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Again - Whole country had a seismic event.

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:07 PM
'GammaRayBurst' made a thread about a seismic event that took place.

So the moderators in their infinite wisdom closed it, because they said it was explained in this other thread.

Now the Event took place AGAIN today....

and the original thread is close. Well let's get this discussion going again folks because I dont like the other thread explanation/theory and why they think it's a closed case.
Here is what I think is goin on.

edit on 4-11-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Once again, you are making the mistake of ONLY looking at seismos in the U.S. This only give you a FRACTION of the world.

You need to look HERE to see what is happening around the WORLD. You can cearly see now that this originated in either the cook islands or new zealand.

Look at the world list HERE and you can now match up the location and time of the quake.

It is not magic or a conspiracy. It was one quake in another part of the world.

Pretty interesting stuff really. Amazing how the waves travel across the world. The waves recorded can not be up on it at the linked USGS site for more info!!

Edit in response to the OP edit: GREAT article link, and I do not disagree with it. I think it is a topic well worth discussing and I would actually love to get in on it, I just think we are going down the wrong path (getting astray) by trying to make something out of the quakes on the seismos. While I feel THEY can be explained, there are many things that can not and DO need to be explored!!!
edit on 4-11-2010 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by westcoast

I respect your opinion AND, I read your thread.
I opened what 'GammaRayBurst' made so that people who were discussing the subject(weren't satisfied) can come up with theories/ideas that could explain what's happening.

Because honestly I don't buy yours or the people explanation of this event in your thread.
In you guys mind it's case close and I dont think it is. Thanks for stopping by and have a good day sir.

Anyway, back to discussing this.
Here was a youtube video 'soulplayorb' posted on Nov 2nd. It goes along with 'GammaRayBurst' thread but it was closed so I couldn't post it there.!
edit on 4-11-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:58 PM
I am happy this thread is open. I am not going to ask, I am going to tell, that we should be allowed to peaceably discuss these types of events, and people from everywhere give their input (not argument). Input especially in regards to valcano activity as well, which would really be cool to know after many people working together get to at least kind of figure out any connection between the deep quakes, and sinkholes, volcanoes, testing, etc.
There should not be anything wrong with that.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:59 PM
The link that was provided was quite interesting. Since quakes cannot be predicted, maybe it could be possible to predict a future eruption.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by magestyk7

Thanks, I respect everyone else's opinions too and often changed my own based on what other people bring to the table.

I really do think that the topic of global activity is a legitimate one, I just hate to see it get derailed by concentrating on an event that is NOT abnormal. Did you open the link for the golabl seismic servers and look at what caused the US seismos to react?

This is my point: the quakes being heralded as a countrywide event for the U.S. are NOT. There are so many other real events that are NOT explained to concentrate on that this just takes away from your whole discussion. It will keep some very knowledgable people off the thread and that is unfortunate.

Anyways, I am done. I hope at least that some of the links I have provided throughout all of this will maybe spark some peoples interest to learn more about this incredible world we live in!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by triplereiki

I think there is a connection with these quakes and the volcanos. Right I'm trying to figure out what is making both happen. To me quakes are signaling volcanoes and the earth core's activity. Where is the problem coming from that's making the Earth core kick out lava is what I'm trying to figure out.

I'm keeping an eye out on many of the primary volcanoes that havent errupted yet. We all know many are due anytime soon and seems these seismic events is warning us.
Iceland and specially indonesia got me really interested. Monotering equipment is going crazy over there.
The volcanoes are getting worse too...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:46 PM
don't even close a thread on this subject these days...
we have to resolve our ideas on what we're seeing on the suns surface, still, too

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:19 PM

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:29 PM
probably wind.

educate yourself.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:45 PM
so we take it that you dont buy the distant quake theary .

how about i provide you with some undeniable proof of this ........

ok think on this , you toss a small stone in a large pond or lake and you get a ripple effect , with a deep quake even a 4.5 on the other side of the world the all of the seismos will pick this up , its called the ripple effect of quakes , or on a more scientific note you got p waves and s waves .

Epicentral distance During an earthquake seismic waves propagate spherically out from the hypocenter. Seismic shadowing occurs on the opposite side of the Earth from the earthquake epicenter because the liquid outer core refracts the longitudinal or compressional (P-waves) while it absorbs the transverse or shear waves (S-waves). Outside of the seismic shadow zone both types of wave can be detected but, due to their different paths through the Earth, they arrive at different times. By measuring the time difference on any seismograph as well as the distance on a travel-time graph at which the P-wave and S-wave have the same separation, geologists can calculate the distance to the earthquake's epicenter. This distance is called the epicentral distance, commonly measured in ° (degrees) and denoted as Δ (delta) in seismology. Once epicentral distances have been calculated from at least three seismographic measuring stations, it is a simple matter to find out where the epicenter was located using trilateration.

