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The neural networks that putatively modulate aspects of normal emotional behavior have been implicated in the pathophysiology of mood disorders by converging evidence from neuroimaging, neuropathological and lesion analysis studies. These networks involve the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and closely related areas in the medial and caudolateral orbital cortex (medial prefrontal network), amygdala, hippocampus, and ventromedial parts of the basal ganglia, where alterations in grey matter volume and neurophysiological activity are found in cases with recurrent depressive episodes.
Information from structural (MRI, CT) and functional imaging (SPECT, PET) is then examined for direct evidence of prefrontal cortex abnormalities in clinically depressed subjects. Functional imaging studies, with few exceptions, demonstrate prefrontal lobe hypometabolism in primary and secondary depression, with severity of depression often correlating with the degree of frontal inactivity.
There is alot of good in me that i give to other people
Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Suicide thoughts are a freind to me because I think that is the best way to deal with how F'd up my life is..
Originally posted by zerbot565
hmm lets see ,
fear triggers hormones from the small part in the back center of brain thalamus that over rides you and you do thing s automaticly ,
constant fear mongering keeps hormone factory in over drive resulting in "mild brain damage" ^^cough cough^^^
depression ,
outside stimulus makes you sad in the long run , mmkay
Originally posted by riddle6
Like someone else mentioned earlier, I was ready to come into this thread all in a rage over the title. Man, am I glad that I read the OP.
Originally posted by riddle6
At the same time, though, I do feel like many doctors "push" medication on people who simply have a case of the "blues." Whether its a symptom of the marketing of big pharma, a misunderstanding of Depression and its' causes, or the result of a quick fix society, I don't know. It probably is a combination of all three.