posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Ok, so I clicked on the ATS website at 11:11pm Eastern time. I noticed that I did that, at that moment. Peculiar it was but I moved forward reading
the ATS news. I read about Nov dooms day predictions and youtube simpson video yesterday. Today about Obama going to India, apparently with his
children as well, which some say is odd, being that you have 34 war ships with you and other mechanical forms of destruction, let alone the Nuke
button. So I am reading and I started to notice some stange things on the ATS site. The number 11 was popping out to me from everywhere it seemed.
When I realized this I was even further shocked to see that the time was now 12:11am I clicked on current events and scrolled down the threads and
there are some dated NOV.11 2010. I am considering that I may just be ignorant and stoned and not completely understand how ATS works, but This one
is kinda freaking me out! So I go and click on the thread about Obama going to India on the front page and it's date that it was posted is 4/11/2010!
What does this mean? I am seriously wondering what messeges are being let out and could ATS know something? Is this a sick joke, or am I crazy.
Can anyone else see what I am seeing? Am I lost in this world or fear and paranoia???
Note I made this edit to clarify that on certain forums, If you scroll down to the middle, ex. current events you will see in the last reply column to
the right the future date of NOV. 11 2010. The apparent current view on this, is a website glitch. I found it odd and wanted to bring this to
attention for other thoughts on this "glitch" As for the other 11 reference ex. 4/11/2010 I am aware of the alternate date sequence and no longer
question that.
Dates on this page of NOV 11 2010
And Here
There are other locations as well on this site...Look at the ones that have dates and read the titles.
I am sorry if I need to post this somewhere else, I cant think right now and am a little freaked out
edit on 5-11-2010 by Moose318 because: