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November 6 2010 is going to be the day something BIG happens.

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+37 more 
posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:21 PM
Predictions of a november 6 Event are going to come true. There was nothing that really came and got me until I read this article today :

Admins : I know a thread was started about a simillar subject, but let me make it clear that this will not steer in the same direction at all.

Now there are a lot of things that are hapenning in our world right now and I would like you to take a few seconds and to think about futur events, and possible outcomes.

Now first of all yes the president of the united states is visiting India this weekend. And I believe that many threats against his life were made. I believe that this is the reason for the augmented security. I believe that an exchange of fire is not only possible but most likelly to happen. And I believe it has something to do with either the money agenda, or the alien presence agenda. Either way, this move, of the entire staff to one single place, has a very high significance. And it is happening for a reason. Do not even kid yourself. Either the financial system is about to meltdown, or they are planning on doing something over there.

Considering what some people predict, there might be something hapenning on the 6th of november, and I do not even know why, but it really reasonates with me in a way I cannot explain.

Now some of us might know this, but the president of the united states of america is only a puppet and only someone that was appointed by the major corporations and also certain shady groups that do exist. Now the UN, the Senate and the federal reserve bank, are all but complice to this charade and moquery that is the political environement in this world right now.

If you dig enough names and companies you will find out that the ones financing the campaigns for barack are all also members of the bilderberg. You will also find out with enough digging that there are only but 3 or 4 major factions in the world right now that want to take place as a dominant force. Their goals are all simmillar and that they want to control the population, the money, the governement, your life, your work. They all view you as the people that will bring them the control they want. You read and teach, and travel only to make the system that they have more powerfull. You do not need anything they have to offer. The most important things in life are free and can never be taken away from you by other people. The things that are true always stay true.

And right now the economic crisis was created only for the benefit of creating friction between factions. And all of these factions are all trying to play nice, and to make you fight out a war for them. There are not enough ressources in the world for all the people present. And they want to make sure they are the only ones left and that you die .

Another world war is uppon us. With the other 600 billion that was « created » out of thin air comes a new wind. And this wind will carry out the power and money that once existed in the united states and brake appart the country like a blade hitting a watermellon. In short, everything that was created in the 1900’s is all about the acts of one fellow. A mister Rockefeller, that built empires spanning the entire united states. This is the founding of the U.S power base. The economy. And without it, everything crumbles. And trust me if they need to reinject money, it is because it is doing so right now as we speak. Standard oil and its associates were the ones to create the DOW, they are also the ones running the show in the northern hemisphere of the west.

Your economy and my economy is based on a scam. You and me we are all working for absolutelly nothing. We are working to make someone else rich. We are working and doing stuff that we don’t really want, so that we can earn money and live a bit. We focus our thoughts and everything on getting a stupid piece of « %/ »! paper that is worth nothing.

I want to tell you this before the next false flag event, that you are all victims by choice. You choose to live the way you do. You choose not to open your heart and your eyes to what is going on all around you. If not then congratulations, and please wake up the most people you can to the reality of the game being played with your own life. And do not be surprised with a nuclear weapon goes off. Because it has been writen in here before, that the next scare tactic they are going to use, is a nuclear weapon. And most likelly in a city as well. Do not be surprised if something like that happens. It is most likelly that it will. (I sure hope I am wrong and I don’t mind if I am you can go ahead and label me whatever you feel like)

There is going to be « retaliation » from nuclear powers all over the world, and it is only a matter of time, and of where they will decide to strike. And I am guessing here, that the empire that is the United States of America, Is not only causing troubles, it is the « bad » side of this next and upcomming world war.

What do you expect? The U.S has invaded countries, has made war everywhere, is starting some within covert methods, attacks itself and blames other people, has nothing short of a concentration camp outside Guantanamo, and wikileaks mentions that it doesnt give a squat about the treatment of prisoners of war. That does not seem to me like a country that wants peace. It is a country that needs a piece.

