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The Search For Life. Part 1 - Earths Extraterrestrial Past...

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Rising Against
In life there is a random sequence of the brain that enables the mind to understand by sight and by sound as the 2 main brain factors enables ones brain to concur on what it has learned.

But then came tv,news,the basic option and the fact that fact it self is used as a tool amongst u humans.

1. They taught u all to look up and look for saucers when in fact it wasn’t saucers it was triangles as your ufo.
2. They taught u all that those 3 lights> are~ lights but in fact there>,3Engines that they can turn off and on, but cloak, NO.,
3. They always want u to look up, up up up, but that’s because they don’t want u to look down down down,
The reptilian race of aliens coveted the eastern part of the world as well as the tail end of the south and set there major network in India in which the India government and all of India will never deny.
The triangle race of aliens only set there feet in the heart of Bagdad, they influenced the Egyptians but that is as far as it went.

Prime example; Ufo Hunters, ‘THEY WAS ALWAYS LOOKING ‘UP’ IN ALL THERE SHOWS but in all there episodes there was always water near and always was a cave system-they failed just like all shows failed. They never went in caves and they never went knee deep in water..
‘STOP THINKING UP, THINK DOWN IN THE EASTERN- CHINA AND IN INDIA and think deep south around the tips of the world .
The triangle race which set there feet deep in Baghdad and influenced a better part of Egypt.
I repeat hot spots of reptilian history are only in the eastern.

Look up when it comes to the history of the triangle race of aliens ONLY in Egypt and Baghdad.
Look down when it comes to your better known reptilian race of aliens in the eastern hemisphere mainly china India and alt of the southern parts of the world for even better history.

So know that we have learned the basics of the ONLY 2 MAIN aliens in this world lets go over some things…shall we !
4. 93% of those so called astronaught trinkets belong to the reptilian they wasn’t astronaut
Suits, they was diving suits ,actually the same diving suits that they saw them come out the water with. Reptilian.
5. The trinket of the gold air plane is actually the reptilian aliens race only water craft ,they only came out heavy during the world war one and 2 era. Reptilian.
6. The pyramids was being duplicated as the triangle race alien ship they saw, they was building the pyramids to fly. Triangle race.
Remember there are only two races of aliens one air one by sea..

Stop letting them make u see and hear how they want your brains to perceive information.

Think up
Think down.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Realy found your view and resurch facinating and well put together could you help me with this please.
The above is the DebyshireTimes UFO site. On the above page is my story and pictures not long since published. The pictures are not blown but when they are blown up from the originals from my files on my computer you can clearly see that the forms in the trees are very worth scutinising because they have eyes mouth , and bodies. and arms and have some sort off device with them. I can send you images of them blown up and put them on this site but dont no how to do it, maybe some can tell me how to do it. The picture of the UFO
also when blown up only from my computer file shows the bright light has a shell and exterior apendages and has symetry.In my opinium I have never seen such things like the aliens and have never seen such a craft thing.
I would like your opinion about them please. such as how can I put my pictures on this site, what could this strangs light be? what are the alien forms in the trees? why is one looking to the right and one looking at the floor? why are they invisible when they in the sky? Also why could i only see the craft when the sun light shon on it? Also I have other pictures of the sky I took at the same time why wernt they in them? You can see a shadow on the clouds where the sun shine bounced of it ?
edit on 8-11-2010 by johnwignell because: I new to the site and added some suplementy info.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by Rising Against

so you dont think its a cardinals hat on the ground?

scroll down a bit for a much clearer picture of the painting.

edit on 8-11-2010 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

Thanks for that link. I added it to My Favorites for later perusal.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:04 AM
ps also the alien forms in the pictures I have and the ones in my story have elongated heads similar to the head in your piece on and link to peru.!!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by vehemes terra eternus

Hey Shrike do you think you could post some links to your counter claims?

Well, my fountain of knowledge regarding some subjects could be called the Internet! Using common sense, logic, and reason in my selection of sources, of course.

And they're not counter claims, they're acceptable explanations from others who have done satisfactory research to make me question the claim. Prosaic explanations are acceptable over off the wall ones.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

I'd really appreciate it if you read the thread before trying to shoot me down. Thanks.

Didn't mean to shoot you down, my replies were aimed mostly at the supporting, believer, non-questioning, members who accept the popular explanations and they'll see your thread as supporting their beliefs. I know you added comments that allowed one to see that you were keeping an open mind, that was impressive considering that the thread leans toward pro, rather than con.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Very impressive presentation.
Video episode sets very informative.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by The Shrike

My apologies then (it just seemed that way to be perfectly honest) and thank you. Btw, I did appreciate your first post, It really is great to have a skeptical point of view, especially on a subject like this.

Anyway, I'll post again and reply to anyone I missed sometime tomorrow aas time is short right now.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I only have 2 points in reply to your post. The first of which is..

1.) Why do you keep referring to humans as “u humans”? Wait, you’re not one of those people pretending to be an alien on a message board are you?

