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UFO's.. Time travelers!? A quick, concise explanation.

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:12 AM
This is an attempt to put forward a theory to explain much of the unusual phenomena surrounding UFO's.

According to Einstein’s theory of special and general relativity, space and time are interlocked in a space-time fabric that can be distorted by forces such as gravity and also that time passes more slowly for the occupants of a vehicle compared to the outside world as they approach the speed of light. Source

It then stands to reason that the same technology that allows these crafts to cover great distances by warping the space-time around their craft can also be used to slow the progression of time within the space envelope of a craft, even when the craft appears to be stationary and occupying the same space. Kind of like reving the engine of a car while the gear is in “park”.

Such manipulation of the progression of time can explain why people that have been in close proximity to these crafts report that the experience seemed to last a few minutes but when away from the craft they realize hours have gone by in our time; time they cannot account for.

Imagine that as an hour passes for those of us outside the craft, two minutes has passed for the occupants of the craft. At that rate from their perspective the Roswell crash happened two years ago and Jesus walked the earth 67 years ago, half a life time ago. This makes observing our progress alot more interesting.

This does not mean that they have been missing any details. As we know, all species on earth perceive the passage of time differently. Source

This is due to the rate at which the brain processes information. Birds perceive time slower than we do and tortoises perceive time faster than we do. During a traumatic violent event, people report that it felt like time stopped or slowed. That’s because in times of danger, the brain kicks up it's processing speed and records more detail per second. This gives us the feeling that time has slowed.

For an advanced alien specie that can process information faster than we can, no detail will be missed while observing our sped up world. The occupants also get the benefit of a sort of immortality too. This also explains why the same craft are seen making repeated visits decade after decade, century after century.

This may also explain why there has not been and might never be normalized relations. From their perspective, the average human life time would be about two years. A conversation with us would be like you trying to chat with someone that speaks at four words a minute. At that speed you could accurately predict what the person was going to say even before they finished their thought.

I invite a spirited debate on this topic, please try to back your points with established scientific facts. Thank you!
edit on 4-11-2010 by Neutradol because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:05 AM
I had at least one of my contact experiences that fits in your explanation, but not all of them. Good thread brother.

Anyway, your theory is hard to proof, since evidence and technology to demostrate that is not in our hands...thank the Lord.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Neutradol

Wow, this is an amazing theory/thread! It makes some sence...
Star and flag

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Neutradol

This also explains why the same craft are seen making repeated visits decade after decade, century after century.

The 'UFO's' in artworks throughout the centuries are not UFO's at all, they are religious symbols...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Nice thread!

I've pondered on the subject as well and there is nothing that could rule out the possibility some of the so called ETs are simply Ts but from the future. And there is some logic to this - the reason why they don't appear in the open and make contact would be the serious alteration of the future that might appear as a result. Here's another amazing thought - the people from the future come back in specific times to give specific knowledge to people, because if not, the future from where they come simply won't exist. So they need to do this in order for their future to continue existing the way it is (sounds like a perfect script for a movie). Also it could explain the need for the so-called "greys" to experiment on humans (probably looking for the solution of some kind of a genetic problem that occured in the future... although if they had the ability to time travel, I don't think genetics or anything of that sort would be a problem to them)

It's all sci-fi, but if you look closely, it does make sense from certain points of view, and also I think that once we get our hands on Time Travelling (whenever that is) from that moment on, there will be a lot more complications and things we will NEED to do, in order to maintain the balance that was already present before we started messing with spacetime (or speed faster than light, that is, if there's such a thing).

All in all, my opinion is that most UFOs we see nowadays are human made in present times. However, there are the UFOs that are extraterrestrial and such that COULD be time travellers. All of this is possible, but can only be speculated about. Don't expect to find out any more answers or any kind of proof on the time travellers theory - and if you do find them, expect a Universal collapse of timespace or something like that lol...

Anyway, nice thread, good to see that there are people with out of the box thinking S+F

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 10:34 AM
great breakdown and time travel in theory sounds great, its the addition of organic material and our brain (memories) is the part that kills it for me, also what happens at the border of the two different time bubbles if you could call them that (regular time & ship time)

also its been said that time travel can only go forward not back, who knows, but if it is backwards, as soon as you start going back in time you are now in two places at once ....this is the part that my head starts to hurt

What I find equally as interesting though is that we can slow down time in times of trauma or stress, if we can do this what else is possible, and how good can we get at it???

