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Introductions Are In Order

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:23 PM
I'm fairly new to this site, I stumbled upon it yesterday and have been needlessly addicted since. When I realised I couldn't comment, I signed up immediately.

I've yet to figured out where everything is topic-wise, but I plan on commenting on a lot of the interesting subjects I see scattered on the site.

I don't have any one particular interest, so if anyone has any ideas on which threads are awesome I'd love to hear suggestions. I look forward to arguing out things with everyone!

[totally forgot the personables!]
I'm 22, female, located in VA. I'm a workin' girl with quite the free time, so I spend a lot of my office hours net surfing [which is how I found this site]. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, but I'm meeting a girlfriend to see Paranormal Activity 2 right after I get out of here. I figure after reading the articles on this site, I'm in the right mind-set for it!
edit on 5-11-2010 by TheColouredFlower because: Forgot portion of post.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by TheColouredFlower

Hi TheColouredFlower, and welcome to the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's)Private Messages to Staff only. Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by TheColouredFlower

Ok, Ok, Nice to meet ya,,, Now go back to work.
You like horror movies

Not me,,, I've got a week badder

Come on in and enjoy yourself, it's fun and you can stay up all night debating ( arguing ) with a bunch of people.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by TheColouredFlower

Hello and welcome ColouredFlower. I don't know how much of a believer you are, but Paranormal Activity 2 scared me pretty good. I believe such events can happen. Now if we call it a demon, poltergeist, or any other name, I think the 'events' are possible. Let me know what you thought of it.

Threads I would recommend... there are so many great ones, so I'll just put my favorites.

Window of Opportunity
Hidden Hand was a great read. Very entertaining, interesting, and thought provoking.

The Egg
A short story that helped me feel more unity with my fellow humans.

The energies of the cosmos, on your birth
Stop by LeoVirgo's thread. He/She is extremely helpful and willing to help you understand how the cosmos relate to you.

I post here and there, but I mostly "hang around" the Religion, Philosophy, and Metaphysics threads. I am on a journey to find truth, enlightenment, peace, and all of the various questions about consciousness, existence, and life. I think we must know ourselves, empower ourselves, and create a better life experience for ourselves through perspective and conscious thought. Just my opinion xD

Hope you enjoy membership. Don't forget to check out the BTS threads to relax from information overload.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by guohua
reply to post by TheColouredFlower

Ok, Ok, Nice to meet ya,,, Now go back to work.
You like horror movies

Not me,,, I've got a week badder

Come on in and enjoy yourself, it's fun and you can stay up all night debating ( arguing ) with a bunch of people.

I'm at work YET AGAIN, lurking. If it counts for anything, I always get everything done BEFORE I open Internet Explorer and get into some online trouble

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

I loved Paranormal Activity 2....though it did irritate me a little that YET AGAIN, major bits of the trailer was not included in the actual movie ie. Hunter in the middle of the street, the mom getting yanked out of the kitchen stool and [floating in mid air] dragged off screen, the front door OPENING by itself [obviously we saw it close on the daughter locking her out of the house].
I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have a small bladder, I didn't want to get up and risk missing something important so half of my mind was on the movie and the other half was concentrating on NOT wetting myself if something jumped out on the screen. It was quite the movie experience

I read The Egg, one of the first things I stumbled upon, and it was really interesting. I thought of it the other night as I was doing random chores around the house too..subconcious telling me its true? I'll definitely check out the other ones you suggested too!
I actually have a thread I'd love to start in the Religions/Theology section, but until I make those 20 comments I can't, so until then, I'll definitely be lurking. Guess I'll see you lurking as well

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by TheColouredFlower

Hey there TCF,

Welcome to ATS ... as those kind of films go the 'Paranormal Activity' ones are reasonably well done. But if you want to read about some real life action I have two threads on here about one of my own cases that lasted for over 12mths.

I run a small and private, Paranormal Investigation Team called W.I.S.P.S (Woodwytch Investigations of Supernatural & Paranormal Source) ... the case in question became known to us as The Red Eyes Case ... and effected two seperate households with the same type of activity for more than a year.

In fact it was only about a month ago that we finally managed to perform a strong enough binding and banishing to get rid of it properly.

Although I have experienced the paranormal all of my life, I had never encountered anything of this nature before and the two threads that I made during the case served a double pupose (a) it was a way to share the details with interested members on ATS ... bit like a journal of events (b) it allowed members to become involved indirectly by offering some brilliant help and advise in our dealing of the matter.

The reason for two threads about the same entity was because 'it' lead us into a false sense of security the first time around and let us believe we had got rid of it ... then a couple of months later it returned with an entirely different approach (hence the second thread) ... it was only when we realized that it was the same entity that things got more unnerving.

They are both quite long threads but very worth the read ... especially when you realize that the events were exactly as recorded ... there are also a couple of photographs included. If you'd like to read them here are the links;

#1 Demon Identification Help Required ...

#2 The Messenger - Dirken Ridge - Update Of The Demon Identification (Red Eyes) Case ...

Enjoy. Woody

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