posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Do you feel it? Do you feel that something BIG is around the corner? Some event that could chage things forever?
You do, dont you...
This is going to be what changes it all.
ppssstt..guess what? ssshhh...your right
Here comes the kicker, the ridiculous unprofound truth. Get ready...
for your bubble to be thoroughly burst...
Its called your innerself screaming at you to make a change for yourself. And I hate to say it, but that big change will be nothing to me. It wont
be a global scale event that rocks the foundation of the world. Not an economic crisis, or a nuclear event. It wont be WW3 or November 6. Not even
December 12 2012 or aliens coming down or the return of your God.
What that feeling is is your soul, innerself or whatever you want to call it screaming at you to create a new way in your life. Make honest changes.
No one can tell you how or what to change, but you need to change something. If its being alone. Go party. If its partying to much, maybe you should
settle. But that feeling isnt some tragedy that will strike the world that is going to change your life forever. The fact is, unfortunate tragedys
that rock peoples world happen on a consistant basis. For Christ sake, think Katrina, the tsunami, haiti earthquake, chinese earthquake, 9/11 and its
preceeding wars. Go back and think of the 89 frisco earthquake. The hurricanes that have hit Florida, Hawaii (Andrew?), central America. WW1, WW2
the cascade of events that have rocked millions and more accurately billions of lives over the centuries. I know some of you will think these are
events are leading to some culmination. But reality says thats not the case.
That being said...I will be happy to admit there will be events that happen that may even affect your life. Things out of your control. But are you
really going to sit their and ponder them until it happens? What if it never happens? Well amigo, maybe you should start now with the changing of
your habits. That will rock your world far beyond than any outside impact will ever have. Guaranteed.
I see the sentiment here that people are waiting and wishing for some massive event so their life can be different all to much. And to point out, I
have been there as well. I thought it was going to be the financial crisis, and it did indeed change my life and many others lives as well. But it
also gave me an opportunity. Im not going into my personal crisis that I have gone through. But that feeling inside of you is telling you to make a
change. If you havnt gone to college, then go. If your in college and dont know how to fend fo yourself because mommy and daddy pay for everything,
go live out of your car and earn money. Dont do those things because you read it here. Do them after some inner reflection. But if you are feeling
something is going to make that change for you. You are mistaken. Just make a change and that feeling will end.
But before you go and do something drastic I want to make a disclaimer. That is I believe in moderation. be moderate in everything..even
moderation..haha..its a quote...cant remember who. Its not a simple task, but I believe its a good starting point.