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Something that looked like a missile over Phoenix.

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by General.Lee

sorry if it's a repeat or off topic.
but i just read about this before noticing this thread.

ROCKET LAUNCH: Last night, sky watchers in southern California and Nevada witnessed a bright light cutting across the evening sky. It was a Delta II rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base carrying Italy's COSMO SkyMed-4 satellite to Earth orbit. The SkyMed-4 is equipped with a radar that can image any part of Earth's surface--a capability that will come in handy both for military surveillance and scientific research. Follow the links for launch photos: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by mcnastyy44

That is interesting. Ill have to look into the Taiwan invasion. THAAD photo is pretty cool as well. This had wings and lights though. Unless they are disguising missiles as jets..
I know they used to make bombers look like Airliners back in Vietnam... Would be a great tactic.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:58 PM
This is a lil off topic because im slightly new i cant make a new thread i dont have enough posts but this is kind of strange Military just decided to start doing drills at 1:30 am this morning with f16s they are saying they are going to brazil but come on really? whats going on people

reply to post by General.Lee

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Launch at VAFB was 7:30 pm PST.
Object(jet?) seen in Phoenix(442 miles away from launch) at 5:30 pm MST.
Does not fit the time frame..

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by ajniss

Are you in Denver or Colorado Springs by chance?
A poster on here was talking about this last night or this morning. some kind of talk on them buying new jets. Then the poster made reference to Brazil wanting to retaliate against the US for messing with the economy by the FED RES printing new money

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Dukesy

This whole theater is wrong to me and the main players are so devious that it reminds me of that twilightzone where the family has to wear the masks until midnight, after that they are actually stuck with them for life exposing their true intent and evil ways.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by ANSPHAR
reply to post by mcnastyy44

That is interesting. Ill have to look into the Taiwan invasion. THAAD photo is pretty cool as well. This had wings and lights though. Unless they are disguising missiles as jets..
I know they used to make bombers look like Airliners back in Vietnam... Would be a great tactic.

Bombers like Airliners? Not a great tactic as it is against the Law of Armed Combat.


1. Military Aircraft. All aircraft used in armed conflict should be clearly marked with national insignia
indicating that they are military aircraft. Those markings normally include both national colours and an
emblem indicating the military character of the aircraft. In some cases, however, it may consist of only one
mark as it is accepted in practice that the military aircraft of some countries carry accepted markings that are
neither national colours or flags.

H RAW Art 3
2. A belligerent or joint command (such as NATO) may inform adverse parties of the emblem its military
aircraft will bear (for example, IFOR). Occupants of properly identified aircraft are lawful combatants.
Occupants of aircraft not so marked are not lawful combatants.

H RAW Art 3
3. Civil Aircraft. Civil aircraft and state aircraft that are not military aircraft (for example, police or
customs aircraft) may not engage in hostilities even if their crew and/or their passengers are members of the
armed forces."


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:39 PM
ya im in denver buckley airforce base is like 10 miles from here so something is deffently going on 130am (sat morning) they are gonna do the "drill"

reply to post by ANSPHAR

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by tommyjo
What I had heard was passing by at lower altitudes with lights on. probably not stock but could work to fool the opposition. As what I have heard has no solid proof from me to back it up I leave it as what I have heard. I also will add that I do not think the American military has followed every single rule of conduct in a time of war.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
My wife and I saw it.

It's possible it was a missile.

It was headed east.

If it was headed straight up as other people have do you know it was headed east?

Seems odd.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Gabrielle.Black
I want the poster and anyone fear monger to be aware of this.

There is a law out there that if anyone causes a panic or makes a false alarm they could be fined, or Jailed. So becareful of what you post and if it proves to be false you could be in very, very big trouble.

So I I was the OP I would come out and tell the truth and admit its DISINFO or a lie, or face the consequences of his actions.

Because I have heard they are tracking down on these kind of people, and its not pretty.