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
The 'UFO's' in artworks throughout the centuries are not UFO's at all, they are religious symbols...

Yeah religious symbols of flying chariots and other goodies like Ezekiel's wheels

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Neutradol
This may also explain why there has not been and might never be normalized relations. From their perspective, the average human life time would be about two years. A conversation with us would be like you trying to chat with someone that speaks at four words a minute

The 'time warp' idea also might explain why sightings like the Belgian triangle exist. They are not really showing us the craft, but perhaps merely a momentary pause before the next jump

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Yeah religious symbols of flying chariots and other goodies like Ezekiel's wheels

Maybe in the future it will replace the cross...


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:47 PM
I have a time travel theory also I'd like to share.

My theory is hard to explain so I'll make up some figures to make it easy to see what I'm getting at. Let's say that all life started at the same time. And lets just say that it takes 1000 years for that life to develope faster than light travel (I know I know hold on a sec) Now imagine another planet with life many light years away. When that planet has their first light speed ship off the assembly line they "warp" to our planet. Now, it normally takes light from this planet's star 1000's of years to travel to ours, and this ship does it in a blink of an eye. So they appear at our planet but in our distant past. When we finally get our own ship to "blink" over to their planet we'll also be in their distant past. So while they're messing with our ansesters and playing gods to us, we're going to be doing the same to them. Except who ever does it first could probably manipulate the other into never discovering how to make this spaceship.....unless they crash one and we reverse engineer......

Now I know this theory is probably full of holes (worm holes) but when i came up with it I thought it was pretty cool to think about. I like all of this type of theoretical discussion. good fun!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:30 PM
There are 3 types of UFOs

- Alien
- government back engineered
- time travelers

The time travelers are the beings that look VERY human but not quite human. They are human beings but they are more evolved due to aliens manipulating our DNA like they have been doing since we were apes (evolution) They come from the distant future and their UFO/time travel technology comes from aliens. The Roswell "aliens" are actually evolved humans from the future. They were not the typical big headed big black eye aliens. They were smaller than humans today and had no body hair. Have you noticed that the more we evolve, the less hair we have on our bodies? The aliens will make humans look more like them with child sized bodies. The Roswell "time travelers" did have larger eyes than modern day humans but they weren't as big as the greys and they weren't black. They were basically much larger human eyes. Today's government back-engineered craft are the more primitive UFOs of what will eventually lead to what our future time travelers are flying around in. There is a theory that God didnt inspire the bible but time travelers did. According to the theory thats how the Bible and other ancient text can tell the future. There is a code in the Bible that describes future events in detail thorough a letter skip sequence code in the original 5 books of the bible (hebrew version) "God" gave the first 5 books to Moses. The "Bible Code" is detailed and specific. 911 and the Oklahoma City bombings are mentioned including many other events. One code even mentions "Time Machine" the code says "it will come at any time" "it will come in every time". There is a lot more the government is covering up than just alien visitation. The truth goes MUCH deeper than that. The government is not scared of us knowing UFO and extraterrestrial life are real. They are scared of us knowing who these entities are and why they are here. The truth is we are a grand DNA experiment that is hybrid ape/extraterrestrial.
edit on 4-11-2010 by Greensboro1978 because: changes

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Kudos Neutradol, you just won a new Flag of mine!!!

That's the best theory I ever came close to in the past years on UFOs, and that exactly explains a lot on why our governments (especially the military) as well the scientific community prefer not talking about the phenomenon, or just wanna avoid taking it serious in public. A lot more than the classic, predictable, explanation that they wanna avoid some sort of mass mayhem.

How does it? They wanna keep us from the "future". Perhaps authorities even collaborate closely with the time-travellers so that things stay mostly unaffected by their presence. Plus, their control of information towards UFOs is ANALOG to the control of technology, in the way that it allows them to keep us with the outdated tech (like rockets) that is more easily controllable, and very profitable for the wealthy elite, who make big bucks with non-renewable energy sources, slow and cost-unefficient air travel ande so on. Perhaps this whole system is set up from the future, which would explain why it is so pervasive, persistent, and especially why actual political leaders are so reckless into pushing forth their agenda!

