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I'm sick of being called a conspiracy theorist

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM
I just spent the better part of 3 hrs debating with ignorant brother-in-law and my sister about various conspiracies.

The debate started out because they live in California. Both of them voted against proposition 19 (legalization of marijuana). They of course were convinced that marijuana is a gateway drug (despite me showing them numerous studies that say it isnt).

eventually this lead to other topics such as govt corruption, population reductions, food used as a weapon, and fema camps. by the end, they have me looking like some insane nut needing of serious medical care.

It doesnt seem to matter what evidence I show, govt documents, quotes from the monster david rockefeller, etc its all ignored. I almost wish the govt would drag them off to a fema camp just so I could say I told you so.

I showed them proof that govt and corporations purposely suppress technology. they respond with thats capitalism and how its supposed to work.

I even managed to prove my theories a month ago when I predicted (based on my so-called theories) that silver and gold were about to go up some more (based on the impending fed rumors of more money printing). my family and their financial advisers said Im crazy.... yet today gold is at an all-time high, and silver is up 30% in 6 weeks.

the only support I get is from my immediate family (wife and kids). everyone else, im the conspiracy nut. any bbq I go to, I have to bite my tongue when I listen to the appalling ignorance about various topics these people are so misinformed about.

sometimes I can convince a few that maybe there is something more to what they've been told but most times I get the look / eyes roll.

Most times Im dismissed as having too much time on my hands (unemployed for 2+ yrs). I've even had family members insinuate that if I spent more time hunting for jobs and less looking for govt documents, I might have a job. GRRRRRRRR, forget the govt policies that have eliminated my job, its my fault because I spend too much time learning....

I so want to save my family and friends from any undue suffering. I want them to stockpile some food and prepare a bugout bag. I want them to set aside some silver coins. And I want them to pay attention and protest govt and corporate corruption.

sadly my words are utterly wasted.

anyone else frustrated that despite all the clear evidence, friends and family of yours continue to wear blinders and ignore the peril we are all facing ?
edit on 5-11-2010 by admriker444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by admriker444

If you believe in conspiracies and theorize about them, as you did the gold and silver going up, then you are a conspiracy theorist.

Nothing wrong with it, you might want to look at how you approach those who don't believe in them as you do though. Maybe then you won't look crackers.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:10 PM
It takes time friend. I too am frustrated. I just now have got my parents to give me a thread of credibility.

The best way to do it, is to give them news before it breaks on MSM. Every story that breaks here first, call them and inform them. After doing that a while and them only hearing the stories two days later, start telling them breaking news and adding in a bit of the conspiracy side. Once the news breaks on the MSM omitting some of the conspiracy angle, they'll be more inclined to believe what you say. Unfortunately you have to become a more reliable source for news than the MSM for it to work.

Keep at it friend!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Becoming

im not a conspiracy theoriest. I speak of conspiracy facts. no guesswork, no opinions. I back up my point of view.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by admriker444

I see you are a little sensitive on the matter. Maybe thats why they look at you as a nut job.

Chill out and approach people in a calm and non defensive way and people may give your outlook a differant view.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by PayMeh
It takes time friend. I too am frustrated. I just now have got my parents to give me a thread of credibility.

The best way to do it, is to give them news before it breaks on MSM. Every story that breaks here first, call them and inform them. After doing that a while and them only hearing the stories two days later, start telling them breaking news and adding in a bit of the conspiracy side. Once the news breaks on the MSM omitting some of the conspiracy angle, they'll be more inclined to believe what you say. Unfortunately you have to become a more reliable source for news than the MSM for it to work.

Keep at it friend!

I did this with silver and gold prices. I told them a month ago that the federal reserve is going to announce on election day the new bailout. I told them its being done that day on purpose so as to deflect from the topic (election coverage would push fed news to back page)

and since our dollar's value is based on supply, the price of metals will go up as the dollar value goes down. simple economics really. and to prove my point, I bought 1,000 dollars of silver. 6 weeks later that 1,000 is now 1,315 and climbing.

