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William Cooper - Interesting Video I Found

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Well saying I 'Found" it is a little bit untrue. I was reading a thread and like 40 pages in this video was posted.

I figure it deserves a full thread about it. The fact that this guy died months after this broadcast is amazing.

(If this has been posted before...well my apologies. I don't see it on the front page.)

((If the video isn't embedded correctly just click the thing that says "YouTube Link"))

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:29 PM
He also made big statements about aliens visitation on earth.

Interesting from a guy with such a military career.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I purchased his book, "Behold a Pale Horse," and I loved every word of it.
I don't have the luxury to watch the video you linked yet, but I will comment on him.

William Cooper talked about extraterrestrials quite a lot, but did you know that towards the end of his life he had a change of heart? He said that all the extraterrestrial message he was giving out was wrong. He said he had been tricked into believing in E.T.s by means of disinfo. His last stance on the matter before his death was that the extraterrestrial threat is non-existent.... that it is all a ploy by the powers that be... Cooper said it is for a False Flag alien invasion to bring about the NWO. I believe this. I think this truth is what caused his assassination.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

False flag? I heard something might be coming up on Saturday...Then again it was silly stuff that the prediction came from.

But just on a side note: A LOT of stuff is happening this month.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by drew1749

R.I.P. Bill. You gave your life for your country and your name will be honored by those who restore Constitutional Republican government should they succeed.
Cooper was no prophet nor psychic. He simply kept tabs on what the government was doing.
If he said Aliens were real and were secretly in charge of the NWO then I would believe him.
After 9/11 that is the government's best kept secret.

This video has been posted many times, but it bears repeating and often.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Nicely said Asktheanimals. Cooper was a hero, a patriot, and he died for simplying spreading what he thought was the Truth.

reply to post by drew1749

He didn't give any exact dates or years when it would happen, but if Aliens do "invade" in the next few years, I will believe it is humans, not extraterrestrials.
William Cooper; (Former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team)
"There has been a plan in existence since about 1917, and probably before that, to create an artificial, extraterrestrial threat to this earth in order to create a one world, totalitarian, socialist government."

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Thank you Sahabi, i always liked this man.
It is something i didn't know about Bill Cooper.

Now the "False Flag" attack including alien invasion is not new to my ears,
but i find interesting of how M.Cooper talked about that a couple years ago.
Since we could feel the effect right now of what he said to be a "great exposure"
to acclimate the general public of a possible alien threat.

But i don't think it will be very soon, surely there is other (plausible, possible) False Flag Ops. on table they need to achieve before the final act.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Selyatek

How about this India thing going on this weekend?

Could that be a false flag op?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by drew1749

Maybe. Hard to say, all we can do is speculate until it happens. Only with hindsight do we know what event made what significance. Sucks being out of the loop with the elites.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:59 AM
I think it's an established fact by now that you truthers have become so seduced by this runaway train of conspiracies within secret plots within coverups that you've lost sight of the whole reason you're going to these alrternative scenarios to begin with.

You're claiming that fires can cause a steel building to collapse is unrealistic and yet you turn around and claim the REAL reason for 9/11 was a series of complex conspiracies involving nanothermite, staged hijackings, faked crash sites, and now coverups for aliens. I understand you truthers have gotten the idea in your heads that if you read it on some damned fool conspiracy web site it must be true, but Jeez, it doesn't give you license to become mindlessly gullible. Heck, even your fellow truthers here I.E. Bonez thinks Cooper was a lunatic and the "shapeshifting alien lizards" bit is preposterous.

At this point, what idea *won't* be too ridiculous for you to acccept?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I don't recall Cooper every talking about shapeshifting alien lizards, only the ET's known as grays. You must have him confused with Billy Meier, Alex Collier etc, and all the New-Age crap that comes out of their mouth.

Kind Regards,
edit on 5-11-2010 by tokyodynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by tokyodynamite
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I don't recall Cooper every talking about shapeshifting alien lizards, only the ET's known as grays. You must have him confused with Billy Meier, Alex Collier etc, and all the New-Age crap that comes out of their mouth.

Kind Regards,

Ah, yes my error. After all, claiming the 9/11 attack was to cover up shapeshifing lizard aliens rather than the gray aliens would make it sound ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by tokyodynamite


Maybe you were making a point about other people...but why in this thread my dude? Why not in your own thread. It has no relation to what Cooper said.
edit on 11/5/2010 by drew1749 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Ah, yes my error. After all, claiming the 9/11 attack was to cover up shapeshifing lizard aliens rather than the gray aliens would make it sound ridiculous.

