posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:35 AM
I don't know that the government necessarily gets any sort of kickbacks from these type programs, in fact I'd venture to guess they benefit the
corporations more than anything; they certainly don't benefit our children to the extent touted by those who organize and run these programs.
Actually I have to wonder to what extent the various organizations such as McDs, Pizza Hut, etc. actively lobby for these type school programs to be
created in the first place, because it sure would seem in their best interest to do so.
Take the 'Book-It' program for example, it ties into the whole 'increased literacy equals a more educated and aware child shtick', which isn't a
bad thing mind you, but at the same time it uses crap fast food as the carrot being dangled in front of their young and impressionable minds.
My question would be,
"How much do these corporations benefit from these type programs above and beyond the obvious increased profit and sales aspect?"
What degree of tax breaks, exemptions, corporate discounts or contracts do they receive for 'doing their part to support' the latest education bill,
project or program ... of course with our children's best interests at heart, mind you.