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Investigators Of The Unknown

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 01:45 AM
There seems to be a ruckus around ATS as to the validity and reason surrounding investigations into the many realms of the paranormal, specifically the subject of "spirit-seeking" or "ghost-hunting". And granted, it is a very esoteric field of study, yet, a very important one. And I can understand the point of view of the skeptic or someone whose only education on the subject is what they see from viewings of the many "ghost-hunting" or "paranormal" shows that they see on television. Being a paranormal investigator, these shows are not a fair representation of what it is actually like to be an "in the field" paranormal investigator.

First off, what these programs do not show you, at length, is the arduous interview process of the clients. This is a process that can take days in some instances and can prove to be very exhausting, not only for the clients, but also for the interviewing investigator. You are asking the clients to relive and recount experiences that are not only on a level of being extraordinary, but in many cases, disturbing to them. You are thrust into a position of being not only sympathetic to their particular stressful situation, but also into the position of a psychologist, as some paranormal investigators are, to help them cope with the riggers of dealing with such experiences and circumstances. Then there is the daunting task of doing hours and hours of significant historical research of the property or location and even family history. This the most under appreciated aspect of the investigation, it can take days and sometimes weeks of tireless effort, most times by a group of dedicated individuals who do this work in their free time, aside from their daily jobs. Until these first two and most important aspects of the case are completed, only then can a proper "on site" investigation take place.

The "on site " investigation is the what most, not in the field, are the most familiar with, though you see only a small fraction or "economy version" of what this entails. There are numerous camera surveillance set ups, not only conventional video, but also infared video, and still cameras, most working on "motion detection" technology.Then the team has to do an all out electro-magnetic field, temperature variance, and photo saturation sweep of the entire location, which can take an upwards of 2 hours or more, depending on the size of the location and the amount of team members being used. Keep in mind, this is what has to be done before an investigator can bring out the flash-lights, personal audio, photo, and video equipment to get into the "active investigation".

I am sure that you all are aware of what goes on during the next 8,10, and sometimes 12 hours, so I am not going to give you any kind of "play by play" of that. And you are no doubt thinking, "I bet that it gets boring." And granted, it can be boring, but if you are investigating a "genuinely active" location, there is enough activity going on to curb any reservations of boredom that you may have had. Any investigator worth his or her salt, and knows how to use the designated equipment available, knows the difference between what is "genuine paranormal activity" and what is nothing more than "natural","coincidental",or "circumstantial" effects of a particular locale, this is done either by "debunking" or some other means.

At last, the most important part of the investigation, the evidential analysis. Yet another pain-staking process that, at times, can take up to days or even weeks, depending on the man power involved in the analysis. Hours of audio files, video footage (standard and infared), 1,000's of still photos, not to mention data logs from EMF meters and other investigational tools and devices must be scrutinized. It can be quite overwhelming, but when you get that solid, compelling piece of evidence, be it photographic or audio in nature, it makes it all worth while, not only for the peace of mind of a troubled client, but ultimately for the investigators in pursuit of the truth. Those who've sacrificed so much time and effort to find the answers, to put themselves in situations no one else is willing to put themselves in, in the name of pseudo-scientific field, that many find laughable, yet that doesn't make it any less relevant. Everyone wants the answers to life after death or whether or not ghosts really do exist and the only way to find out for sure is to keep investigating the phenomena. And as you've seen it takes much more than running into an creepy old house with a mag-lite and a video camera.

Now that you have a better understanding of how much hard work is involved in being a paranormal investigator or "ghost-hunter", I believe it only fitting that we command a little more respect than we have gotten. And it pains me that the lack of respect is mostly due to the "paranormal" television shows and their misguided approach to how what we do is portrayed. But be that as it may, we are out there everyday and every night investigating. If we weren't searching and investigating, then who would be? With any luck, the evidence, data, and research that we compile, case after case, will move us one step closer to getting the truth and the respect that we deserve. And then maybe we paranormal investigators will finally be deemed investigators of the "known", instead of the investigators of the "unknown".

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by openmind444

Oh wow! I knew a lot of work went into investigating but I never understood how much! I do agree you guys deserve a lot more respect than you get! It'll pay off, more and more people are becoming interested in this stuff everyday! I'm sure you see that! People are starting to recognize how real this is! Thanks for sharing! S & F!
edit on 5-11-2010 by IzzycomesinPeace because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by openmind444
What show are you involved with?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by IzzycomesinPeace
To be honest, it can be one of the most mentally and physically exhausting endeavors on the planet. As you know, batteries can be drained to dead cells, over and over in devices during a simple 8-hour investigation. The "spirit energies" feed off of these to manifest or communicate. Well the same goes for investigator, we can become a physical energetic battery or conduit for the "spirits" to feed off of. And this makes sense considering our bodies retrain much more ambient energy to play with than 50 AC/Delco car batteries hooked together. So very exhausting and draining on many different levels.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22
No show involvement my friend..I have too much respect for the paranormal field to exploit it in such a flagrant fashion. This all comes from over 15 years and 100's of cases, thus far, of "in the field" investigation experience.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by openmind444

