, you only have to be accused of a felony to be barred from purchasing a firearm, not convicted. at least thats what i heard recently.

for those people, i would suggest either of 2 things.

crossbow, or airgun.

crossbows are deadly and come in small pistol versions or larger rifle types.there are typically no restrictions on these other than being 18.

also there are typically no restrictions on airguns, which range anywhere from .177 to .50 cal. and often semi-automatic.

there are many things one can do to a pellet to make it more interesting, and deadly. i wont go into detail, search youtube.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:11 PM
The gun I'm carrying I can clear out a whole block and couple streets
I have an AK-47 with a 75 round drum!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I've got a gun...

A big gun.

A love gun

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by SirKnightE

KelTec makes some great weapons, and they are made right here in the US over at Cocoa Beach FL.

I've got a P3AT that simply disappears in your pocket, but gives you 7 rounds of hotloaded .380 assistance in a pinch.

My baby is my Sig 229R in .40 caliber - that thing is like a light-saber! And 12 in the clip with one in the chamber means you ain't gonna have to swap magazines too often. Accurate as hell out to 50 yards, I've never seen another pistol like it. Sig makes some seriously good weapons.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Darkrunner

I think every honest US Citizen should carry a weapon; if nothing else it makes the crooks think twice - is he or she carrying or not?

I think every woman - women are most often the victims of violent crime - should automatically have the right to concealed carry of firearms, with no fee or license as long as they get a basic NRA course (paid for by the government!) or have a military background, or can demonstrate a basic level of safety and proficiency.

If most women in the USA carried guns, there'd be a helluva lot less rapes and such.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
No, this isn't some "OMG THERE'S A CIVIL WAR COMING!!" post.

But I think any reasonable minded person can see, the current American financial system is a precariously balanced house of cards that can collapse at any moment. And if/when it does, I believe looting and/or rioting will more than likely take place. It would be prudent to have the means to protect your family in the event that local police cannot protect you. (And given some of the local budget cuts being made in some communities across the nation cutting police and fire services, I wouldn't count on them)

Here's hoping the new wave of incoming republicans do not continue the GWB/Obama method of spending. And although I can see SOME merit in tax cuts for corporations (they are the ones that do the hiring, after all), if they choose to continue to export jobs, then no tax cut for them. Why the hell should corporations get a tax cut when they keep sending jobs to Mexico, China and India?

We are also going to have to come to a consensus on what the hell to do in Afghanistan. Well I can certainly say we have a moral obligation to protect women and girls from getting their nose and ears cut off because they want to learn how to read, we have to ask ourselves if we shouldn't be trying to straighten out our house right now.

It's a lot of money being spent over there for minimal gain.

At any rate, I feel America is close to a day of reckoning for it's financial ways. And I am not going to count on politicians (right or left) to do the right thing. I am also not going to count on the police to save my family if/when the riots start after a financial collapse. If people start smashing my property and threatening my family, they'll be met with an AR-15 with laser sight, and a stern warning to get the hell away from my family.

It's worth considering. If you don't think that rioting and looting is possible after a massive financial collapse, I think you have your head in the sand.

Brother I am with You! There is something universally wrong when a 14 year old girl gets slow-hanged because she was the rape victim, or went out on a date.

I don't give a rat's rear-end about culture. The agonizing death of a kid who is slowly hoisted in the air by her neck via a crane until she strangles to death is NOTHING any civil society should tolerate.

And on the guns: I stand four-square with you too. As US citizens it's our right. More than that, it is an obligation we owe the founders who wrote the Second Amendment.

Some people don't seem to get it that Madison (A damned good Virginian, of course) and company put the 2nd in for a reason - to be the ultimate guarantee of our liberties.

Also some people get all freaked out and say "The Military" is being prepped to do this, that and the other thing.

I got news for them, having served myself: We do NOT swear an oath to any president or government or congress when we are inducted. We swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, against ALL enemies, foreign or Domestic.

There is NO WAY IN HELL that US troops would turn their backs on the citizens of this nation, because they are citizens themselves, even under uniform.