And most important of all thats what we call the ennemy. And this is only a facade. Because the real threat has never been empires and their puppets. But those that pull the strings beneath. And if you check out your stuff a bit, you will see that every major rich person in this list here :

Has everything to do with everything going on right now. They are some of the puppet masters pulling every string and trying to conceive more out of war and empowerment over you.

Just looking into the names on wiki, It can easilly lead from roswell, to JFK, to watergate, the bay of pigs, 9/11 and further. As it is a lot of time consumed researching the subject I will continue on the subject a little bit later, But I will start writing it in a little while.

But General Electric, Standard Oil, Johnson & Jonhson, Microsoft, Oracle are but a few of the names that really stand out and are implicated in many different types of coverup. Do not ask me for proof , because I have none right now to provide. But I am pretty sure there are circumstancial evidence, at least, to back up my story. And I will try and make it more obvious a litlle bit later.

But mark my words, something is going to happen, and I have absolutelly no idea of what exactly and that is what scares me the most. So I invite all of ATS to bring forward comments, suggestions, opinions, that would further my theory.

And I always find it wiser to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:29 PM
What exactly about that 34 warships/Obama article convinced you? It's already been pointed out that the 34 warships doesn't have much, if anything, to do with Obama's visit to India. Those ships were already planning on being there for other reasons.

Most of the other stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the 34 warships article, so it sounds like your arguments for believing something big is going to happen have nothing to do with the article. In-other-words, you have no valid arguments, specifically, for there to be something big to happen on 11/6/2010. Just general conspiracies.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by KpxMarMoTT

Nice thread bro, and I gotta say that I feel the same as you. Something is gonna happen soon whether it is war or a natural disaster....whatever comes our way will have world wide repercussion, and its set to happen now...To me the whole "Obama bringing his whole staff" with him to India for a lil visit, was the cherry on the cake....and whatta cake it will be!!!!!!
S&F for the thread!



posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by KpxMarMoTT


Thanks for the heads up regarding holiday destinations - I guess Quebec must be really boring?

If I'd worried one iota about such posts I would have fulfilled all the negative prophesies that appear on ATS - thankfully I have a life...and intend to keep having one. :-)


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Though I don't typically subscribe to the whole doom and gloom prospects put forward here on ATS, I would definitely say that if you have a bug out bag and place to go, that you get there now.

I don't see any harm in waiting a few days .....Just in case, after all isn't that why we all talk about the SHTF all the time? Well this looks like a duck and you know the rest.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:49 PM
Very well written post. S+F

There are certainly a lot of interesting things that are all unfolding at the same time. I don't really have a better way to say this but.... there is a massive evacuation taking place starting tomorrow of the most powerful people in the country. Something is obviously up for all of these co incidences to be happening at the same time. This has false flag written all over it, who knows what will happen. Although if an event does take place it will be major, think nuclear.

But this isn't just Obama and his 3000 friends which seems fishy in itself, but the Federal Reserve members are leaving to Jekyll Island.

Why would the president need so much protection if he's just visiting India anyway? It's not just for him, it's to protect the butts of some of the wealthiest elite in the country when stuff gets crazy. 3000 is a lot of people to take with you on a trip but with all of those ships it seems this could be tied to another agenda.

I would not want to be in Washington the next couple of days.

I hope I'm wrong about this. I'm just speculating here, but you never know....... Only time will tell.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Well I hate to bring up something so speculative as the web bot project, but this week is the "tipping point" Clif has been talking about for almost 6 months.

The original:
And the update as of yesterday:

I hope he is wrong.

edit on 4-11-2010 by Flakester because: Grammar

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Okey this band is gonna play in what New York on the 6th

Watch the clip until 15sec, you see the grim reaper, with a flag. A white flag, but we know what should have bin in his hand.

