posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:26 AM
I dunno, I've seen some of how they come up with some of this tech, and it's not on war victims.. It's on living aware animals.
A live pig, with a blowtorch applied to its entire hind quarters, tied down, squealing in agony and then fed a drink seeing it lap it up in shock.
Just to experiment on how to deal with burn victims.
And the second picture in this ... war on rats now? Do we not have enough Human casualties willing to be experimented on? I mean, these people are
going to war with a full expectation they MIGHT die.... ugh
Sure I'm for HUMANE research into saving humanity, but NOT at the cost of it.
I won't ever agree to seeing it as good as long as we treat other creatures as commodities or as a research tool.
I just wont....