Shallow-focus and deep-focus earthquakes The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at the ring of fire in depths not exceeding tens of kilometers. Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 km are classified as 'shallow-focus' earthquakes, while those with a focal-depth between 70 and 300 km are commonly termed 'mid-focus' or 'intermediate-depth' earthquakes. In subduction zones, where older and colder oceanic crust descends beneath another tectonic plate, deep-focus earthquakes may occur at much greater depths (ranging from 300 up to 700 kilometers).[5] These seismically active areas of subduction are known as Wadati-Benioff zones. Deep-focus earthquakes occur at a depth at which the subducted lithosphere should no longer be brittle, due to the high temperature and pressure. A possible mechanism for the generation of deep-focus earthquakes is faulting caused by olivine undergoing a phase transition into a spinel structure.[6]

find it here
and here

now please for your information when it came to earth science in high school i was a straight A student .

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:51 PM

You could be up to something here.

Hope that vulcano in Iceland won't start...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:53 PM
The article you are posting is stating that volcanic activity is linked to magnetic reversal.

Is Iceland or Indonesia experiencing a magnetic reversal? So far I personally only know of the South Atlantic Anomaly, but am always willing to learn of more locations. I'm ready... educate me!
edit on 4-11-2010 by sheeplemama_awakening because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:23 PM
This might just be me but if you look at the graphs from location I.E. Washington, Nevada, Wyoming, etc does it look like the "waves" go West to East? I mean it starts in Washington and ends in Georgia.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by westcoast

what links?if you dont ming my asking.....
D you object to the op or the post subject?
I see that the tremor is shown to be even more world wide than posted...thats all the more reason to examin the situation on a world wide basis, and just reinforces the ops premis which is that the activity hasnt yet diminished.....
There aree a lot of volcanos on alert right now and many have had small quake swarms etc...
The normalcy or abnormalcy of the earth quaake/vulcanism mechanisms here on earth are a subject worthy of discussion....

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Hmmm, there's a couple here who are lost.
Here you go this is where the Educated/Straight-A people are discussing(solved) the problem are.
'westcoast' was a true gentleman, he came here gave in his imput and then he moved on.
I suggest for those of you who feel this is Too wacky/non educated please move on.

On the top of this thread I made myself clear that I feel there's more to this than what was said.
There are people here who feel the same way.
I also hinted that I wanted to discuss/share information with like minded people who are interested in discussing ideas and theories. Not doing personal attacks or being arrogant.
So please if you dont like what you are hearing then please go to another thread, or better yet start your own.

For the rest of the folks here...sorry about this reply. I guess I needed to make myself clear, Again.
I'm going back to research and if I find something I'll post/share it in here.

edit on 4-11-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:54 AM


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:22 AM
Check the times on each seismograph. If it was a 'country wide' seismic event, the times would all be the same..
If the times, (which is usually the case) are offset farther and farther off from the epicenter, then its just the waves reaching the distant stations.

Just for kicks, say it was a country wide, which would be odd, because it would possibly be North American plate wide.. (like the entire North American plate all moving a few inches).. I don't even know if that can happen--entire plates moving like that in seconds.. Don't want to!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Reply to post by magestyk7

I don't see how one quake on the other side of the world can shoot tremors onto our seismics. I may not be a rocket scientist, but I'm keepin an eye on this, and after someone mentioned their phone compass is jumpy I bought a real one. And it too, is jumpy. By friend bought one also, as we are both into this, and his was doing the same thing. So these are really deep earthquakes to be causing this. Or. (It may not be anything at all) I see treads that have no cause at all stay open, hopefully this one won't be moved.

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I did a bit of searching/reading and found some interesting talk going around.
It's said that this 'World Tremor' took place 3 times in 24hrs (3rd - 4th Nov)
The seismograms I posted was the 3rd one it seems, and I have the problem of not yet being able to find copies/history of mine and the previous ones.
Anybody aware of a website where they might have them available?

Anyway, seemed these events were associated as possibly the 'Earth Wobbling' this was interesting because It never occurred to me. In addition it's also foreign and I need to read more into/about it to understand it better.
edit on 5-11-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

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