posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by TheColouredFlower
Hello and welcome ColouredFlower. I don't know how much of a believer you are, but Paranormal Activity 2 scared me pretty good. I believe such events
can happen. Now if we call it a demon, poltergeist, or any other name, I think the 'events' are possible. Let me know what you thought of it.
Threads I would recommend... there are so many great ones, so I'll just put my favorites.
Window of Opportunity
Hidden Hand was a great read. Very entertaining, interesting, and thought provoking.
The Egg
A short story that helped me feel more unity with my fellow humans.
The energies of the cosmos, on your birth
Stop by LeoVirgo's thread. He/She is extremely helpful and willing to help you understand how the cosmos relate to you.
I post here and there, but I mostly "hang around" the Religion, Philosophy, and Metaphysics threads. I am on a journey to find truth, enlightenment,
peace, and all of the various questions about consciousness, existence, and life. I think we must know ourselves, empower ourselves, and create a
better life experience for ourselves through perspective and conscious thought. Just my opinion xD
Hope you enjoy membership. Don't forget to check out the BTS threads to relax from information overload.