And 2.) What on earth are you talking about?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by johnwignell

Hey John, that's awesome, but firstly to upload images, you need to follow this link, Sign up with your ATS password and username, go to picture gallery and then upload the images.
If possible, can you send me a link also or post them here as well? I'd love to see the images you have as I'm sure others here will.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

I only have 2 points in reply to your post. The first of which is..

1.) Why do you keep referring to humans as “u humans”? Wait, you’re not one of those people pretending to be an alien on a message board are you?

And 2.) What on earth are you talking about?

The "Mother of all Mothers" asked me not to understand the 'THOTH' mentally of words that separates more then one in the mathematical aspect of time and fraction of cutting down the disturbance of the force.
So to say Human in a mathematical balance of the force, it is reduced to the one thing we share with out the many creative subliminal words that just don’t, and is not believed in by the law of my teachings.

trust history of whom taught whom.

The triangle race of aliens major influenced was in Baghdad and Egypt ,,,if u follow Noah u follow the triangle race,,,,,if u follow the city from Atlantis u follow Noah’s triangle space craft,,,,,if u follow Noah u follow the Sumerians ,,,,,and if u follow Germany u will find Noah’s ark ....aka....the only triangle that was ever found in the world,,,,,and if u follow that u will see why rocketry and all types of advanced was at a time in which time did not know?,,,,and if u follow that, after the war every one HUNTED THE SCIENTIST OF THE GERMANY REGIME.....LMAF,LOL AND IF U FOLLOW ALL THAT ,then what they found out when they actually went inside Germany ,loll well. A wall was built! [ Looking up ] greatest secret ever told.
All those videos that u see of Germany and there so called flying saucers.. It wasn’t saucers they was building, they was building 3 engines, just like the triangle they found.

The reptilian race of aliens major build up was in the south but then made there home in India . It seems they started from somewhere in Russia then to Canada on the way down to mexico..u can always tell the patterns of the history of the reptillien,,,,and if u follow that, then follow all the history of all so called huge comets that so called hit earth,, ,,and if u follow that, then u will see how deep the war went with those 2,,,and if u follow Atlantis and follow that will see who flooded half the earth and what flipped the triangle /city from Atlantis.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:53 AM

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Rising Against

Hi there i,v downloaded my alien images and ufo on to my profile. I have a story encouters and strange events to tell. Maybe you could make friends with me then it might be easier for me to give you more info on it all. Please let me have your comments soon.I not to sure how to do things on hear yet! With out my info on it all I dont think these pictures much good because there is a lot of suplementy information and I dont want to blow my story open yet. The british ufo Research assosiation (BUFORA) whant my story and some web sights after it .
Copywrite belongs to me so I not revieling it all yet. I dont want law suits so I keeping it low prifile. Could you help me with it? comments , links etc. Kind regards John Wignell. i cant see my photoes on my profile so I looking for them arrrr supose it easy when you know how!! soon as I can I show you .
edit on 12-11-2010 by johnwignell because: add suplementry text

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

this one of the aliens I photographed in the woods it blown up from my picture as promised:
and this the original:
and this the ufo:
and this the original:
In not revieling the full story behind it all because it bigger than big. not untill I find a comercial out let.
but believe they could put me in nut house when the full story comes out.
edit on 12-11-2010 by johnwignell because: made a mistake with spelling

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Thank you for this. Bump. I have been a little distracted and somehow lost the thread. You are doing a fantastic job of presenting information for people to draw their own conclusions.

I like to describe it thus..because my boyfriend is a skeptic...he says there is no proof of aliens.

I say in reply, "I may not be able to say for certain the house next door is on fire either, but if we see smoke, smell something burning and it is getting awfully hot in here...does that TELL YOU anything at all?"

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I like to describe it thus..because my boyfriend is a skeptic...he says there is no proof of aliens.

I say in reply, "I may not be able to say for certain the house next door is on fire either, but if we see smoke, smell something burning and it is getting awfully hot in here...does that TELL YOU anything at all?"

Haha, that's a nice reply, I have to admit.

Anyway, In regards to there being no proof, well, I disagree. It seems there's liteally tonnes of modern day as well as ancient proof to at least warrant a second look at the phenomenon of alien existence from most people. I mean, as an example, just look at how many people are seeing unexplained phenomenon in the skies on a regular basis, can all those people really be wrong all of the time? Maybe, but are they? I wholeheartedly disagree.

In regards to physical phenomenon, well there’s many stories on such matters also, roswell being the most famous of which perhaps? Not to forget possibly some of what was mentioned in the OP also.

That's not to say I disagree with the idea of him or anyone else being a sceptic though, or anything else for that matter, as I'm a big believer in the necessary presence of a sceptic in these types of topics, but i feel the idea of an intelligent alien existence is and has long been creaming out to us and it’s becoming more and more accepted on a daily basis. So much so that who knows, maybe even in a few years, disbelieving will become the new crazy.

edit on 15-11-2010 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

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