I posted this on facebook and sent out emails to everyone I knew advising them to get into some precious metals before the announcement comes. and this wasnt the first time Ive gotten some good financial advise from my conspiracy research

today I reminded everyone how I was right (not arrogantly) and the so-called experts were wrong. doesnt matter, im told lucky guess, etc. most people just refuse to believe a govt can lie and conspiracies are real

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:22 PM
They used to call me paranoid for speaking about the gov and police was destroying my life. Guess what the gov, council and police where doing what i said, and it all came out, over last few years.

I also see from the fact that the truth has now come out slowly about what these peopel did to my life, people understand more that gov and police are dangerous.

I talk openly now, and everyone i know knows it happened to me.

Its not nice when people are against you and they think your just believing this and that, but my life proved that govs and police are truly out to get some people, and now people i know now accept it, as its come out. It has totally destroyed my life, but at least i was vindicated.

So stick with it.

By the way they will not need concentration camps, as tv works just fine thats why china now also wants everyone to have one in there home.

But being vindicated against evil corruption in your life is pleasing, and my life has been destroyed by it, but at least after all these years of my life being destroyed, and it still is, at least people i know fully accept now, as it has come out that the gov and police where absolutely trying to destroy my life.

Just pure evil exists.
edit on 11/5/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:30 PM
Dude . . . here's where the rubber hits the road.

A lot of people go through life looking at it just the way the powers that be want them to . . .rosey colored glasses shaded with blinders.

I don't particularly ascribe to the lable 'conspiracy theorist' rather somebody who is willing to think outside the box and outside the confines of what 'they' want us to think.

If your friends and family aren't comfortable with that, fix them up a plate of natchos, click on The Biggest Loster or Survivor Wahootie or whatever incarnation of that show is on now, or some other spoon fed pablum for them to melt their brain cells on. They'll be all happy on life's little busride, wating for the patrol to tell them when to switch seats, what to look at, who to believe and what to do to 'fit in'.

You keep on doin' what you're doin' . . . expand your mind . . . look beyond the horizon and keep using your brain like a sponge, soaking up 'possibilities'. It's a lot better than accepting 'it is what it is' becaue in most cases it isn't what it is rather an undercurrent moving the cast of thousands in the chosen direction.

When the crap hits the oscilating air mover, you'll have a whack of wisdom to use in your quest to be one of the survivors, and don't forget to give the rest of them a tip of the old hat when they're sitting in a corner, sucking their thumbs and cryin' for Mamma.

You can bend to their way of life or you can keep on keepin' on. Your choice, but for me it's all about having the space between my ears used for someting more than oogling the swimsuit edition, marveling at the wonders of Mr. Clean or smiling while Oprah tells me what book to read next all in the comfort of my Rock-n-Republics, schnazzy red shoes and quintly coffed mane courtesy of Dr. Oz's latest oatmeal-and-rat-turd concoction.

I'm comfortable with who I am, and you should be too. If you're not, then you gotta make some decisions and changes.

Or, like I said . . . keep on keepin' on!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:31 PM
I have been told for many years that I am "Way Out There Dude" thus the use of the name for my account. I approach this a different way. I tell only those who seek the truth what that truth is to me. I do not volunteer information unsolicited. I from time to time am caught shaking my head when someone says something completely off base and have to explain the truth to someone who has either ignored it or is willfully ignorant of the truth. When they say I am a conspiracy theorist I tell them I am a "Conspiracy Researcher" I am looking out for their interests. If that does not work and they are still rolling their eyes. I just tell them they are willfully blind and if they wish to remain so then it is their call, it is on them. I might just go BAAA at them if I have had a few.

Tell the sheep they are sheep. They will not become wolves as a response they will just bleet and run away since that is what sheep do.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Becoming
reply to post by admriker444

I see you are a little sensitive on the matter. Maybe thats why they look at you as a nut job.

Chill out and approach people in a calm and non defensive way and people may give your outlook a differant view.