You wanna see a revolution or a mutiny? Let some lousy civie in DC tell the men and women in our armed forces to execute and outrageous and clearly unconstitutional order against the citizens of the US.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by havok

In Florida a business can request that cc of weapons not happen, Walmart is one place where that is true. But despite the Chamber of Commerce, state law trumps Wallyworld. Walmart is a public place, which does not make most of its income off of liquor sales (that's a caveat to our cc laws - ie you can't carry in a bar)

It is something of a right of passage here, that when you get you cc license that you go to Wallyworld. LOL.

As I said that is in Florida; each state's laws vary.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by HollowJacket

I love my Judge! I'm a former Marine. I have a Taurus .45 1911, AR15, and M4/ mag scope, holo sight, laser, flashlight w/ strobe, and a vertical grip. I just bought a Judge for my girlfriend. I shoot it more than she does!! Love the versatile ammo load-out. I keep 410 birdshot for the first round (just to get their attention), those Winchester self defense 410 rounds for the next two (three copper disks and 12 birdshot BBs), the last two rounds I keep the .45 colt rounds (just in case I need to fire more than the 7 yards that 90% of shootouts happen in).

I would absolutely recommend it for anyone who is new to weapons. If you are not experienced, you don't need to mess with changing magazines and racking slides back on a semi auto... KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. Revolvers are as simple as they get... My girlfriend loves it. It's easy to use and operate. My mother is buying one this week lol, since I took her shooting with it too.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by jganer
The gun I'm carrying I can clear out a whole block and couple streets
I have an AK-47 with a 75 round drum!

You carry that gun? Where do you carry it?

It's a bit hard to conceal that baby. I know because I also have one.

I do not go anywhere unarmed. Not to the mall, a funeral, shopping or anywhere else I go.

I have many ways to conceal my weapon.

But I'll be darned if I can figure out how to conceal an AK-47.

Surely you misspoke yourself when you said the gun you are carrying is an AK-47.

A hand gun would not be so noticable.

When going in a real bad location I can conceal three hand guns on my person.

I would love to see a picture of how you carry your weapon.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by stirling
This is an indication that you are truely done with the system then?Do you think that such simple measure as arming yourself will change things greatly?

its not about changing the entire world or a nation.It will however change things greatly from where I a stand" for me and my family. That is if you consider life and death relatively important.

Originally posted by stirling
Sure be prepared, but an ounce of pervention is worth a good pound of sight picture any day.
We need to get into the proactive side of things before we are going to avert those riots you are worried about...
Perhaps you are missing part of the big picture.......because we can do somethiong positive as well.....

Idon't think OP indicated he was done with "the system" : but the police will be glad to arrive (IF your 911 call goes through during an emergency)put up the crime scene barrier tape in plenty of time to take pictures and statements of the families survivors. .
if there are any:

Your survival and the survival of your family is more urgent to you..and you are in the best position to render immediate help.

: Quite simply if a citizen is armed he's in control of the immediate area around him and he won't forcibly come to harm unless he gives consent to the assailant.The police clean up and document for the courts. No law abiding citizen has anything to fear from my gun. Infact few will even be aware it exists.My state is one of two without concealed carry permits. that and the fact I don't see much reason to carry; means my guns rarely leave the house. If I personally was in constant threat of my life on the street; I would move.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame

Originally posted by jganer
The gun I'm carrying I can clear out a whole block and couple streets
I have an AK-47 with a 75 round drum!

You carry that gun? Where do you carry it?

It's a bit hard to conceal that baby. I know because I also have one.

I do not go anywhere unarmed. Not to the mall, a funeral, shopping or anywhere else I go.

I have many ways to conceal my weapon.

But I'll be darned if I can figure out how to conceal an AK-47.

Surely you misspoke yourself when you said the gun you are carrying is an AK-47.

A hand gun would not be so noticable.

When going in a real bad location I can conceal three hand guns on my person.

I would love to see a picture of how you carry your weapon.

Yeah, I didn't mean I carry it around with me but thats the weapon I have jut incase the sh*t hits the fan. Other than that I have a glock 26.

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