I was hoping someone would have called you out on this before I clicked to the next page, and if someone did, I apologize.
If you yell fire in a crowded theater, you are not protected by the 1st amendment, and this is what you seem to be referring to as that, " law out there". This doesn't even begin to qualify.
I hate that this has to be my first post in such a long time. Res Ipsa, ESQ.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:16 PM
ROCKET LAUNCH: Last night, sky watchers in southern California and Nevada witnessed a bright light cutting across the evening sky. It was a Delta II rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base carrying Italy's COSMO SkyMed-4 satellite to Earth orbit. The SkyMed-4 is equipped with a radar that can image any part of Earth's surface--a capability that will come in handy both for military surveillance and scientific research. Follow the links for launch photos: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5. and also on the earthquakes all over the world....M5 SOLAR FLARE: Active sunspot 1121 has just unleashed one of the brightest x-ray solar flares in years, an M5.4-class eruption at 15:36 UT on Nov. 6th.
Click on the image to view a movie of the blast from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

Now to the Seismic waves:

Radiation from the flare created a wave of ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere that altered the propagation of low-frequency radio waves. There was, however, no bright CME (plasma cloud) hurled in our direction, so the event is unlikely to produce auroras in the nights ahead. This is the third M-flare in as many days, and the strongest, from this increasingly active sunspot. So far none of the eruptions has been squarely Earth-directed, but this could change in the days ahead as the sun's rotation turns the active region toward our planet. Now might be a good time to sign up for space weather alerts.

As for the Seismic waves....They are waves of energy that travel through the earth, for example as a result of an earthquake, explosion, or some other process that imparts low-frequency acoustic energy. Many other natural and anthropogenic sources create low amplitude waves commonly referred to as ambient vibrations. Seismic waves are studied by seismologists and geophysicists. Seismic wavefields are measured by a seismograph, geophone, hydrophone (in water), or accelerometer.

I don`t claim to be a expert on either of these, but sounds like a good and possible explanation for all of these.... Unexplained opinions.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Yes its a repeat, but so is have the other stuff you read, sometimes you have to repeat your self to get out the message. We all do it ..some are wrong others are right, but at least your aware and joining the fun. I will repeat it over and over and over untill someone says ...I get it, even if it makes some mad. one day something posted here will happen and we can all say we added our part.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
reply to post by General.Lee

sorry if it's a repeat or off topic.
but i just read about this before noticing this thread.

ROCKET LAUNCH: Last night, sky watchers in southern California and Nevada witnessed a bright light cutting across the evening sky. It was a Delta II rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base carrying Italy's COSMO SkyMed-4 satellite to Earth orbit. The SkyMed-4 is equipped with a radar that can image any part of Earth's surface--a capability that will come in handy both for military surveillance and scientific research. Follow the links for launch photos: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by General.Lee
Several members have photographed and reported a rapidly-rising object that appears to have originated from Luke Air Force Base west of Phoenix, AZ at 5:30 PM local (Pacific) time. The object portrayed characteristics of a missile launch with slightly arcing trajectory, lingering plume, and rapid ascent. However, there are reports that some people have observed a winged aircraft with blinking lights once the object passed high over Scottsdale.


The original title of this thread was, "Nuclear Accident in India," and the original opening post is preserved below. However, the story presented by the thread author has not been confirmed.


I know I am going to get blown out of the water with this, but I'm going to share it anyways. I will give you the precursor to my conversation for the purposes of context.

I live in Phoenix, AZ. I left work at 5:30 AZ time from Scottsdale, AZ. I entered Shea Blvd. approximately 5:37 PM from 70th St. I turned and headed west on Shea. To the direct west /southwest I noted a smoke plume that started at the ground and continued up to some type of aircraft. I immediately knew this was NOT a jet aircraft since the smoke plume started at ground level. The smoke plume was extremely thick, much like the space shuttle would produce. Within minutes this aircraft appeared to me, to be on the edge of the atmosphere. Don't ask me how I know, I am just giving you my interpretation. I am a licensed pilot and have been an aviation buff most of my life.

I managed to snap a few pics of the smoke plume with my cell phone. I will up load them later. At this point my first guess was that this aircraft originated near Luke AFB based on where where the smoke plume originated.

I arrived home at my normal time, about 5:50 PM. I took my wife out back to show her the plume. She was freaked out about it as well. She then said, "why don't I call John Doe?". I said, "yea, get him on the phone, I'd like to hear what he has to say". John Doe is obviously a pseudonym to protect my source. He is in the Air Force and works at Luke AFB. My wife got John on the phone, I told him what I saw and said this had to be rocket powered. He simply said, "your'e correct. You do know they're retiring the space shuttle, right?" and I replied, "yes". He said, well, what you saw is the latest technology, it is rocket powered and it is orbital. It is to replace the space shuttle.