I bet! You guys are genuinely helping people along with learning about things we all want to know about!
You really would have to have a passion for this subject to be able to go all out like that!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by IzzycomesinPeace
This is just what I feel I was meant to do, I believe it chose me. But for those of us who are willing to do it and take it seriously, have a passion for it that is uncompromising, we are NON-PROFIT if that tells you anything. I suppose you can say that we will keep doing it until someone like us comes calling to seek our spirits out. And that's fine maybe by then I will be in a position to finally give those investigators some definitive answers.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by openmind444
reply to post by TWILITE22
No show involvement my friend..I have too much respect for the paranormal field to exploit it in such a flagrant fashion. This all comes from over 15 years and 100's of cases, thus far, of "in the field" investigation experience.

I have all the respect in the world for the true paranormal investigators in the field,I wish I could be one,I have been fascinated with the paranormal since I was a child but, when you see some of the shows out there (I won't name names)and you really want to believe in what they are doing is on the up and up and then, find out they have been faking some of the evidence it really turns you off.It becomes a ratings war instead of what they intentionally started out doing.I do watch a few of them now and none are on the sci-fi channel!But, like I said I would love to be an investigator........

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22
There is no reason in the world why you couldn't become a paranormal investigator. If you have the genuine interest, the commitment, and intentions that are pure to helping people and the advancement of the paranormal field, that is all you really need to get started, well that and getting in touch with a local or regional paranormal group in your area. Maybe they would be willing to bring you under their wing in as an "investigator-in-training" or in some other capacity, that is how I got started. But if you are in a position to where that sort of opportunity isn't available to you, you can start by investing in a good flashlight, a digital camera, a digital voice recorder, and a camcorder preferably. Those are the essential items needed for anyone starting out, then just research your hometown and local surrounding areas for stories of hauntings and see if you can get granted permission to go investigating at those sites or sign up for local "ghost tours" if they are available. But remember, never trespass on private property and never go investigating alone. Also, never invest in equipment that you don't feel you are competently ready to use, paranormal investigation gear can get expensive,..walk before you run, give it time and build your arsenal along the way. Also, stay away from any paranormal group that charges to do investigations, those folks always seem to have an ulterior agenda, and it is usually not for the betterment of the field, it's usually for the fattening of the pocketbooks. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22
Oh, and by the way, this is probably one of the most important things to remember. Always be respectful and courteous to the "spirit" energy when investigating. It is not a smart move to antagonize or provoke forces that you can't necessarily see, they can see you, but you can't see them..this can be a very dangerous combination if you don't mind your "P's and Q's". They want to be treated with the same respect that you would want to be treated with, so for a safer investigation experience, keep that in mind or suffer the consequences. I have witnessed many a seasoned investigator learn this lesson the hard way.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by openmind444
I do live in a small town ,just north of Savannah Ga.I'm sure there are investigative teams around.This town is steeped in civil war history and have heard alot of stories surrounding the pre-civil war homes.The town was featured in Forrest Gump,The Big Chill,and the classic the Great Santini to name a few,but thanks for the suggestion I will look into it.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by openmind444
Wouldn't do anything but give them the respect they so do deserve.thanks........

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by openmind444

Yes, there are a LOT of stories floating around about the consequences of provoking... Many include the "they followed me home" type... I know about one guy that is part of a big television series ghost hunting shows, and he claims that spirits followed him home and ruined his marriage, and now he is divorced because of that....

Also stories about kids or young adults going to cemetaries and provoking or taunting and then later having disturbing activity back at thier homes and such....

Definitely not something to mess with..

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22
Thank you for the genuine interest and support.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by alienreality
It definitely isn't something to make light of or screw around with for kicks. Those sort of things happen more often than you think. I have never had that sort of "spirit attachment" happen to me personally, as far as i know, but I do know folks that it has happened to and read documented accounts of it happening to others. And they say that once it does happen, it is next to impossible to get the "spirit energy" unattached. Usually the activity will end on it's own, but in some instances those affected have had to have "cleansing" procedures taken to rid themselves of it. Seems like a lot of drama to deal with, considering all they should have done was be respectful in the first place.

edit on 5-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:53 PM
I can only too readily identify with what you are trying to impart.. But my knowledge is from the side of the witness rather than the invesitgator. (in some ways I wished I still lived there,so that it could be recorded, but in other ways...glad we left!)