UFOs have never had anything to do with aliens, as the universe is way too big to sustain easy back-and-forth travelling, even with techbnologies beyond our reach. interstellar travelling shoudl be like a one-way jump into a different dimension, since the information we have from even the closest star systems is outdated for tens of lightyears, and even if you can get to a distant place in the galaxy, you simply can't go back here within a reasonable time frame. Very unlikely, unless... yes, you can bend the fields of time and space, that is, time-travelling! Or warp travelling. But that's not the kind of thing the Nasa wants us to use, don't they? So they keep it for a closed circle of informed people, and keep telling us how rocket science is cool and how the laserdisc never existed, 20 years before the DVD! Just like the Church kept us in the idea that the Earth was flat, when America was already discovered by the Norse (at least, if not others long before that).

That also explains why "they" (these post-humans, trans-humans, or simply *older* humans) seemingly keep thenselves from making contact with our civilization, at least open, public contact of the Hollywood kind... because THEY DON'T WANNA ALTER HISTORY! Or they at least want to keep us where we are at, more or less.

This is the single best post on UFOs that one will ever read on ATS!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 05:29 PM

It then stands to reason that the same technology that allows these crafts to cover great distances by warping the space-time around their craft can also be used to slow the progression of time within the space envelope of a craft, even when the craft appears to be stationary and occupying the same space.

No it does not "stand to reason." That is an appeal to authority. You have not demonstrated that at all.

Einstein's theories say that as a ship approaches light speed, time in the ship is relative to external time in the universe. That is all it says. It doesn't say anything about slowing down time, or warping, let alone creating "abduction zones" where time stands still at the same time the ship is standing still, according to some abduction apocrypha. In fact it says the direct opposite: if abduction UFOs want to use relativity to slow down time for abductees they must be travelling at near light speed. Ergo, they cannot be hovering over some farmhouse.

You simply cannot wave your hands and throw a few words around and counter the basic physical laws of the universe.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Nicorette
You simply cannot wave your hands and throw a few words around and counter the basic physical laws of the universe.

Sure you can... These guys all knew it..

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C Clarke

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

Quantum Physics is now beginning to show us that thought effects matter. This is barely being touched upon but the Ancients knew it. Some were called Saints for making miracles happen, others were burned as witches

"For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. " - Jesus of Nazareth

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”

“I can’t believe it.” - Luje

“That is why you fail.” - Yoda

So yeah we can just wave our hand and make those 'laws' go away... because we don't have the right laws yet

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:11 PM
Most folks who go with the time/dimension travel notion of aliens completely agree that Einstein was right, and that in a Newtonian/Einsteinian universe, moving through ordinary spacetime at speeds greater than light is essentially impossible.

That's why the notion keeps popping up that the aliens/time travelers are using a different paradigm to visit our world that doesn't really fit in with our view of the universe. The way they do this is to use technology in a way to "reshape" reality around them by somehow amplifying their "point of view." You get in your spaceship, which is actually a kind of living extension of yourself and your consciousness, then you focus on a time and place, and "become" there. You manifest yourself where and when you want to exist, with the help of your ship.

That doesn't have anything to do directly with mass and acceleration and fuel and all that stuff. It has to do with you becoming part of the equation, rather than being a non-existent external observer. It's a different kind of non-Euclidean geometry, where you're not talking about, say, a "point" that somehow exists in an empty space and other things derive from that. It's more like there's a point, but YOU have to be there to see and understand it for it to exist. Then the rest of the geometry is derived from that, with you always in the picture.

How does it happen? How does it work? Only the alien time travelers from the future know, apparently. And maybe we just don't have the ability to understand it, being stuck in our regular, standard, electromagnetic universe.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
How does it happen? How does it work? Only the alien time travelers from the future know, apparently. And maybe we just don't have the ability to understand it, being stuck in our regular, standard, electromagnetic universe.

There was an episode on Star Trek TNG that had the ship in a weird region of space... where any thought you had became instantly real. I think we understand the principle, but have lost the ability as we advanced into the new tech that takes thinking away from us as some machine does it for us

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Neutradol

You have touched upon the absolute crux of the matter for 'UFO' and 'USO' phenomena.