SO ITS A FALSE FLAG, or is this already bin noticed.
By the way.
the law of murphy is upon us for the next few weeks. Everything is possible.
Never ever have i seen so much synchronisity about November in my life, From terminator, to the simpsons, the masonic pars, black white. Tv movie's all November

Well im from the resistance, lets take our home back. Brothers and sisters from all colours, its time

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Well, I hope this doesn't happen either but you're right, we make this happen. We let ourselves be controlled. It saddens me. Tomorrow, I'm gonna drive into Charlotte go everywhere I can, shouting out that we need to wake up.

Hell, if it worked in Jesus' time it might work now...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Okey this band is gonna play in what New York on the 6th

Watch the clip until 15sec, you see the grim reaper, with a flag. A white flag, but we know what should have bin in his hand.

SO ITS A FALSE FLAG, or is this already bin noticed.
By the way.
the law of murphy is upon us for the next few weeks. Everything is possible.
Never ever have i seen so much synchronisity about November in my life, From terminator, to the simpsons, the masonic pars, black white. Tv movie's all November

Well im from the resistance, lets take our home back. Brothers and sisters from all colours, its time

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by KpxMarMoTT
Do not ask me for proof , because I have none right now to provide.

EXACTLY. You have nothing to base any of this on. You site a bunch of profitable organizations as "puppet masters" and throw out names like Bilderburg like it should be important, even though it's just a fraternity for old, rich people. You need to relax and have a beer. If something goes down, well, you can't stop it, you can't change it, so you might as well enjoy the ride.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

We can change it man. Stop looking in the PRESENT. This is not Christmas. It's a pagan holiday that we were tricked into believing because we looked for PRESENCE in the PRESENT.

Look to the FUTURE. We can change the future by looking at the past. If you always just say, "Relax, just have a beer. We can't do anything about it," YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. This is exactly how to control people, give them a false sense of security and make them feel like they can't change or affect anything.

Keep on drinking your beer, but people who don't just sit down end up being the great martyrs of our time. We might not be able to change THIS EVENT but we could've changed it before, but we were too busy relaxing and drinking beers saying, "We can't change what's happening." So I wanna change what happens after now, f**k relaxing, it's time to work for freedom.
edit on 4-11-2010 by prepared4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:07 PM

+18 more 
posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Dude, what is there to change? Do you think if you revolt you won't have to work anymore? Pay for the defense of the country? Maybe you think we'll go back to the barter system? Give me a break. You want to know why people don't wake up to your way of thinking??? Because nobody's asleep. It's just you and doom cryers like you with overactive imaginations thinking that there is a conspiracy around every corner.

Sure, the great martyrs come from people who make a stand. Well, guess what....they're dead and I'm not. I like my life. I have a good job, wife, kids, big house, nice motorcycle, and plenty of free time to enjoy it all. I sit in my hammock, looking up at the stars and drinking a beer in complete contented bliss. Why? Because I don't waste my time worrying about what everyone else is doing or conspiring. There will always be bad guys, but they will always be sorely out-numbered by the good guys.

So like I said before, until you can show me how my life could be so much better by dreading the future and jumping at every mention of the boogey man, I'll keep living, laughing, and loving.....oh yeah, and drinking my beer.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:19 PM
So this year it's "Remember Remember the Sixth of November?"

We shall see ... I'm not canceling polka night without evidence though.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Flakester

From the webbot:

The emotional tension level plateau is has grown. It had been previously forecast to start on the 8th, but now shows as beginning on November 5, 2010, at approximately 2:30 PM Pacific Coast Time (UTC =+ 8).

Based on the time zone conversion, that makes the time in the middle east after midnight, November 6th, 2010. With American warships located just offshore, and previous predictions of a conflict arising in this region as a possibility, it certainly makes thing a bit more interesting.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:33 PM
I am afraid. I am afraid that now that this has been posted on ATS...this will never happen. Like every other prediction here.

Don't get me wrong. I've been having that "something big is around the corner" feeling, too. And from what I understand, there are others who feel the same way. But to be honest about it, I don't know where on the timeline that corner exactly is.

So...there. I guess, waiting is all we can do.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Another one of these threads......