My (and others who witnessed some of the events) experience was in a 250(ish) year old cottage...It was originally in the style of Robert Burn's cottage (built at the same time) see here for Burn's Cottage

Originally a house with a mill, a barn and a living area this was a popular style in the 18th century and beyond and I lived in No 1 Old Newlands cottage, wichi had been converted in the 1900's to 3 separate cottages to house farm workers (don't know much about it'sprevious history, but when you compare it to Burn's cottage, built at the same time,it is clearly larger and better equiped...for it's day) I lived in the house area and stayed there from 2002 til 2007. Here's how it looks today hopefully this is it cottage 2010
detail of experience in next post (want to check the google map stuff is working)
edit on 5-11-2010 by destination now because: getting the right map


edit on 5-11-2010 by destination now because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2010 by destination now because: fixed

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:52 PM
I appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm to the field. I do believe in the phenomena. However, I believe that modern "ghost hunting" techniques tell us very little, if anything at all, about the phenomena itself. As I said in the other thread, you can capture all the EVPs, orbs, mists, on camera, voice recorder... etc etc, and it still tells us absolutely nothing about what the phenomena actually is, and it is certainly not proof of the "spirits of dead people". Until new techniques of detection come into play we are left with the same... more questions, very little (if any) answers.

It is entirely possible that there are scientific explanations for the phenomena which have nothing to do with the "spirit realm".

I also have reservations that people with no educated background in the equipment they may be using (except those instructions given to them by other paranormal investigators) can be trusted to be competent, especially considering the fact that nearly all "ghost hunters" are biased and usually have preconceived notions about what the phenomena may actually be. We all know that nearly all "ghost hunters" are convinced that the some of the phenomena (not all) is produced by some sort of "spirits". That alone can significantly alter their perceptions and opinions, and I think that diminishes their credibility in my opinion.

In my experience, many people who believe in "ghosts" (as in, they are convinced the phenomena is produced by the "spirits of dead people" or even "demons") generally tend to have many other unprovable, and sometimes radical, beliefs when it comes to the supernatural/paranormal, and very rarely will accept that all of their beliefs could be suspect and that there may be natural explanations. It wasn't long ago in human history when the unexplainable/strange was nearly always credited to deities, spirits, demons...etc.

Of course, it is still entirely possible that "ghosts" really are "spirits".

Good luck in your hunts.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by openmind444

That is such a beautiful thing! We are all meant to do something! Yours is helping others and teaching about things that are real but aren't recognized! I'm glad you are so passionate about this and actually are doing it. I'm very passionate about this subject, too! Ever since I was 5 and had my first paranormal experience! But I never had the guts to go out and put myself in a paranormal experience because honestly, they terrify me. Yet, my luck, these things always seem to find me
. Luckily, not as much as when I was younger and since I've moved to a different house. AH RAMBLING AGAIN!
my point... what was my point?
Oh right! I'm happy that you are pursuing your passion! I'm very thankful you cleared up what an actual ghost hunter does! As much work as you guys do, people should never question your credibility! Although, there are some groups out there that we should. But it's easy to pick out ones that are questionable and ones that are level headed about it.
edit on 5-11-2010 by IzzycomesinPeace because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2010 by IzzycomesinPeace because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:31 PM
My daughter and I lived in the far right hand cottage, we moved there when she was about 7, we moved from a recently built (within 25 yrs) house, so when I first heard the footsteps walking up and down the length of my bedroom I did not give it a thought, I just assumed the neighbours were being noisy. It wasn't until a friend who was staying over remarked on it that I gave it any real thought, so I started taking note of it and had decided that as I did not hear anything during the day, or when I was sitting at my computer in the evening (it was a huge room and I had it sectioned off into 2 areas) that they were being weird and were trying to annoy me (but why, didn't even know them)
but at certain times (not every night) I would hear the footsteps, it was like a child running up and down,,but ultimatley I didn't know what it was so I ignored it for ages, but I could never sleep while it was going on and eventually I had to accept (after a tour of the neighbours house and the realisation that they did not have single long room adjacent to mine so they could not walk the full length of the building, as i was hearing) and that the wallls were 3 foot (nearly 1mtr) thick that it really made me think. Both me and my daughter had many experiences,, plus lots of my friends (many of whom never stayed over again even though they stayed over many times at my previous address, they stayed once at the cottage and never stayed again) but there is so much to tell and it is all so difficult to descibe, so I understand the OP perfectly. How exactly do you measure and capture it. If i still stayed in the cottage, with the equipment and the ATS community behind me I probably could,but back then there were limited resources, yet so many paranormal experiences, that were not predictable!

So where would you begin? (and I had loads more experiences there as did many others) Can give more details if you want,but I recounted the footsteps in my room as that was a regular occurance that was witnnessed by several other people, but was by no means the scariest!)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by destination now

That is such an interesting experience! I experienced some of those same things in my old house! I look at the link you gave in your previous post and that place is beautiful! You can tell it's very old though, but I think it adds to the beauty. You should start a thread about this, if you haven't already. I would love to hear more about what you experienced surrounding that place. I agree also with you about how it must be frustrating for an investigator. The things you experience and the feelings that surround it are very real. But even though it's very real, it's hard to prove it to other's...which is so frustrating. You know your level headed, you are pretty sure you aren't crazy... what happened was real...but you have no way to prove it. So other's take it as a joke or an over active imagination or you being dramatic. Even though that was a very big part of your life. Star for you! If you haven't started a thread already about that, you should!

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