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I feel so unimportant

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Hi all.

Let me start by saying I don\t know anything!

I once thought that I knew it all.

But then i realized that, that came from just being young and stupid.

Now i am 24 and i am all alone.

All the people i knew had to go.

...If i wanted to become more.

That was a mistake.

In terms of having a good life.

Now its just me.

But I know I think much better now.

It was still a wrong decision.

But now i am pure in thought.

Now that i am pure, i realize that i don\t wanna be pure!!

I just wanna die now.

But i love life.

I wanna kill.

But i don\t wanna hurt anyone.

I\m just one big mess...

I turn to ATS for answers.

I feel you all ask the same as I...

But without the answers...


I will be here for a while...

I have lost most of my faith in humanity, i was not treated well by neither my parents or anybody else.

I no longer believe in love,,

My life have not been good.

The weird part is that i am good looking now, soo people threat me in a way i cannot understand...

My education is only 6 years long, but my iq was rated at about 135 even though i was drunk and on drugs at that time, i am now sober..but i hope i will catch on with both the english language and maybe love..

anyway.. you will probably see my posts around, and I will be sad, but i am here to learn so bear with me.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:49 PM
You are light, give some light to a stranger, and you will become a stronger light.
edit on 7-11-2010 by Vicodin because:

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:52 PM
Personally if your not trolling, you are important to you.

I have lived by myself, and if it was not for big brother uk gov and polcie i could of lived my life ok.

Being alone does not mean your a terrorist, although they may want that impression out there.

If you look towards the spiritual you will find peace and that will come from yourself.

Plenty of us are alone, and there is no harm in it.
edit on 11/7/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Welcome to ATS.

We've all got history, many here will have things on their plates too, but this site is great for learning about common interests, be that conspiracy related or life issues.

So take a seat, relax for now and just enjoy this place. Try not to focus on the negative, i see no point in starting such a great place like that.

I'd seriously recommend that you keep an active involvement in the off-topic discussions too, lots of fun and cheery stuf there.

Take care anyway, if you need a hand with anything, just shout.

Look forward to seeing you around the boards.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:53 PM
If that isn't heart wrenching, .. I dont know what is.

Look at it this way, have a few things going for you.

Your good looking, ... and your smart.

most people will never be those things, no matter how hard they try. Don't focus on what you don't have, ... but what you have.

As bad as you think it is, ... there are a billion people who would kill to be in your shoes.

Reality is perception.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Thanks for your replies!

I have nothing going for me, for I do not know how to use my advantages ...i seem dumb to the people i meet, for i feel afraid i might seem dumb, i am not attractive for i feel ugly, its how it is i guess.

I am very happy you cared enough to reply to my post,,,

Trust me, that really made my day much better!

Just to be heard by another human... you know !

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Why don't you consider taking a free college course or join a local community group or something?

Welcome to ATS anyway.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Social anxiety.. had it for about 9 years now... for me its hard to meet people in big crowds *more than 5 people...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by livinshadow

What aboout support groups or small art groups with no pressure?

Libraries or clubs with like-minded folk?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:32 PM
@%^$ throuw the drugs and beer away,and get a nice old red wine, a sip a day to keep you healthy and wealthy,get your head together,meet new friends and a new soulmate and thats it.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:37 PM
Man 24 -25 is such a transitional time for people, particularly those who are "awakening," which so often isolates individuals from previous relationships because of different perspectives. I think you are experiencing growing pains, for I went through something similar, but I can look back now with certainty that it was just a phase and things got better with more understanding and obtaining relationships with like minded folks. There can be no creation without destruction and there is so much to learn about our world that we can feel like everyone and everything is working against us as we grow. As someone else mentioned "reality is perception."
It is no longer healthy to remain passive and neutral, there is too much negativity in the current state of affairs, so one must seek out love and light to fill the void or else negativity will gladly occupy any idle spaces.
So...that being said, welcome aboard, keep your head up and maybe read you a Deepak Chopra book, I have found much inspiration in some of his writings.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by livinshadow

What aboout support groups or small art groups with no pressure?

Libraries or clubs with like-minded folk?

I was in a small group with a few people that had the same problems as I...but I fell so much in love with one of the attendants i had to quit....... i never let her know... and ya i know i am a looser...

there\s not much options other than that, everything else here is big scale.. big commitment that i cannot do...

I have looked arround

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

you know what, maybe its just that, growing pain.... i don\t know, but for the first time in my life i feel like i look backward with a sense of going forward, i don\t know if you can relate, but thats what its like, i have tried soo many things, and i am nothing still...but i am still me....but I question me

I ask, why!

I ask, what is my future...

I ask;;; Just about every question possible.

But with that, i have my history dragging me down at the same time....its just f....

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:11 PM
hi there why not volunteer to help a charity or join a worthwhile group who are trying to help improve the world and maybe in doing so you will also find more of your own self worth
Why not lend a hand to those in need certainly will help you to take your mind of yourself .

life really is this simple .

"I am as happy as I make up my mind to be"........

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:11 AM

From my standpoint, your suffering is not in vain although it feels like too much when one is in the middle of real suffering and one wants to end it all, I was there about 8 years ago and now I know it was all beneficial to me. Every time a person suffers he transforms his karma into virtue. Why are so many people suffering right now? Because they brought alot of karma with them from earlier lifetimes when they killed, harassed people or did many other bad deeds.

So someone up there is actually looking after you and wants to help you increase your virtue before too late.

Many people can feel their energy run out now, like they are all drained and destruction awaits around the corner. Negative feelings with hopelessness. People in general have that feeling but dare not talk about it. I use to say, has the world ever been like this before? No it has not. Are people good and kindhearted today? No they are not(in general). Have people any faith in a higher power? Not really(in general).

In my opinion there is a great chance to make it and be saved, provided one has not too massive karma and one looks for truth now. What one needs is a way(Law) to become a better person in daily life, that is all. Being more in line with the laws of the universe/nature and being kind and helpful to everyone including your enemies. Just surrender your bad "karmic self" which has nothing to do with your benevolent true self.

There are some end times prophecies that I find very interesting right now:

Remember Zhen-Shan-Ren(Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) is good.

In fact I believe that is the highest law of this universe.

I also believe Falun Dafa holds the answer to the hopelessness and suffering of these times.

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