On the other hand....ANOTHER ONE OF THESE THREADS!!!

Really, even on ATS I can't remember another time that had this many predictions boiling down to a couple of days! The 5th through the 15th is either going to be very tumultuous and interesting......... OR very boring and enlightening!

If we make it through the middle of November unscathed, then I will put to bed all of my stress regarding vague predictions, webbot, timewave zero, and all anonymous Youtube prophets!

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Really, even on ATS I can't remember another time that had this many predictions boiling down to a couple of days! The 5th through the 15th is either going to be very tumultuous and interesting......... OR very boring and enlightening!

Maybe it us ATSers who are triggering the web-bot all on our own?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG
reply to post by prepared4truth

Dude, what is there to change? Do you think if you revolt you won't have to work anymore? Pay for the defense of the country? Maybe you think we'll go back to the barter system? Give me a break. You want to know why people don't wake up to your way of thinking??? Because nobody's asleep. It's just you and doom cryers like you with overactive imaginations thinking that there is a conspiracy around every corner.

Sure, the great martyrs come from people who make a stand. Well, guess what....they're dead and I'm not. I like my life. I have a good job, wife, kids, big house, nice motorcycle, and plenty of free time to enjoy it all. I sit in my hammock, looking up at the stars and drinking a beer in complete contented bliss. Why? Because I don't waste my time worrying about what everyone else is doing or conspiring. There will always be bad guys, but they will always be sorely out-numbered by the good guys.

So like I said before, until you can show me how my life could be so much better by dreading the future and jumping at every mention of the boogey man, I'll keep living, laughing, and loving.....oh yeah, and drinking my beer.

I'm sorry but... do you know me?

For you to try and accurately describe what I do and how I live is pathetic because you have no idea how "active" my imagination is. I am not a "doom cryer". I do not see conspiracy around every corner. I see enslavement and I talk about it. I don't care if people think the way I do. Obviously, you are a hypocrite because you are the one who comes onto the thread telling people to relax and drink a beer, because we can't do anything about it. Seems to me that YOU are the one who wants people to think like you.

We don't have to dread the future, but because of people like you, the future will always look bleak. If we CHANGE and stop being satisfied with living in a cage, the future will look much more AWESOME. I live, laugh, love and drink beer. I enjoy the present. But I also look further than what's going on right now. If that is all you look at, others who do look to the future will continue to manipulate by giving you PRESENTS.

I can relax, but I can also move when the need arises. The need has arisen. You don't have to worry about "what everybody else is doing or conspiring". Just know that YOU can help change things but you can't do it if you're content with being a slave. Yes, I do think revolution will help IN THE LONG RUN. You might not be able to see the long run because you're to content with the PRESENT. I saw the past, looking at the enslavement of my ancestors and the prejudice brought against them, and saw that consistent revolution INDEED helped them out of it. Maybe you can't see the need for revolution because you don't have a historical background where revolution was needed. Maybe your ancestry has always been on top. I don't know, but to say that it won't help is ignorant. I deny ignorance.

You fear death because you don't know if it will be as "great" as this enslaved life you live. Martyrs, on the other hand, knew that what lies beyond is greater. If you don't have faith in anything beyond life, those who know what lies beyond will either control you or help free you. Martyrs help free people, and anybody can do it. Your limited view of "they're dead and I'm not" just shows me more of the attitude of average people which perpetuate the enslavement.

How can you say bad guys will be out numbered by good guys? You are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem, thus you are one of the "bad guys" (I use that term very loosely). You cannot say that with conviction considering your stance on martyrdom.

Overall, your post indicates that this problem will not go away because we don't want it to. Which is pretty much what the "doom cryer" OP was saying.

PS- As far as what is there to change? How about start with changing the lazy, "Someone else will change it for me," attitude. Also, there are many things that can be changed if we stop feeding our enslavement with commitment based on our insecurities. Hopefully, you understood what I just said and if you didn't, then I guess you can't change...
edit on 4-11-2010 by prepared4truth because: PS

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