I don't think he said that either...did you even watch the video?

The only conspiracy that is possible about 9/11 in my opinion is that we used it as an excuse to go to war. Personally I can't say I fully believe that theory, but it is the only one that is grounded in possible fact.

I also laugh at the 9/11 debunkers when it comes to the buildings being exploded. I don't get what this would solve...then again maybe somebody could educate me on that one.

Chill out and relax dude. We are all friends here.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Hey there. Much of Cooper's information is legitimate. He personally witnessed a UFO/USO event while he was in the US Navy. That moment changed his life and made him believe in extraterrestrials. Through his research he later admitted that he was wrong about aliens and ETs. He said that he was unknowingly a victim of disinfo in regards to ETs. He said that he discovered aliens, ufos, and ets are human creations and will be used to usher in the NWO. He retracted all of his alien beliefs and called out False Flag Alien Invasion.

Retract all of his alien beliefs like he stated, and all of the rest of his messages are irrefutable. That's why he was assassinated.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
At this point, what idea *won't* be too ridiculous for you to acccept?

My life has proven 18 years back that uk gov and council where using electronic mind control in schools so you can take your idea on what reality and you now where you can stick it.

William cooper i would bet is far better at analysing things then you where and ever will be, and he had a position to prove this.

Amazing, all the things that go on, you skeptics still come here with your tabloid rubbish arguments about how we beleive this and that.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I think it's an established fact by now that you truthers have become so seduced by this runaway train of conspiracies within secret plots within coverups that you've lost sight of the whole reason you're going to these alrternative scenarios to begin with.

You're claiming that fires can cause a steel building to collapse is unrealistic and yet you turn around and claim the REAL reason for 9/11 was a series of complex conspiracies involving nanothermite, staged hijackings, faked crash sites, and now coverups for aliens. I understand you truthers have gotten the idea in your heads that if you read it on some damned fool conspiracy web site it must be true, but Jeez, it doesn't give you license to become mindlessly gullible. Heck, even your fellow truthers here I.E. Bonez thinks Cooper was a lunatic and the "shapeshifting alien lizards" bit is preposterous.

At this point, what idea *won't* be too ridiculous for you to acccept?

Dear oh dear, what is your problem Dave?
Do you have any evidence that this man who had an illustrious military career had a mental breakdown later in life?
Is there no possiblility in your extremely narrow world view where some of what he says could be true?
If he were arguing for your stance on the world you would be espousing him as a great American hero who clearly has the credentials to truely know what is really going on.

Your pathetic appeal to authority won't work either. Bonez is no-ones leader and just because you say he thinks Bill is a nutter doesn't make it true.

This latest outburst of yours has convinced me beyond all doubt that you are paid to jump on every 911 thread with any ounce of truth in it, and attempt to trash it.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by OllyP


Nicely said haha

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I think it's an established fact by now that you truthers have become so seduced by this runaway train of conspiracies within secret plots within coverups that you've lost sight of the whole reason you're going to these alrternative scenarios to begin with.

You're claiming that fires can cause a steel building to collapse is unrealistic and yet you turn around and claim the REAL reason for 9/11 was a series of complex conspiracies involving nanothermite, staged hijackings, faked crash sites, and now coverups for aliens. I understand you truthers have gotten the idea in your heads that if you read it on some damned fool conspiracy web site it must be true, but Jeez, it doesn't give you license to become mindlessly gullible. Heck, even your fellow truthers here I.E. Bonez thinks Cooper was a lunatic and the "shapeshifting alien lizards" bit is preposterous.

At this point, what idea *won't* be too ridiculous for you to acccept?

damned fool conspiracy web sites,(you happen to be in one making comments)so S.T.F.U ...your main source as the other debunker crew,are the same 2 websites,that also tell you how to rip a pack it in with the same old drivel dave..YAWN !

how dare you come in this thread and insult the genius of bill cooper,he was one of the good guys...who are you to him,you are no one,just some self proclaimed internet 9/11 guru...your comments and opinions hold no weight compaired to mr cooper,and you dont have the minerals to question bill cooper's integrity,you seem to spend all your wakeing hours Loitering,and trolling 9/11 threads.

you get no respect from ME goodoldave...and you may report me again(Yawn)for hurting your feelings,but i can't accept you trying to blacken bill coopers name...
edit on 5-11-2010 by snapperski because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:17 PM
edit on 5-11-2010 by splint because: (no reason given)

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