They MUST be using time distortion 'propulsion' units. the math and the high energy / quantum

physics have been worked out since Tipler's cylinders of the 60's, and included work by Hawking

and Wheeler / everett/ and Graham. The only thing preventing us from beginning to work on the

physical machinery of time travel is the enormous energy source required - which very likely

will be revealed soon enough at CERN , the LHC, when they expect to produce microsingularities.

Even John titor got this right: it takes 2 black holes in the right spin and orientation to interact to form

a wormhole. Also, it would help if we understood gravity better - its not well integrated - and our best

hope here is a combination of string theory and AG Lisi's big TOE (theory of everything) based on

the E8 Lies geometry....

If you extrapolate then the probability of time traveling tourists - which Hawking famously denies -

then you can create the ultimate conspiracy: Christ was a time traveler, and the word of god

(ie., Torah, Drosnin bible code like) was a matrix code to unravel to predict likely future events based

on the best possible informtation - from the FUTURE!

Even knowing a bit of chaos theory here helps, since Lorentz popularized it in 1964 with his meteorology

computer models; why? well, just like you can predict general trends in the weather, most accurately

as you approach the actual event, the same applies to information from future worldlines.

Its an approximation.

There fore the UFO's in our skies will persist, and may soon try to warn us - again.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Neutradol

It then stands to reason that the same technology that allows these crafts to cover great distances by warping the space-time around their craft can also be used to slow the progression of time within the space envelope of a craft, even when the craft appears to be stationary and occupying the same space.

I tend to agree with an earlier poster's statement that this does not 'stand to reason.'

Originally posted by Neutradol

Imagine that as an hour passes for those of us outside the craft, two minutes has passed for the occupants of the craft. At that rate from their perspective the Roswell crash happened two years ago and Jesus walked the earth 67 years ago, half a life time ago. This makes observing our progress alot more interesting.

This does not mean that they have been missing any details. As we know, all species on earth perceive the passage of time differently.

For an advanced alien specie that can process information faster than we can, no detail will be missed while observing our sped up world. The occupants also get the benefit of a sort of immortality too. This also explains why the same craft are seen making repeated visits decade after decade, century after century.

I also have a bit of trouble with these statements. It seems, on the one hand, you're stating that the occupants of the craft have somehow derived a method of twisting space-time relationship of theory into something which may be achieved in the absence of motion, effectively allowing a 'slow time' field within a stationary craft, allowing for a 'fast forward' action of events outside the craft. On the other, you suggest that different species (apparently the occupants of the craft) may perceive time differently; i.e., at a different rate, again resulting in a 'fast forward' view of Human History, thus explaining how they may 'absorb' everything (something not addressed in the earlier version).

I greatly enjoy the Time Travel threads relating to UFOs, whether they suggest aliens are us from the future, alternate timeline creation, aliens are us from the past, etc. A couple years ago you saw them every few months, more recently every few weeks, and I do think this is the second this week. No complaint there - as I said, I enjoy them.

Unfortunately (and without meaning to offend - just a personal matter of opinion and taste, I suppose), I find this one to be of the least likely or well-thought out nature of the current crop. And, still, I find it interesting.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 01:16 AM
That would explain why the Grays have humanoid characteristics. Also, Project Camelot's big picture supports the notion that many of these "alien" races are in fact future time travellers:

I am also interested in how the human brain is able to kick up or essentially overclock its processing speed during times of danger. Perhaps one day we will learn how to do this at will?

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Sure you can... These guys all knew it..
Quantum Physics is now beginning to show us that thought effects matter. This is barely being touched upon but the Ancients knew it. Some were called Saints for making miracles happen, others were burned as witches
So yeah we can just wave our hand and make those 'laws' go away... because we don't have the right laws yet

I am not going to address your misuse of the quotes, the ones I snipped out but anyone can read by scrolling up. You deliberately took other people's words out of context and implied that they somehow support your position. That is a disingenuous, dishonest form of argumentation.

What I will address is your remarks about quantum physics. Do you know what quantum physics is? It is the study of the subatomic. Quantum effects only apply on an minuscule scale. This thread is about time traveling spaceships, large objects that per force obey Newton and Einstein's laws of physics, despite your egregious quote bending to the contrary.

In other words, you have said nothing, countered nothing. You haven't even offered a shred of argument to debate. Just more believerology.

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