So, I began voicing my concern given that Obama was in India with the entire Whitehouse staff and a battery of warships. I said, something is going on. He simply said, "yes, something is going on". I went on to tell him about the USGS data posted here recently that almost simultaneously triggered every seismic sensor in the US and in fact across the world. He confirmed there was an event. I said, "was it natural" and he said "no". I said was it nuclear and he said, "yes, but unintentional". I said, "what country?" and he replied, "guess". I said "India" and he said, "yes". I inquired "an accident?" and he replied, "yes". I inquired, "in a silo" and he replied, "yes".

I asked him if there was anything to worry about, he said, "not yet, not stateside". He said Obama was there for containment and this is a HUGE deal. You will NOT read about this nuclear event on the news. But this is an event of epic proportion.

That is virtually my entire conversation. I asked questions based on my own common sense and he answered "yes" or "no". This clearly explains why Obama took his entire staff as well as a fleet of warships, etc. This also explains why we are being distracted with "mail bombs" and such on the news. It also explains the seismic event that nobody seems to want to report in the news.

This is what I know, this is what I was told by a fighter pilot from Luke AFB. Believe it or don't. I'm just throwing it out there.


(SkepticOverlord here -- here are the photos I took of the same thing)

edit on 6-11-2010 by SkepticOverlord because: Revised thread subject, and added brief summary to the opening post

edit on 6-11-2010 by SkepticOverlord because: Second revision to thread title

This is why it did not originate out of Vandenberg... I lived in San Luis Obispo. Whenever Vandenberg would send something into orbit, I wouldn’t hear it until it was already entering the outer limits of our atmosphere. That’s how fast the sound travels. The plumes were several miles away, and not at all as they appear in close proximity as pics provided in this thread. Scottsdale has to be able to look over a high mountain range before it can view the near sea-level elevation of Vandenberg. If one looked on google maps and sees the distance Vandenberg is from Scottsdale AZ, (which is over 500 miles away) it quickly rules out that it came from Vandenberg...How much desert is barren enough to hide a missile silo in said direction from Scottsdale, to produce clear enough photos, and the time to click pictures? San Luis Obispo is between 50-60 miles away from Vandenberg.

I only got to page three before I decided to post.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by ANSPHAR
reply to post by tommyjo
What I had heard was passing by at lower altitudes with lights on. probably not stock but could work to fool the opposition. As what I have heard has no solid proof from me to back it up I leave it as what I have heard. I also will add that I do not think the American military has followed every single rule of conduct in a time of war.

The proof is that it wouldn't have escaped the players during the conflict in Vietnam. The concept of using airliners as bombers simply doesn't stack up and especially over Vietnam. Nobody was flying airliners over North Vietnam as it was a war zone. Anything in North Vietnamese airspace without their permission was fair game. The US lost enough B-52s over the North. To risk an airliner rigged up as a bomber simply does not make sense and joins the long list of wacky conspiracies.


posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

I find the assumption entailed in that post to be without merit.

ATS has more evidence than most sites that we have had launch capacities not entailing such structures for decades--for at least 10-30 years.

Shoot, even Burt Rutan doesn't need such elaborate launch facilities.

WE haven't been copying UFO craft for 60 years just to play games with airliners.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:55 PM
I came on here to look for a thread in relation to an event that is due to happen (apparently) between 8th nov & 11th nov 2010. After reading all the posts no this page i can only see 1 member who has referred too it. All members dont need to believe or disbelieve this theory, however if this theory is true tptb wont be happy.

Iamonlyhuman member stated a computer programme called webbot. If you dont know what webbot is, research it so you dont have to take my word. Its made by a few guys who made a program which picks on key words on the internet to predict the stock market, but what happened was that the program was predicting real life events such as 9/11 and the bp oil spil.

Now their latest report has stated (again research it webbot, on youtube) that there could be a major event between the 8th to the 11th of nov that is on par or greater than the 9/11 disaster. They think that this could be world war 3

"*A major tipping point will occur between November 8th – 11th, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be U.S.-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November.,"


So this was the reason for coming onto the forum to see if there was anything in relation to this prediction that could well be false in all instances but i think people should never say never, incase something does happen. lets hope nothing like this.

I surprised no one here has mentioned Iran on this thread and something nuclear could well be on the horizon in the immediate future for them, who knows. Or any country for that matter who thinks they are being attacked by missiles and launch an automatic attack response back to the offending country.

