posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 06:10 AM
Hi agent!
Sorry to hear about your eye problems: as others have suggested, you'd be well advised to go for an eye check, just in case there's something that
needs attention.
Information about using VDU's is published by our Health&Safety Executive
here and this
contains this advice:
"breaks should be taken before the onset of fatigue, not in order to recuperate and when performance is at a maximum, before productivity reduces.
The timing of the break is more important than its length;
breaks or changes of activity should be included in working time. They should reduce the workload at the screen, i.e. should not result in a higher
pace or intensity of work on account of their introduction;
short, frequent breaks are more satisfactory than occasional, longer breaks: e.g., a 5-10 minute break after 50-60 minutes continuous screen and/or
keyboard work is likely to be better than a 15 minute break every 2 hours;
if possible, breaks should be taken away from the screen;
Informal breaks, that is time spent not viewing the screen (e.g. on other tasks), appear from study evidence to be more effective in relieving visual
fatigue than formal rest breaks;
wherever practicable, users should be allowed some discretion as to how they carry out tasks; individual control over the nature and pace of work
allows optimal distribution of effort over the working day. "
I hope that helps? Good luck!