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BBC Admits Al Qaeda Never Existed

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:26 AM
This videos was a real eye opener! We've been dragged into two un-winnable wars, which caused are economy to go down the tubes and for what fight terrorism? This "war on terrorism" is pointless and the word in its self is an oxymoron. They only way to beat terrorism is to make yourself less of a target and to stop p*ssing off everybody, but we know how good the U.S. is at that. We are being decieved and it's time to wake up to whats happening all around us. My fellow ATS members, what are your thoughts?
BBC admits Al Qaeda never existed

edit on 7-11-2010 by jganer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by jganer

S&F but dont expect many posts.
It's hard to debunk facts..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by jganer

Old and argued..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Really? You replied 3 minutes after he posted the link and it's a 10 minute video.

Facts huh?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Old and argued..

Well I'd have to dissagree..That thread was derailed from the start. No conclusive end.
Wonder if this one ends the same.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Really? You replied 3 minutes after he posted the link and it's a 10 minute video.

Facts huh?

Really..It is old news but still debated by some. I don't need to see another video or link to know the thread title is true in the sense that Al-Queda was a made up name.
I also know those that will probably soon post and derail it with tales of 9/11 etc, whaich the OP doesnt mention.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:02 AM
...jganer - while its true this is old news for some, its new to you and you didnt turn your back on it... thats a good thing... got questions?... ask em... got comments?... make em... theres no rule that says we cant discuss something multiple times... in fact, if you do a site search on just about any random topic, you'll probably see that its been discussed dozens and dozens of times before...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:24 AM
That clip is from an Adam Curtis Film, The power of nightmares, that is not the view of the BBC, they just aired it

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:37 AM
I know they exist I have seen them on tv

I have heard audio.....on tv.......wait...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:17 AM
Whether Al Qaeda exists or not is immaterial to the fact that Islamic terrorism does exist. How do I know? Not through propaganda or MSM scaremongering but through personal experience.

Al Qaeda and Bin Laden may have been reported to have links with Saudi Arabia but the little reported facts include their links with Takfir Wal Hijra;

"Al Takfir Wal Hijra " means the " Ultimate Assasins of Islam" !!
They were -- and are -- the ultimate infiltrators, unbound by moral restraint. These men are not subject to any meaningful cultural repercussions for their acts. . Nor are they subject to an inner moral conflict.

An essential part of Takfiri religious practice is the infiltration of enemy societies, usually meaning Western society. Like the Assassins before them, Takfiri members are permitted to take any measure necessary to assimilate, a stipulation which amounts to a blanket exemption from virtually every aspect of Islamic law. Going further still, the sect justifies EXTREME VOILENCE toward any non-Muslim Cultures or Societies from Yahoo Answers

The gentleman who personally threatened me with an act of extreme terrorism was a member of Takfir Wal Hijra. He was keen to tell me of his affiliation with Al Qaeda, whom he seemed to hold in contempt for the 'softness' of their approach!

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Newsweek 2009
"The commission appears to have ignored obvious clues throughout 2003 and 2004 that its account of the 9/11 plot and Al Qaeda's history relied heavily on information obtained from detainees who had been subjected to torture, or something not far from it."

April 2010
George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent
the 911 mastermind is still sitting there, without facing a judge or anything

FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds:
"These people had intimite relation to us untill the day of the attacks!"

Al-Qaeda or Al-Tricko? 'US cries wolf to rev up world for dominance war'
The UK's Guardian newspaper goes on to allege the actual purpose of the alert was to justify a recent increase in drone attacks inside Pakistan. American-German historian F. William Engdahl, says the timing of the terror alerts has led to a questioniong of U.S. motives...

Zelikow's Key Role in 9/11 Cover-Up
In an interview on the Fox Business Network, a retired U.S. intelligence officer accused the official in charge of the 9/11 Commission of a cover-up of intelligence failures leading up to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:01 PM
Chomsky: No Evidence of al Qaeda Behind 9/11

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
The tooth fairy doesn't exist, aliens don't exist, ghost don't exist, the corporate elite doesn't exist, the holocaust doesn't exist, your life doesn't exist. You can say ANYTHING doesn't exist does not make it true... I know the tooth fairy doesn't exist you know why? Because it's a fairy! Fairy's for a fact DO NOT EXIST. Your living in a fairly land denying the existence of these bad people.
edit on 7-11-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Certainly the underground "fortress" is central to the propaganda. The New York times first carried the story, then The Independant, and then the London Times, with the cartoon based on the original story, all within a three day period. It was a big faux pas on the part of the London Times, who are usually sparing on anything pictorial. Same goes for Donald Rumsfeld, who only embellished the story by saying, "And there's not one of those. There are many of those. And they have been used very effectively." So Ali Baba's cave was never found, obviously the American didn't know the magic password...yet Rumsfeld knew all about it/them. Strange that, and scary, when you consider all that happened since.
edit on 7-11-2010 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Pockets
That clip is from an Adam Curtis Film, The power of nightmares, that is not the view of the BBC, they just aired it

Lookout - Facts!!!

It's never going to sit well with people who ignore the facts, say they love facts and yet are found short of facts.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by badw0lf

Old and argued..

Well I'd have to dissagree..That thread was derailed from the start. No conclusive end.
Wonder if this one ends the same.

Apart from the - Wait, Now I get it.
haha, I see why other posts of mine get such ire from you.. Whew!

Apart from the fact that the BBC is not one reporter.

Not so much derailed, but merely proven as not valid.

Ahh well..

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by badw0lf

Really? You replied 3 minutes after he posted the link and it's a 10 minute video.

Facts huh?

Really..It is old news but still debated by some. I don't need to see another video or link to know the thread title is true in the sense that Al-Queda was a made up name.
I also know those that will probably soon post and derail it with tales of 9/11 etc, whaich the OP doesnt mention.

Perhaps. But that is beyond the scope of the post I replied to.

Debate away. the fact is, he BBC did not admit anything, in 2009 or 2010.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Lookout - Facts!!!

I do try

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:55 AM
The war on the fabricated invisible enemy is the biggest money spinner out there.
Does anyone have rough figures of how much has been spent (or should i say earned) on conflicts?
Also am i right in saying there hasnt really been a day gone by since the 40's where there hasnt been a war somewhere?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Saudi Arabia refused to let us build any permanent military bases in their country. Osama Bin Forgotten and Saudi Arabia wanted us out of their country...and booted us out. Our elite decided they needed new turf in the middle east since Saudi Arabia is a nuclear power now and we can't mess with them Iraq/Afghanistan were obvious new land masses for our military presence in the region.

Oh you forgot about the news articles saying Saudi financed the Pakistani nuclear bomb program in exchange for a few of their own didn't ya? We can't touch them now. Saudi Arabia was just 2 years ago saying it was going to stop accepting US dollars for oil and start the Gulf Monetary Union.

To stop that hogwash we gave them their Victory Mosque, paid off all their debts, and are giving them $60 Billion in new military hardware so they can deliver their nuclear weapons onto Israel when the time is right. Once they take out Israel...they've neutered us in the middle east for good.

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