I think its also strange that obama is going to india, booked an entire hotel which was confirmed a month ago and is also bringing his own chefs never mind the kids with him. Thats slightly strange and im starting to agree with people on here that im steering towards that "somethings not right feeling" but who knows...

Something else that correlates to this is a physic woman who is predicting the same, again i dont believe or disbelieve its just info from somewhere that i dont know if they are/not telling the truth, physics, hmmm... but apparently this lady had an impressive track record for 40 or more years before she died. And if any of her future predictions are true (as claimed by the information that the earlier predictions in history are) they are simply horrifying

The ladys name vanga, go research her

"1979 she predicted (probably) Vladimir Putin: ‘Everything will melt away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world.’
In 1980, Vanga predicted the accident of the submarine Kursk ‘At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.’ The accident occurred in August 2000.
In 1989 she predicted the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. ‘Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.’
2008 – Assassination attempts on four heads of states. Conflict in Indonesia. That becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII.
2010 – The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
2011 – Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere – no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.
2014 – Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars)
2016 – Europe is almost empty"

and it just keeps getting worse, full list here

So if this was true for speculation, obama could be getting out of the way for something like this to take place, and theres nothing more that some (extreme) muslims would like to do weather they are from iran or any other country, eradicate out westerners, christians etc.... again only a speculation

What we also have is I..ra/n president thinking that he is the 12th iman, heres a full explanation

What brings me to this footage is something i watched online which i cannot find anywhere which is really strande, but it had Ahmadinejad and his higher leader sitting having a drink and Ahmadinejad saying this totally wacked out statement in my opinion. i couldnt believe the footage but im sure some other ppl would have seen it online 2yrs or so ago...

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the UN and spent a lot of his speech preaching. At the end of his speech he talked about the promise of a just world ruled by the "perfect man" and that this paradise was coming soon. That the perfect man would appear soon arriving with Muhammad and "Jesus Christ." Amazing how bold Ahmadinejad is becoming on this! He is all but speaking of it openly and no one seems to notice! This is important to understand when dealing with Iran. Ahmadinejad believes he is called by Allah to usher in his version of the Shiite Messiah, the 12th Imam, and the way to speed that process is to set the world on fire. "

"In a videotaped meeting with Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli in Tehran, Ahmadinejad discussed candidly a strange, paranormal experience he had while addressing the United Nations in New York last September.

He recounts how he found himself bathed in light throughout the speech. But this wasn't the light directed at the podium by the U.N. and television cameras. It was, he said, a light from heaven.

Ahmadinejad at the U.N.
According to a transcript of his comments, obtained and translated by Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, Ahmadinejad wasn't the only one who noticed the unearthly light. One of his aides brought it to his attention.

The Iranian president recalled being told about it by one of his delegation: "When you began with the words ‘in the name of Allah,' I saw a light coming, surrounding you and protecting you to the end."

Ahmadinejad agreed that he sensed the same thing.

"On the last day when I was speaking, one of our group told me that when I started to say 'Bismillah Muhammad,' he saw a green light come from around me, and I was placed inside this aura," he says. "I felt it myself. I felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, all the leaders of the world did not blink. When I say they didn't move an eyelid, I'm not exaggerating. They were looking as if a hand was holding them there, and had just opened their eyes – Alhamdulillah!"

theres actual footage of him saying it, but i cannot find it anywhere, hard enough for me to get a reference to this.

Theres also case that this guy really hates the rulers of usa so usually an extreme movement of any political cause in a battle will not take mercy on the public citizens because the general consensus in most situations like this the opponent or enemy would say, "well its the people who put these guys on power, i.e. like passing the blame down,

you only need to watch larry king interview from a couple a months ago, some of the comments are sly and some even go as much to the effect to what a rebellious teenager would say.

However alot of people think iran is not a threat which could be the case and im not saying that ww3 is going to happen.

Another thing ive found strange is america has done a massive arms deal with saudi Arabia, didnt things like this happen before ww2?

Lets hope nothing like this would ever happen, but im surprised that you guys after so many pages didnt take this into consideration.

Another theory that the big event between the 8th / 11th nov is ufo disclosure, id much prefer this far out idea than any more wars, false flag or not :0)

Either way its likly that there could be no event, but theres always a possibility of anything in some way or another. Just the question is..what do you do if you're put into a situation like this?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:05 PM
It's most interesting how people are so entranced by a rocket.
This site will crash if something unearthly comes abound

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:11 PM
lets hope so

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