I may be coming across that way today but its from sheer frustration and anger. I've been trying to educate my family and friends for yrs. I sprinkle in a comment here or there on various topics someone may discuss on facebook, etc.

I offer the occasional link to a story from outside the main media, careful to avoid anything from infowars (anything someone recognizes as one of those sites immediately equals the topic is bs to them)

at bbq's and parties I sit quietly and listen and only interject when someone asks my opinion. I usually tend to talk about my experiences so people will know Im not just regurgitating something from a website.

for example when the subject of iraq came up, I told them I was in Panama dec 89 invasion and how the war was a lie. how Noriega was captured by us simply because he nationalized the banks to stop them from laundering drug money. I personally was involved in guarding a bank as the assets and property was reclaimed by chase bank. I explained them the absurdity of war in iraq as half the gear we were facing was in fact made in the usa.

I've been patient for yrs with this. my final straw was prop 19. this was a real chance by the citizens of a state to strike a blow against the federal govt and the elite. this was a chance to tell the world individuals are free and should decide for themselves what they can put into their bodies.

instead the ignorant masses defeated the bill and my family helped them. Im disgusted by all of this...

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
im not a conspiracy theoriest. I speak of conspiracy facts. no guesswork, no opinions. I back up my point of view.

...theres part of your trouble... conspiracy "facts" are usually just conjecture / opinion and you can back those up with other opinions all day long but thats not gonna turn em into empirically proven facts... style is very important... its one thing to say "i believe blah blah blah" and then let it go without needing validation and not taking offense to criticism... its another thing entirely to say "blah blah blah is absolute fact and you're an idiot if you dont believe me cuz i found proof on the internet!" while strutting around like a peacock...

...frequency counts too... if thats all folks hear ya talking about, its normal to presume that THATs all you think about and that translates to obsession...

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:34 PM
i Feel ya, I have about 2 months supply of MRE's and water in my house. my GF found them one day and asked why i have all this stuff. I told her it was for earthquakes, but its really for when the SHTF. Now every time we have people over to the house she likes to show everyone my SHTF supplys. soooooo now everyone knows where to go when SHTF Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

edit on 5-11-2010 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:57 PM
A person will not change, until they are ready to change.

To a herd of cattle, a cowboy is just the biggest cow.

Stop recruiting, that time has passed. Always remember how lonely it was for you so one day when someone comes to you with a theory, you may play dumb, say "you're kidding me" and ask them "is this true?" And if you find their answer fair enough, then you alone may have the privilege of being the first person in your world to say "well done."

I would say more but you would ridicule me for it.

David Grouchy

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by admriker444

I just spent the better part of 3 hrs debating
with ignorant brother-in-law and my sister

Your ignorant brother-in-law and sister are happy with their lives, and they're in a situation that allows them to feel secure.

insinuate that if I spent more time hunting for jobs
and less looking for govt documents, I might have a job.

They look at you and your situation, and they perceive that they would not be happy if they were the one in it instead of you.

I so want to save my family and friends from any undue suffering. I want them to stockpile some food and prepare a bugout bag. I want them to set aside some silver coins. And I want them to pay attention and protest govt and corporate corruption.

And they want you to conform to societal expectations so that you can share the safe, warm, happy and secure lifestyle that they have.

other topics such as govt corruption, population reductions, food used as a weapon, and fema camps.

How relevant are these to their lives? What incentive do they have to look for relevancy? They ignore these things, and they have a worry-free life of safety and comfort. You pay attention to these things, and by their estimate, not only do you lack safety and comfort, you also spend a great deal of time very much concerned about these issues.

What possible motivation could they have to see things your way?

my words are utterly wasted.

What do you expect?

edit on 5-11-2010 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:09 PM
My advice is to embrace it like its a good thing.
I call my self a 'conspiracy theorist'- why not? The majority of the population may give it a negative air about it, but if you flip it and claim the word as your own, then what can anyone do about it.

To me, I AM a conspiracy theorist, which means (by my definition)that I give damn to seek out truth in all situations, way and forms. I find that to be a compliment to myself- self esteem booster, if you will.

