They can't be anywhere other than the NTS because that's how they got their grid number name in the first place, it was from old DoE grid maps from
the fifties.
How about dressing up in one of them pantomime cow costumes and just wandering in during the day....stop occasionally for a nibble at some grass and a
Schitt...the guy in the rear should have a pre-made bag of dung that he could pour out it's ass when's a crazy idea i know, but it
just might work....Mooo
You could always follow one of the cars that come off the base and somehow jimme your way into the trunk at night. Then they would just take you right
to the base in the morning. Assuming of course, they were going there again.
Once you got there, just act like you belong. Don't sneak around and such. One of those Quantum Stealth suits would do wonders, lol.
They even have a "jump start program" that you can do, where you go to some college in southern Nevada and after 6 courses you can get hired to work
for them.
No sneaking in necessary.
edit on 27-11-2013 by JohnnySasaki because: (no reason given)