posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:23 AM
For all you who own firearms, not those who just read about them (*no offense):
Disregarding range, target, conditions, terminal ballistics and just about any other variable other than RELIABILITY, what is your fail-safe
firearm? To clarify, if you had a 100 ft wide and 100ft tall target in front of you, what weapon would you pick up that you know will go boom every
time? I'm talking about that beast that eats cheap range reloads and budget-priced surplus ammo, gets rained on, dropped in the dirt and gets left
uncleaned for weeks afterward and will still function properly (aka fire/cycle/fire).
I'm going to exclude bolt-actions and pump-actions from your choice, as I'm interested solely in automatics (aka semi-autos).
*not trying to sound arrogant, but every time I come across one of these posts it is deluded with talk of some vanity weapon that costs $5000 and that
no one owns.