And as far as arguing goes- irrational people living irrational lifestyles will never meet you on a 'rational' or even debatable ground- they either cant or don't want to. And there is nothing that you can say to get your point across to them. Enlighten others with random small facts and/or 'feeler questions' before discussing anything- you'll know whether they will be responsive or not.

But remember- own it- own the title conspiracy theorist! Why not?!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:10 PM
i strategically and subtly insert small truths into stuff, knowing it will be rejected. make it things you know will happen.

you just have to do it like that cool mysterious weird guy in all the movies that knows something the main character doesn't. even slightly smug so they remember... then, when SHTF and everybody comes running frantically for the famous "i told you so" moment...

get them all gathered together, they will be carefully awaiting to soak up your next instructions, which should start off something like "alright, now before we proceed any further id like to make it clear that if you wish to live beyond this point, and seek my assistance in doing so, you will obey my orders without question."

now you have your small army.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
im not a conspiracy theoriest. I speak of conspiracy facts. no guesswork, no opinions. I back up my point of view.

Then how about backing up your claim of FEMA camps - that has been thoroughly debunked many times here before. You are a conspiracy theorist!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by admriker444

eventually this lead to other topics such as govt corruption, population reductions, food used as a weapon, and fema camps. by the end, they have me looking like some insane nut needing of serious medical care.

You don't say

It doesnt seem to matter what evidence I show, govt documents, quotes from the monster david rockefeller, etc its all ignored. I almost wish the govt would drag them off to a fema camp just so I could say I told you so.

Well, I'd say they're skeptics but they're probably not and are not looking into your "theory" as it sounds crazy, I'd rather them take the skeptic / debunker route but at least it's a victory for sanity

I showed them proof that govt and corporations purposely suppress technology. they respond with thats capitalism and how its supposed to work.

I would have responded by coming back with a laptop and probably debunk every one.

I have to bite my tongue when I listen to the appalling ignorance about various topics these people are so misinformed about.

I'd argue that most "debunker" / skeptic types get this often.

Honestly, I probably can't respond to this topic without sounding like an ass ( debunker rage ), but like nearly every conspiracy has been debunked

sadly my words are utterly wasted.

This sums up a "debunkers" post on ATS.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:45 PM
While I agree with the sentiment that people choose to shut themselves off from considering conspiracy theories as possible truth - after all, it's much easier to keep your head in the sand then to accept the fact that government and big business run agendas that hurt (often intentionally) the general population - I think much of the blame lands on our shoulders.
Look at sites like ATS: Secret reptilian overlords, hollow earth, stargates, seagates, bigfoot, bigfoot being a secret reptilian overlord, people claiming to be 'starchildren'... These are all lumped in with the more plausible theories, and to people outside conspiracy circles the quackery is louder than the more reasonable suppositions.
You can even listen to the music hits used on ATS videos.. it sounds like unused score tracks from the x-files. Look at the design of ATS's logo and the design/color choices of the web design. it all screams 'the aliens are coming!'.
As a community we need to start thinking more about how we package our message. Copy the language and visual cues used by the MSM. Put distance between the people looking into political/business/social issues and the people looking into more.... esoteric... issues.
I think we also need to, to use their language, 'take back the narrative'. Rebrand ourselves. 'Conspiracy Theorists' is so... late 60's to mid 90's. Why not 'Rationalists'? After all, if a company (for example) openly uses borderline slave labor, dumps mass quantities of toxins into the environment, and releases unsafe products is making the conclusion that they value profit over and above all else a 'conspiracy' or is it 'rational' to connect point A to point B?

I don't mean to pick on ATS, just using it as an example as this is where this particular discussion is happening. I remember showing a friend (who loves horses) the videos for the Mustang factspiracy and her reaction was 'Well, it's probably true, but that music and that guy at the beginning were really creepy".

We need to stop being creepy.
edit on 5-11-2010 by FuzzyDunlop because: spelling. derp.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by FuzzyDunlop

Rock on!
You said it perfectly!!

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